#sometimes i'm like haha this really is 50% timkon 50% tim and kon and their various found families isn't it
vinelark · 10 months
Re: your reblog on friends, that’s one of the things I really love about BBTS. I absolutely adore your Tim and especially Kon (pretty sure I’ve raved about him in your comments XD ) but one of the best things about both of them is how strong their relationships are with the other people in their life and how present those people are in the fic. Platonic relationships can be just as important and meaningful as romantic ones, and these boys have so much love in their lives. <333
aw, thank you!! and yeah when it comes to batfam/dc, i find myself just as compelled by all the friendships/found family dynamics. like obviously i'm in timkon hell over here but part of that is being so invested in both of them and their other relationships of all sorts and how that intersects with their dynamic together.
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