#some time ago someone asked me for a jj/alex drabble
fcb-totheend · 7 years
otp questions
1. Who can’t stop smiling when the other person brings them flowers?
Julie insists on making a single trip with all the grocery bags. To be honest Alex does it too, she just doesn't look that good doing it. The main difference is probably the flowers Julie is clutching between her teeth.
Gently Alex takes them from her. Pink roses, her favorites.
"These are beautiful." Alex gives her a kiss on the cheek. "What's the occasion?"
Alex furrows her brow. She's great with important dates and today doesn't ring a bell. It's not their anniversary and she knows all of them: first date, first time they slept together, when they made it official, even when they moved in together. It's not her birthday either. Also not Blue's birthday (it's not actually his birthday obviously it's the date they adopted him. Tobin made fun of her for celebrating her dog's birthday but then Christen found out and decided to do the same. Now Tobin can't make fun of her anymore.
Julie smiles at Alex's confusion. "No occasion, I was just thinking about you." 
2. Who likes to sit on the kitchen counter while the other cooks?
There are things Alex is great at. Like soccer of course. But there's one thing she has never mastered and that's cooking. Finding out places that deliver actual healthy food is one of her specialties. But now she doesn't need them anymore. 
"Does this need more salt?" A spoon is offered to her.
Alex obliges and leans in for a taste.
"It's great."
Julie scoffs. "You always say that." 
Alex shrugs. It really did taste good to her. 
Alex quickly grabs Julie's shirt before she steps away. Julie obliges to the unsaid request and kisses Alex. She only meant it to be a quick peck but Alex deepens int
"Enough of that. We are not burning our dinner tonight."
Alex just smirks. There's still time.
3. Who takes pictures of the sky to show to their partner?
They didn't pick the best time to get together. Julie was dedicated to Chicago while Alex split her time between Orlando and Lyon. 
It was hard. Really hard. 
Taking pictures of their day was a way to say I miss you and I wish you were here.
4. Who likes to sleep on the other’s chest just to hear their heart beat? 
A lazy day is a gift they don't always get so they try to make the best out of them. Alex makes breakfast. Meaning fresh fruit, toast with peanut butter and coffee.
Julie is in charge of finding them something to watch on Netflix. Not that it matters much to Alex, soon she will lay over Julie, check social media for a while until she’ll fall asleep, listening to Julie's heartbeat and enjoying the way the defender draws circle on her lower back.
5. Who likes to splash in the puddles?
"Remember when we were the kids?"
Alex and Alyssa turn around to see what Kelley is talking about.
"Kelley you're still one of the kids." Alyssa deadpans.
"Aw thanks Lyss."
Alex doesn't pay attention to them. The image in front of her is much more interesting.
Julie and the rest of the "kids" are running around in the rain. They're not even trying to play soccer anymore, to them the field is just a giant slip and slide. Julie actually takes out Sammy when she can't stop in time. She doubles over from laughing and Alex smiles. 
"Everyone go back to the buses! The rain is not going to let up." The trainers start to herd everyone to go back to the hotel. 
Julie jogs over to Alex. "Do you want a hug?" 
There's mud and grass all over her and Alex takes a precautionary step back. "Don't even think about it."
6. Who sneaks kisses while at a formal dinner party?
Neither really. They don't like PDA
7. Who has cute pajamas they bought just for their partner?
"I'm so full." With a groan Julie laid back on her bed and put her hands on her belly.
"No one forced you to eat that last piece of pie."
Julie groans again. "But it was so good."
Alex chuckles. "Are you going to sleep like that or are you going to change?"
"Oh yeah that reminds me." With another groan Julie gets up and opens her suitcase. "Merry almost Christmas."
Alex quickly unwraps the present and grins. "They're perfect." Blue pajamas with little stars.
"And we match." Julie reaches into her suitcase again and grabs her own pajamas. Proudly she shows them to her girlfriend.
There's nothing more Alex could've asked for Christmas.
