#soft boys saturday with sneaky caturday in the tags
vecnuthy · 1 year
"C'mon," Eddie said as he twisted the doorknob and grabbed Steve's hand.
The smell of rain hit Steve's nostrils when they stepped through the front door onto the porch to experience firsthand what they had been watching from behind the door. It was breezy and warm out due to the late spring storm rolling through their Indiana haunt, making the big metal wind chimes clang in low tones. The rain fell thick but with far more grace than Eddie did onto their glider, pulling Steve down with him and making him land awkwardly with an oof that Eddie definitely felt, judging by the wheeze he let out.
"How's your spleen?" Steve joked, shifting into a more comfortable position, his back against Eddie's chest, feet up on the footstool.
"A little banged up," he groaned out with a voice of somebody who had lived centuries, but that melted away when Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and held him close and spoke, grin evident, into the shell of his ear, "but I've got my favorite heating pad."
Steve's skin prickled to life and he smiled, eyes closed as Eddie rocked the glider into a slow motion. Thunder rolled lazily in the distance.
This was new. Not the two of them being together, but the two of them having this. A big porch. A glider. Those ridiculous wind chimes that Steve thought he'd never get used to but would now miss if they were gone. Their modest plot of land sprawled with more trees than lawn, but there was a big enough clearing to have a garden that they had taken full advantage of. There was privacy there. It was home, and Steve melted into Eddie's hold as they took in the steady, heavy patter of rain around them.
They stayed out there for a while and watched the way the rain bled down the tree trunks and saturated the soil. The leaves already looked more vibrant due to them soaking up the nitrogen the lightning provided, while the taller flowers sagged under the weight of the water trapped in their throats and coating their foliage. Despite the added weight, there was no denying how much better they looked already. It had been a couple of weeks since the last rain, and, honestly? Faucet water just wasn't the same.
"We needed this," Eddie muttered quietly into the crook of an all but dozing Steve's neck.
The only sign of life was his breathing and the lazy drag of his fingertips over the skin on Eddie's arm, still wrapped around his waist. Steve hummed in agreement, unable to resist adding on, "Alright, gramps."
He could feel Eddie's smile against his skin, could feel his teeth nip at what was probably a mole because Eddie was predictable and weak.
Which Steve couldn't say a thing about, because as Eddie's breath washed over and heated his skin, adding to their own humidity, Steve couldn't be paid to move.
And, god, that thunder. Every time it rumbled, Eddie's lips brushed against Steve's shoulder. Steve didn't even know if Eddie was aware he did it, and there was no way Steve was going to point it out and risk it stopping. The fear was totally unfounded (it's Eddie), but still he would keep it close, shelter it like a greedy dragon, because, like clockwork: thunder; feather light kiss. Or a nose rub. And sometimes, Eddie would sigh with contentment, too, chest rising and slowly falling, making Steve sink back into him. No troubles, no worries. Nothing but the rain, thunder, humidity, and mutual adoration.
Eddie was right. They needed this.
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