#sokka and y/n are the best fucking parents/aunt/uncle in the fucking world
sokkascroptop · 4 years
I have a head cannon that Bumi is very close with Sokka and Y/N. Since both are non-benders. It must be hard to be Aangs first son and a non bender. LOK time, he probably has a huge connection with them just like Katara. Not that I blame Aang as nomads seem not to raise their own, but I defiantly think once he shows no signs of bending sokka is that boys father. So Y/N and Sokka have 3 kids
YES i love this!!! imagine Bumi and Y/N’s relationship though!! of course he finds out he’s an airbender much later in life, but basically his WHOLE life he was the black sheep, just. like. Y/N!!! she knows exactly how it feels to be the only non-bender growing up in a family full of amazing benders. (Sokka’s experiences are much more different as Katara technically was the “different one” -- but doesn’t mean he doesn’t recognize the feeling of being inadequate for being a non-bender)
Now in no way am I comparing Y/N’s horrible experiences [that we learn more about in a few parts ;) ] to Bumi’s because Katara and Aang wouldn’t ever intentionally harm or ostracize their kid for being a non-bender, but lets be honest, he probably still was. He spends as much time as he can as an adolescent (those extremely formative, hormonal, emotional years) with his favorite aunt and uncle, who just get. it. 
Katara probably gets a little mad at this, probably tells both Sokka and Y/N that he needs to spend more time at home and with his real parents and they have a little tiff over it because Bumi wants to be with Sokka and Y/N more often than not. They have to explain that he’s not trying to hurt her feelings or Aang’s but he needs to be around the people he thinks are there for him, you know?? It hurts Katara so much to think that her son loves Y/N more as a mother figure, but eventually she stops being so mad when he tells her that he’s going to their house because she realizes he needs that normalcy, he needs that support that she can’t always give him. 
this made me so sad/happy to think about. thank you anon!!! headcanon accepted. Also, Bumi is both of Sokka and Y/N’s daughters godfather :)) 
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