#someday I will figure out sideblogs and stop putting things on the wrong one
darthravage · 4 years
The Greta debate - a mirror of society
Well, I already posted this text on a sideblog but since this topic is important for me I wanted to spread it as far as possibile and for some reasons I can’t reblog it with this blog but it has more followers so I write it here again. (I know it hasn’t to do with Star Wars at all, sorry for that)
Greta Thunberg stands for one thing. The fight of the youth against climatic change. I don’t want to argue about that topic in here but there is one thing in the debate that disturbes me.
When ever it comes to the topic the most of the critic voices aren’t against the existence of climatic change or the methodes how she wants to stop it but against the person herself. Why? She is a representetive of something and only wants people to listen to scientists what isn’t a wrong claim at all and even if you think so why arguing against a person and not search for prooves for your position. Of course that would contain work but if it really was out of interest for that topic it wouldn’t be that disturbing for you. What also disturbs me is how the sentence “how dare you” is used. Ok maybe some people are wrong informed about it’s acutal meaning but to quote it fully (what I will do in the next sentence) I needed a reaserch from about one minute and I have slow internet so please inform yourself bevore you offend somebody or try to make jokes on his costs. The full quote is “I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all people come to us young people for hope? You have stolen my dreams, my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering people are dying.” - Greta Thunberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMrtLsQbaok (the video contains the full speech). Especially the sentence with “… your empty words” shows that it is not against “normal” people as it is interpreted often but against the rich and politicians who long have promised to do something against climatic change but never really did. But that leads to another point which I see very critical. If people don’t say something against Greta directly they say something against todays youth who don’t shows any respect anymore. That actually is an old topic since even Sokrates saied that but they argue that the climatic change wasn’t theyr foult and it helped us to grow rich and we should be grateful for that. According to the first part of the sentence I can say that the climatic change cursed by humans is a scientific debate since 1960 so all were aware of it. But nobody saied that they knew which effects it will have or that they had bad aims so please stop making it look like this. To the second half of the sentence I can say that it may be true but money isn’t all and those of you who speak german might listen to the song “Wachstum über alles” by Saltatio Mortis. That says all what is to say about that topic (unfortunately not anybodys kind of musik). To put it in a nutshell growing rich isn’t all and only growing might become bad someday. Another thing which is often done is that my generation (I’m 20) is blamed for the climatic change since we order things in the internet buy cheep clothes go to vacations. For that I only can repeat myself that it’s known since 1960 that humans have to do with climatic change so it can’t be only the foult of my generation. And I don’t know where some numbers are taken from like “any youth is flying in hollidays ever they have vacation”. I don’t know where the numbers are coming from but the most people I know couldn’t even afford this.
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(source https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/171112/umfrage/flugreisen-in-den-letzten-12-monaten/)
This is a statistic from germany which showes that most of the people don’t even fly and because of that don’t fly in hollydays either. I have another statistic which proves that the most people who take a fly are between 30 and 49 years old afterwards those of 50 - 69 years than are the people under 29 and lowest number is by those over 70.
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(source https://www.br.de/nachrichten/deutschland-welt/faktenfuchs-nicht-nur-die-zahl-junger-fluggaeste-steigt,RTws9nB)
The sad thing is that i found the statistics even faster than I found Greta’s speech that shows that we are insulted by people who don’t even try to inform themselfes for things which are basically wrong.
I don’t understand all of this anyway. People try to warn us about criseses which might come, we all see what happenes in Australia and scientists say exact figures. But instead of trying to stop those obvious danger together we insult people laugh about them who try to warn us and fight against each other because “Greta hurt my feelings and don’t blame me for that”. Finally you can say that nobody is perfect and we all cause parts of the climatic changes with our habits and our consuption but if anybody tries to do a little we have a chance to stop this without giving up anything.
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