#so. badum tss second verse same as the first
croakings ยท 2 years
extremely tempted to name my newest thing just like. something so deeply uninformative at first glance but that is also actually a ginormous spoiler/so very on the nose re: plot, except i'm not sure anyone but me 1) would ever know how much of a Dude. moment it is (because that realization relies on some A Language/Culture I Made Up knowledge and idk how much of that i can actually include) or 2) would truly appreciate how funny i am when/if my little joke IS revealed/comes up, which is imperative. it's not funny if it's not funny. and on their own it's like. yeah that sure is a title i guess technically. WHICH. even at best it will be late in the game where i can drop the hee hee hoo hoo. people will see my joke and there is No Way they can get it. what if they pass by the story of my dudes because the title sucks
#wip blogging#two main contenders for Um Hey Like. Why titles are:#1. A Hero#and 2. Being a Story#BECAUSE. theyre both like.#ok so the two main characters are lan and ehir but you dont know ehir's name until Way Later for like half the book he's going by sacha for.#reasons. stuff. Plot. but the story is actually abt figuring out whatever the hell is going on w him#hence option number 1! you would think it's referrong to lan (the ostensible hero) but actually it's just a Very shitty pun#option number two is the same level/grade of Very Shitty pun but it has LAYERS.#also the subject is the same it's still based around ehir's name#in my made up language ''eh'' is a prefix meaning ''being'' or ''to be'' and ''hir'' means ''story''#so. badum tss second verse same as the first#so it'd b a story called a story abt the story of Some Guy named a story who also has a lot of rumors(stories) floating around that need to#be corrected AND [spoiler] how the god of stories (not me but also. yes me. hee hee hoo hoo) fucks up his day (everything)(but you dont know#that until Way Later when he [spoiler2] dies(that story ends) and then subsequently Does Not Die (retelling; it isnt the same but the story#(and him A Story) is still there) and also some other stuff.#that one is again an extremely involved on the nose very shitty pun. theres actually more layers even but i'll shut up about it.#way too much meta there.#my third option is ''from the mouths of birds'' which is. MOSTLY not a shitty pun.#or well it isnt a pun at all actually it's more a reference. it's the first part of ehir's culture's version of ''once upon a time''#or like. the equivalent. bc yknow how birds can imitate things and pass them along but they can get warped or altered in the process but#something still started the chain somehow and each new iteration still both leads back to the first one and also is in and of itself moved#forward so it's a bunch of new things it's one long thing it's different every time it's the same thing even if it isn't#all of these are one(1) joke/spoiler just approaching it in different ways and in various degrees of Dude#and. again there is. Even More to the hee hee of it all but i want to sit on those.#ftmob is what i'm leaning towards. ish. for more Joke Reasons and also it's vaguely more like a reasonable title#but. ๐Ÿค” Its Not A Shitty Pun.......... it does have to DO w a shitty pun but that's not the same...#anyway
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