#so yeah the one in my room is way nicer. cost my family over $300 and is extremely sturdy and bulky
amarillokidding · 6 months
Shoutout to my Dad's inversion table that he left in my room and takes up too much space. I covered it with my old ass Barbie blanket so my cats don't scratch at it and I'm hoping to sell it at some point for AT LEAST $300 it's super strong, nicely padded, hasnt been properly used for like 2 yrs, and is almost like new. Hopefully I can use that money to pay my way back from that college ordeal LOL
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j--meat-hook--j · 4 years
A Trip to the Mainland (Taiyuu cooking event) (?)
A Train from Taiyuu Island to Mainland Japan took a couple hours, hours of ocean, boredom and more ocean. Staring at the TV, Zeke remembered a time before Taiyuu, before Japan even. 
A small town on the coast of Germany, a large building, a small apartment. 
A teenager enters, around 17 years old, wiping his feet and looking around, the clock reads 8pm. He spotted his younger brother in the living “room” by himself watching cartoons. The younger one couldn’t be older than 9. 
“Hey, kiddo. Where’s Mum?” 
“She got called into work.”
Frustrated in his mother’s irresponsibility and lack of note, the older brother tried to keep the conversation going as he made his way to the kitchen.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Watchin TV.”
“Oh, so you found the remote?” “No.” Flick. The channel changed. 
Opening the pantry the older brother found… half a loaf of bread and a whole lot of empty space.
“Have you had anything to eat yet?”
“No. Mum was gonna get groceries but she got called into work.”
Biting his fist in frustration, the older brother pounded the pantry door with his head. Silently seething in anger the older brother put on a happy face, the older brother came out and sat next to the younger brother. 
“Let’s go out for dinner tonight, just you and me.” “Won’t Mum and Dad get angry?” “They’ll never know, I got a little extra money from work today.”
“I mean… sure.”
“Alright, get your stuff ready and we’ll leave in a few.” The older brother wrote a note for their Mother, if she returned home tonight. 
When the two got ready and were almost out the door, the younger brother stopped.
“Umm... Schlaut?”
“What’s up Zeke?”
“Are you sure Mum and Dad won’t find out?”
“Hey, we’ll leave our trash in a public bin, they’ll never know.”
Finally on the Mainland of Japan Zeke had a couple trips to make. 
The first stop for today was to withdraw money, but look like a cool guy, Sunglasses on. Wandering around the Whatever City, Zeke can’t remember what it’s called, he started to get his bearings. 
‘Alright, grocery shop’s there, post office’s there and-’
Zeke felt a rumble down to his core.
‘It’s going to be a thunderstorm tonight.’
Finally finding an ATM in Whatever City, that took forever. Taking his “Credit” Card out Zeke approached the ATM, noone was nearby anyway but he still felt he had to play the part. 
Feeling the ATM Zeke felt all the different compartments, searching for the most used 4, Zeke found what he needed.
Trying the first one: Whirr, Zzzt And Dispense. 1000 Yen, not quite what he needed. 
Next compartment: Whirr, Zzzt and Dispense. 5000 Yen, close but not the notes he needed. 
The Third compartment: Whirr, Zzzt and Dispense. 10,000, exactly what Zeke needed. 
Grabbing an extra 13 10k Yen bills Zeke had enough to pay for his tuition, with some left over. 
That wasn’t right, only take what you need. Zeke remembered when this all became second nature to him, why quickly searching these machines became so easy. 
“That’d be 50 Euros sir.” A cashier lady, in a large mall grocery store. 
“I’m really sorry, can you wave it just this once?” Schlaut, now at the age of 19, pleaded to the cashier holding a 20 Euro note. 
“I’m sorry sir, if you couldn’t afford it you shouldn’t have picked it up.” 
“But this is all we have for the week, we’ll go hungry without this food.” Schlaut 
“Then get 20 Euros worth of food or get out of the store.”
“Fine. C’mon Zeke we’re outta here.” Zeke, now 11 years old, followed his brother out of the store.
“What’s the plan now Schlaut?”
“I dunno kiddo, we’ll figure something out.”
It wasn’t long into the usual walk home when they walked past an ATM, it’s screen illuminating the sidewalk. The screen flickered strange colours, reds, blues even a neon green. Schlaut paused, did a slow turn on his feet and paced to the ATM. 
“Zeke?” “Yeah Schlaut?”
“Are you doing that?”
Zeke’s stiffened and he turned his face away from his brother. 
“Zeke look at me.”
Zeke reluctantly looked at his Older Brother, the pupils of his brown eyes glowing a slight blue. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Zeke was looking at the ground in shame.
“No no no no nononono nono, no Zeke. You did something very, very right.” Schlaut hadn’t felt this excited in a while. 
“Let’s play a game Zeke, see if you can find some paper in this machine.” Schlaut pointed to the ATM. 
“You mean money, isn’t that stealing?” Zeke was willing to do this, but he wasn’t very happy about it.
“Hey, we’re only going to take what we need ok? No more. We’re not villains, we’re survivors. See if you can find a 20 note and a 10 note.” Zeke had found a way to save us!
“Ok. I’ll try.” 
Returning back to the present Zeke held about 2000 Yen too much in his hands. The fridge at Taiyuu was running low, this money seems appropriate for everyone to use. 
Zeke went to that small grocery store he passed by earlier. Fresh fruits and vegetables, that’s what Taiyuu needed, none of that instant shit. Apples, carrots, broccoli and one pack of the cheapest Cup Noodles he could find. 
