#solas is one (1) bad day away from killing everyone in skyhold and then himself
dailydadoodles · 5 months
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Sera?? no???
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ranawaytothedas · 4 years
WIP Weds!
farI was tagged by the wonderful @faerieavalon
I am going to tag, @sasshole-for-rent , @lyrium-lavellan , @cornfedcryptid
I have two little things I am working on and have been for a couple weeks. 
Also Keep in mind these are edited or possibly even spell checked yet O.O
1. Cullen/Maeve - Oneshot - “A Letter”  - this is actually smut.... just over-glorified smut... 
Maeve’s guilt over the letter ate at her as she watch Cullen read over several passages multiple times. She assumed they were the harsher portions of the letter, and Maeve wasn’t wrong. It was unfair of her sister to assume so much about Cullen’s character after so long. Not giving any thought to how much people can and do change over the course of a decade. Slowly, Maeve reached her hand over and placed it on his arm. “She doesn’t know why you left the Templars, that you are a different man than the boy they found in the tower…” Her tone was soft, gentle and full of love as she spoke. She knew Cullen was a good man. He made bad choices, had horrible things happen to him. Yet he never used them to excuse his behavior. When ever they discussed his past, he owned his faults. It was Maeve who often tried to make excuses for him and it was something he would never allow. Always reminding her that he had free will, that no one forced him into anything.  
For a man who held himself in such low esteem, seeing someone else share the same opinion of him was far mor jarring that he expected. He had said horrible things to Morrigan. Accused of her trying to manipulate him when she had only bening trying to help him. She has every reason to feel this way, I am the monster she thinks me to be. Perhaps, all this needs to end.  As he was drawing the conclusion he glanced back at Maeve. Her face, soft and sweet. Her eyes filled with love and concern as she gazed up at him reminded him why it couldn’t. No one has looked at me like that. She loves me, Maker, why does she love me? I would die a thousand times to spare her life. Their relationship wouldn’t end, it couldn’t. Maeve was his reason for waking up each day, she was his hope for a life after all this. He wasn’t going to let her go because he was afraid, that was not the man she saw when she looked at him. Cullen held up the letter and let out a nervous laugh. “She is going to kill me..” 
“No… that’s not her way…” Maeve corrected quickly. “She may try to turn you into a rat but I promise you I won’t let her get that far.” Clearing her throat Maeve looked at her feet. “Alistair… well, he may kill you. He was with the Wardens that passed through Kirkwall during the start of the Rebellion. He had very strong opinions about how the Templars behaved. I know that you did not do anything horrible to Mages yourself, but you were Knight-Captain. He will hold you responsible. ” She muttered her eyes peering up at Cullen’s face at it drained of all it’s color. Everyone knew of the great AlistairTheron, who should have been King of Ferelden and was a fabled hero of the fifth blight. He was the last man Cullen would want to go toe to toe with over his relationship with Maeve. “But he adores me, like a little sister. I can likely talk sense into him… more than likely.” Her nervousness over the whole situation was apparent in how her voice wavier 
Cullen laughed nervously again as he turned around to face his desk. “Wonderful… oh Maker…” He exclaimed as he looked at the letter again. “I couldn’t just find a nice, uncomplicated girl… you know a baker perhaps…” He mused shaking his head, silently scolding himself for even momentarily wishing he hadn’t met Maeve. He set the letter on his desk and turned around to see the pained look on her face. His words had cut her deeper than he expected and his heart sank as he saw tears well in the corner of her eyes. 
“I am so sorry, Cullen…” She started shaking her head as she brought her hands to her mouth. He was right. He would have been infinitely better off with anyone but her. As she looked away she cursed herself for being too selfish, too much of that foolish child that Morrigan always called, to see it till he pointed it out. Her breath caught in her throat as she went to speak. Her golden eyes closed as she choked out. “I ruined everything.” Her mother’s harsh words, faded and jumbled in her memory called out to her. Nothing but a mistake. She called out harshly. You have ruined all my plans Maeve, you have cost me everything! Of all my ungrateful daughter you are the worst! Her mother was not what most would have called kind, Morrigan has shielded her from most but there were hazy memories that still cropped up any time that Maeve was feeling particularly hard on herself. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as muttered. “Mother was right…” 
2. Solas/Tamaris - Oneshot - “His Heart” - Inspired by the art that @pookyhuntress did for my loves that you can find.... here
And the whole world changed…
Solas’s words echoed in Tamaris’s mind as she stood over a large, plush bed with one tiny figure curled into a ball in the middle. Her faced was nuzzled against the soft pale yellow wool of her favorite blanket. Clutched tightly in her arms, a small pink Nug. Tamaris felt blessed she remembered in the frantic moment to grab her daughter’s favorite things because she knew there was going to be no turning back when she saw Abelas darkening her door.  The Council had not been going well and Solas always had interesting timing. 
Tamaris would have preferred not to have had the experience be so traumatic for Shivana. It was never going to be easy, leaving everything she knew. Leaving, Cullen. Shivana sobbed, so loudly they nearly got caught as they snuck back threw the Eluvian. It wasn’t until Solas had taken her from Tamaris’s arms did the child stop crying, for the moment. Change overwhelmed Shivana, who had spent most of her life in the relative confinement of Skyhold. In a few short weeks, she had traveled across a long distance, stayed in a grand place and now was someplace that was not real, but wasn’t a dream either. Solas said it was the safest place for them to be, though he had yet to explain just where they were. 
He had yet to explain quite a number of things, in fact. 
Solas had helped her settle into his rooms, or what Tamaris assumed were his rooms in the hidden estate that he did explain was the base of all his operations. Abelas and some of the other sentinels appeared to live there as well, though Solas assured her they would leave her and Shivana alone. He spent a little time helping Tamaris settle Shivana before Abelas came to tell him he was needed. Tamaris in the moment had a great deal of sympathy for Dorian and dealing with the same intrusions for Mathras. She was also reminded that her brother and Dorian were likely beside themselves, likely being to mount some half-cocked war to try and rescue her.
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