8. If they had to go laser tagging with other couples, who would they go with? 
It's not easy to find people willing to compete against Alex. Especially when most of their friends already spend enough time doing just that. Ali and Ashlyn are probably the only ones who would accept playing laser tag with them. 
Julie gets in the spirit and helps Alex destroy the enemy. 40% of that is just because victory sex is awesome.
9. Who would lift the other over their shoulders for a concert? 
It always made Alex happy when the Red Stars travelled to Orlando. Playing against Julie was a challenge that excites her every time. And knowing that Julie is going home with her soothes her ego after a close game that they ended up losing. 
To make things even better one of her sponsors got her tickets for a music festival. The crowd had a chill vibe which allowed them to be incognito and maybe a little more affectionate than they usually were on public. 
Julie was hugging her from behind, swaying them both to the music,
Julie whispers in her ear, "let me know if you want to get up on my shoulders."
It's a tempting offer and she knows Julie is strong enough but, for now, Alex is happy to enjoy the music and Julie behind her.
10. Who can’t stop horribly singing to a love song to make the other person laugh?
Alex sings all the time when she’s driving. Julie loves it, but she can’t help but point out a small detail
"That's not how it goes," Julie laughs.
"Yes it is!" Alex answers outraged.
"It's really not."
"Look it up," Alex demands, taking her eyes off the road.
After she's proven wrong Alex pouts.
Julie kisses her on the cheek. "Your version is better," she consoles her.
Alex laughs.
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xgoldentigerlilyx · 4 years
Here I am, another fan drabble for @themetaphorgirl and her AU Patron Saints of Lost Causes! This is where you can find all of the Information about this wonderful story!
I thought I could stop myself after Hypochondriac and Saved for a Rainy Day, but i had another cute idea and wanted to bring it to life. Thanks to Caitlin for letting me write this, and it may not be as perfect as her fantastic writing but I love it! Enjoy!
(I may have also gotten a bit carried away)
Penelope’s Plan
Word count: 2.3k
Rainy day crafts
“My, Chocolate Thunder! I’ve never been in your room before! Let me guess, you’ve got a few football posters, and at least one sock on your bed right now?” Penelopeasked Derek, her left arm linked through his and her right arm tapping her chin inquisitively with a playful smile.
“Spencer Reid! You’re room!” Penelope exclaimed, dropping Derek’s arm and walking slowly to Spencer’s bookshelf, and looked around the barren walls and shelves of his side of the room. Derek went to stop her from speaking, knowing from the look on Spencer's face that he didn’t want anymore pity, especially one of the girls. Before Derek could stop her from the usual probing questions he got like ‘Where’s all of your things,’ or ‘You can’t even afford a proper blanket?’, she shushed Derek. “We need to decorate in here, stat! Tell me my dear boy genius, your favourite shows, books, colours, pets, everything!”
Once Penelope was satisfied with Spencer's answers, she flipped her new unicorn notebook shut and stuffed it into her small unicorn purse hanging by her side. “Alright kiddo, go back to reading your book. What do you even have enough time to read, anyways?” She asked curiously, the worn cover not providing her much insight.
Spencer picked to book back up, trying to find his previous page. “It’s War and Peace, I finally found it in its original Russian!” He smiled, proud of being able to find it in the library without Alex’s help.When Penelope nodded with a look of shock on her face, he presumed she had no interest if he started to explain it to her. So he turned his full attention back to the books, with the wonder of what she would be doing with this new found knowledge of him.
When Derek was done with his laundry, Penelope waved quickly to a zoned in Spencer and hastily pulled Derek out of the shared room, slamming the door behind her and continued to drag him to the library. Once sat down at a secluded corner, Penelope finally decided to answer Derek’s questions. “We need to make Spencer some crafts to decorate his side of the room. Now, throw me some ideas.” Penelope smiled, with her notebook out once more and her pen at the ready to start a brand new list. Derek raised a brow silently. Penelope groaned. “Come on. His room needs to be more Spencer! It looks like a hotel room on his side. It needs to be more like him if he’s going to be there all year!” She rambled her hands waving through the air as she talked.
