#someone'll be like 'elanor' and I'll be like cool lemme lie down for 2-5 business days
cornerful · 2 years
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flora of Arda: Fireweed
Tall and jewel-like fireweed can often be seen following after its namesake. Where forests have burned or the earth is scorched and ruined, it is one of the first sights of life returning.
In Summer months, frothy spikes of brilliant pink flowers reach toward the sun. As days grow cooler, they fade.
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By the time Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin cross out of the Shire in early Autumn, the blooming season is nearly over.
In the Old Forest on the Eastern border of Buckland lies a clearing where long ago hobbits cut down many trees and built a great fire and burned the earth. They named this place the Bonfire Glade. Afterward, to venture into the forest was to risk its creeping anger, and its cunning.
During an uneasy trek through the dark wood, the four travelers find a respite in the glade. Though wounded, the forest is, at least in one small way, healing. The earth is treeless but no longer bare. The fireweed has come, and its seeds fall like ash and wait for Spring.
"No tree grew there, only rough grass and many tall plants: stalky and faded hemlocks and wood-parsley, fireweed seeding into fluffy ashes, and rampant nettles and thistles. A dreary place: but it seemed a charming and cheerful garden..." -JRR Tolkien, FoTR
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Fireweed in Tolkien's time:
"This tendency [to grow on scorched earth] also gave rise to the name Bombweed in the UK. London has indelible memories of the drifts of this flower in the bomb sites of the second world war. As a pioneer plant it was one of the first to colonise the scarred earth, and its vivid spires were synonymous with London's revival. "
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