#something like only ~%10 of the -sraeli jewish population is of mixed ashkenazi/mizrahi heritage so i am definitely in the minority
leroibobo ยท 6 months
sorry about all that. tbh i'm an -sraeli jew[ish-american] and i genuinely like going out of my way to argue with z-onists because i feel like i can understand how they think. part of the reason i started this blog was also because i wanted to make a database/"memorial" for all of these things i found out about palestine for myself to refer back to (and also bc i genuinely love looking stuff up about buildings and religious sites), so "inserting politics into my posts" is also probably a given in that sense, though i'm aware the issue those two people had was more with that they didn't "agree" with me than about my apparent lack of integrity. i run this blog for me, not to indoctrinate anyone into my belief system like i'm jim jones. i don't have enough "clout" to do that either even if i wanted to.
well, back to regular posts ig.
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