“Alright, alright. Well, he likes books so maybe something to do with like, book pages? I don’t know. You should ask everyone else. And don’t give me that glare, baby girl! I’m just saying someone else may be a bit more insightful on how to help. My bet is on Alex.” Penelope’s glare dissolved, as she got the idea to go ask everyone in their little friend group. She stood from her chair, returned her notebook to her bag, and set off on her mission.
She wandered for a bit, looking at all of their normal spots to find their friends. It was, afterall, a Sunday. Her first location, the amphitheater, was where she found Hotch and Emily with large textbooks open on their laps and stationary surrounding them. “Hello, my fine furry friends! I come seeking knowledge from all of my peers and hope you both can contribute!” The pair of juniors shared a nervous glance, before setting their textbooks aside for a moment.
“What’s up Pen?” Emily asked, and Penelope immediately smiled and retrieved her trusty notepad and sparkly pink pen.
She flipped the cover open while she spoke. “I need help finding ways to decorate Spencer's room. Poor thing doesn’t have a poster, decal, or even a picture that represents himself. So, and ideas?” She questioned, hopefully glancing between the two. They thought for a moment before sharing their answers.
“Well, you could make him one of those calendars with a new word a day or something.” Emily shrugged, thinking of the things Spencer likes.
“You can just ask him what he wants.” Aaron nodded, eyes drifting back to his books. Emily gave him a slight shove. “You know the kid, he doesn’t ask for anything. He would just deny that he needed anything.” She retorted, thinking back to the many times he had done that very thing.
Penelope nodded, and scribbled the viable suggestion next to Emily’s name, and added an ‘N/A’ to where Hotch’s name was listed. “Alright, off to the next friends! Thank you my favourite band of heroes!” Penelope thanked, and turned out of the amphitheater and back to the main campus.
“We need to get her drug tested.” Hotch announced to Emily.
Out in the soccer field is where she went next, and Penelope found JJ running drills alone while Blake and Rossi sat on the bleachers, talking and occasionally glancing over to a determined looking JJ. When they saw Penelope approaching, they sat up straight. When she reached them, she sat in front of them on a cold seat. “JJ! Sorry to interrupt Jayje, but this is important!” Penelope yelled to her blonde friend who grabbed a battered pink water bottle from beside her duffle bag and made her way over to the bleachers huffing and puffing. Penelope looked over to James and David with a worried expression. “Two hours,” James clarified to an exasperated Penelope, “And she only took a break when we asked her to, which was around an hour ago.” He explained, and hushed as JJ reached them.
She crashed into the empty seat beside Penelope and took another long drink. “What’s wrong? Is everything ok?” She questioned, her breathing returning back to normal and an expression of concern overtook the exhaustion. Penelope laughed.
“Of course, Jayje. Well, mostly.” Penelope turned her attention to all of them as one and continued. “I only just saw the dorm room of Dere-Bear and our little genius, and the lack of any flair from Spencer’s side of the room made me a new type of sorrow. So! I’m going from friend to friend looking for ideas to make for his room to add a little flair of him to his room!” She explained, a big grin on her face.
“You could make him one of those folded book sculptures?” JJ threw out, wiping some sweat off of her forehead.
“Hand drawing him a poster of a band he likes would be something he’d like, right?” James asked, looking to David who was nodding.
David thought for a moment while Penelope hastily wrote down the ideas, her pink pen scratching and scrawling on the page. “I’m sure the kid will like anything you do for him. Not like he has anyone in his life to make gifts like you do, Garcia.” David shrugged.
Penelope finished her quick note taking and once more closed and put away her notebook. She smiled and said, “Thanks for the help guys! I’ll keep you in the loop!”. She skipped her way off the soccer field, and JJ returned to the soccer field to continue her practice.
