#so yeah. Schubes >
leothil · 6 months
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
@paxdracona tagged me [redacted time] ago, thank you! 💛
Last song: ...my choir singing The Kite Queen by Mia Makaroff 😂 I found a recording from our summer concert a few years ago and wanted to hear it again.
Favorite color: I love a good yellow! And pink! After joining my dance squad back in my early days of uni, the amount of pink in my wardrobe increased a lot. But I'm extremely drawn to forest greens and keep wanting to use those everywhere from makeup to blog themes.
Last tv show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, hell yeah!
Sweet/spicy/savory: I have a horrible sweet tooth.
Last google: "split mkv file"
Current obsession: PJO is up there, especially since my favourite podcast boy Schubes is putting out regular content discussing the show too!
My brain is so tired I can't think of people to tag right now, but please go ahead and do this if you want to!
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famderfries · 2 years
Heres a compilation of Schubes trying real hard bc i care him!!!
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impossiblyizzy · 2 years
B99 reuinion week #2 - Peraltiago
This is a podcast AU. Trigger warning: Harry Potter references.
Wizard On!
Charles Gets Inside You Episode 207 – Personality Types and Orange Soda Versus Orangina with Jake and Amy
Charles: As I was saying, there’s a lot of different types of intelligence. Like, Jake is great at problem solving.
Jake: Hey, I’m smart in other ways too! I’ve read fifteen books!
Amy: Fifty is not a lot of – wait, fifteen?
J: Yup
A: So that’s like Harry Potter plus eight others?
J: I’ve never read Harry Potter.
A: What! Who ARE you?
J: I just don’t see the point! They’re kids’ books about a wizard!
A: Oh my god, I can’t even talk to you.
J: I prefer movies!
A: Whatever, not listening.
J: Noooo, Amy, pay attention to meeee!
 Potterless Ep.1 – Sorcerer’s Stone Ch.1-8 w/Amy Santiago
J: welcome to Potterless! It’s the tale of a thirty-three-year-old man reading a series of children’s novels for the first time. My name is Jake Peralta, I am that thirty-three-year-old man, and this week I am joined by book-reader-person Amy Santiago!
A: I teach history at Columbia and I run a blog called Exciting Times: A Deep Dive Into Forgotten Moments From Our Past.
J: Right. We know each other through our friend Charles, who you may know from his podcast ‘Charles gets inside you’, which is not as sexual as it sounds.
A: He’s been inside you loads of times.
J: Yeah, it was a while before anyone else agreed to be on the pod. Can you just give us a quick overview of your relationship with Harry Potter before we start?
A: Oh, I’ve been following the series for a long time. I’m a midnight release kind of gal.
J: Ha! I bet you are.
A: Look, I know these are just kids’ books but they’re really important to a lot of people. I’ve had so many experiences because of this community.
J: Hey, I get it. I met my ex-girlfriend at a Die Hard convention.
A: Of course you did.
J: We were both trying to get Bruce Willis to sign our chests.
(I thought Jake and Amy as Schubes and Kelly would be funny and I like the idea of writing a whole fic for this, but I don’t want to lean to heavily on the HP content. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing any more of this!)
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