Alex sat in the library, reading a book and sneakily snacking on some of the pop-tarts she kept hidden in her desk. She heard the faint and growing sound of footsteps, so she closed the drawer with the secret snacks and went back to reading her book as normal. The doors opened, and Penelope’s eyes swept the library before her eyes found Alex at the main desk. Once she had her eyes set on her target, she walked with determination to a now amused looking Alex. She rested her elbow on a pile of old books waiting to be organized and announced, “Alex! Just the gal I was looking for!”.
Alex set her book down, noting the page as she did so. “What do you need, Garcia?” She asked, sitting back in the comfortable office chair.
“Well, our dear Baby Genius has no evidence of him even living in his room, and we need to spice it up a bit!” Penelope spoke enthusiastically and quickly of her grand idea once more to the person she thought to be the most helpful.
Alex stopped to think for a moment, processing Penelope’s words. “So you want my help?” She asked curiously, her mind already thinking of some small ideas.
Penelope nodded with a grin, and grabbed her trusted notebook and sparkly pen, and answered Alex’s question. “Well, of course! I do have some other ideas as well from the rest of our squad, but I bet you’ll have one really great idea! So, bounce some ideas!” she rambled on.
Alex had many ideas, but then the right one hit her. She smiled at Penelope and sat up. “I think I’ve got the perfect idea.”
That saturday was perfect for Penelope's plan, as it was a rainy and quiet day. She had been plotting since Tuesday on her master plan. She made them all a group chat. And asked who wanted to help her with some arts and crafts. She got a yes from all but David and Hotch (it isn’t that they didn’t want to help, it’s just that they insisted they were terrible at crafts) so she had a separate mission for them; to distract Spencer.
On that rainy Saturday morning, the plan was going perfectly. David and Hotch made up a story about how they needed to run into town to the bookstore for some book Hotch needed, and asked if anyone would like to join them. Spencer, being his book loving self, instantly agreed while everyone politely turned them down all with their own excuses.
“Oh, I’ll leave the books to Pretty Boy.’
“I have to finish that math assignment with JJ.”
“I would love to, but I picked up an extra library shift.”
So they set off into the town, and made sure to let Spencer ramble his heart out. And they took him out for ice cream just so the crafters had enough time to get everything done.
Meanwhile, everyone got started on their projects. Penelope had an extensive, almost obsessive collection of craft supplies, and some old books free to mutilate if anyone needed them. They all got their hands working, and by the end of their rainy day craft session, everyone was covered in purple glitter from when Derek dropped the glitter shaker in front of the hair dryer being used to dry some paint. But alas, they all had completed their gifts and now just had to place them for when the boys got back from their distraction trip.
Spencer opened the door to his dorm room, clutching an armful of books and an empty bowl with some melted ice cream remainaints. “Derek! You wouldn’t BELIEVE how many books are in the store just beside the craft shop! David let me get so-” He cut himself off as he went to dump his books on his bed.
The first thing he noticed was the cluster of people in his small room. Penelope with Derek on his respective bed, JJ and Emily on Spencer's bed, and Alex standing beside his priorly barren wall. “Woah…” He mumbled to himself, looking to his new decorations. A miniature replica of the TARDIS made of popsicle sticks and adorned with blue glitter sat on his bedside table. A small piece of paper with a purple glittery book leaned against the TARDIS. A homemade Lerner&Lowe poster was taped to his headboard, and on his bookshelf was a book flipped with the spine facing in. But instead of regular pages, they were folded (slightly crooked) to look like the Death Star. And the thing that took up the most space was a tree made from construction paper taped on the wall. But on each branch there was a name of someone in their friend group, a short message, and a picture of them. The top of the tree had the words ‘Our Family’.
Spencer’s eyes were watering as he finished taking all of it in. Dave and Aaron stood behind him, resting on the sides of the doorframe and watching like everyone else was. He sniffled, and wiped his eyes quickly. He was overwhelmed, but in the best way. After taking a moment to collect himself from the shock and awe, everyone stayed in their room for the rest of the day until supper, just hanging out before they had to regroup in the cafeteria for supper.
Penelope was glad her plan had the desired effect, and everyone was content with seeing Spencer happy.
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