‘How would the others at Taiyuu react? I don’t think Sako or Spellman would be particularly fond of me anymore. Ah well, they won’t find out. All the years of pulling this same stunt we were only found out once.’
Zeke paid a total of 1962 yen.
“Have a good day.”
“Yeah, you too.”
‘Only found out once.’
Supermarket (Schlauts Quirk)
“How’s that Zeke, just enough to get us through this week. Mum should have  the day off tomorrow so we’ll cook a whole bunch then.” Schlaut, now 21, said to his brother Zeke, now 13.  
“Yeah, maybe Dad’d have time to help as well.” 
“I doubt it kiddo.”
“We should get going before it rains, seems like a storm is brewing. 
Off they were on the usual walk home, Through an empty courtyard, groceries in hand. Not too much, just enough to get by. 
“Hey Asshole!”
Schlaut turned, almost like he was expecting this.
“Yes, Gregory?” 
A potbellied man, more of a sphere than a man, called out to the two. 
“You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.”
“Us?” Zeke panicked.
“There’s about 4 of them, stay behind me Zeke.”
“What, who are you talking about, how do you know these people?”
“It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”
3 other men came up from behind the Sphere Man. One looked too long to be normal, another looked like a leaf man, the last one had spines coming out of his back. 
“Yeah, not so tough are ya now there’s more of us.” Sphere man said, he sounded like he was from New York, which is weird because this is Germany. 
“Huh, Good one boss.” The Leaf Man said, he had a very deep voice.
“Yeah, good one boss.” The Spine Man said, he had a very snively voice.
“Hehehe, heheh hehehe hehehe” The Long Man said, he had a very creepy laugh.
“You made it easier for me.” Schlaut butted in, sounding far too confident for a 4 on 1 fight. 
Long Man reached over and punched Sphere Man in the face. 
“Aaaah, Tony, whaddya doin? Hit him not me!” Sphere Man was both confused and angry
“Heheheh, heheh, Hehehehhe!” The Long Man’s laugh seemed very panicked and confused. 
Leaf Man punched Spine Man, Spine Man grabbed Long Man. It was a free for all, none of the assorted goons and henchmen ever came near Schlaut and Zeke, Zeke leaned over Schlauts shoulder.
“What are they doing Schlaut? Why are they here?” Schlaut looked back at his younger brother. “Don’t worry, Zeke, they’re taking care of it themselves.” Schlaut looked at Zeke for a moment, just one moment was all it took for Zeke to notice the slight red glow from his brother's pupils. 
It wasn’t too long before the four strangers were all on the ground unconscious. Not once did the 4 even take a step towards the Funkee brothers. 
“Let’s go Zeke, it’s all taken care of.” “But… but-” “Let’s GO Zeke.” 
They turned to continue on their way home, when Zeke heard skidding. No. Rolling? Turning around in curiosity Zeke saw Sphere Man rolling towards them, like a ball. A very angry ball. 
“Schlaut, look out!” Zeke jumped, panicked and….
Not done for the day yet, still gotta send a letter off to Mum back in Germany, quick visit to the Posty and back to Taiyuu. Card, letter, shipping. Totaling 300 yen, that is cheap! 
Hey Mum,
Taiyous Taiyuus going great, i think im really hitting it off with everybody here. This place seems more my style than uA anyway. Theres a whole bunch of really weird people here. One person can  even shapeshit shapeshift!
Anyway hows things with you, hows the new job in France? 
Has Schlaut come back yet?
“Just one letter, wouldn’t a text be better?” The teller was confused.
“It’s just a little tradition we have. Notes and written things are easier to keep anyway.”
Zeke made his way back to Taiyuu, hours on the train, again. The news reports were going on about a villain by the name “The King”. Luckily Taiyuu covered the costs of going back to Mainland Japan. Making his way back to the kitchen area Zeke deposited the fruits and veggies into the communal fridge. However, Zeke kept the Noodle Cup.
Zeke set the kettle to boil and thought of the day everything changed, the day Schlaut left. There was no bang, there was no warning. Around when Zeke was 13 Schlaut just, poof, gone. The whole family thought he was dead for months until Zeke’s 14th birthday, where Zeke got an RC car, brand new and very high end. It came with a note.
Hey Kiddo, Happy Birthday. Sorry I couldn’t be there this year
Noone ever really bothered Zeke again, of course Zeke still had his friends but noone bullied, assaulted or even annoyed him again. The icecream place even gave him a discount. Teachers were a whole lot nicer, even recommending him to hero courses like UA: LA, Shiketsu and Seijin. That was 2 years ago. 
The screech of the kettle brought Zeke out of his thoughts. Filling his Cup Noodles with boiling water Zeke had made a shitty meal at Taiyuu.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot.”
Maybe not.
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annakie · 6 years
Random SWTOR Blather
Not interesting at all if you don’t play and only slightly interesting if you do.
I’ve basically been off and on SWTOR since it came out.  My longest break was less than a year after I lost most of my credits to a GTN scammer, back when 8 million credits was a LOT that I’d spent like months of intense crafting to save up.  
At the beginning of 2017 I decided to get serious about playing and joined a guild.  They were great for a few months, then things got slow and I dropped out of SWTOR for awhile after Andromeda came out and then my summer was crazy like it always was at my last job and then job drama started happening in the late summer through fall.
In November I went back and things got really awesome again in the guild, and for over two months it was daily log-in and fun, fun times.  There was heavy recruitment and we’d have like 20+ on at night and we were running FPs and Ops like, daily, working on Vet mode Ops.
And then the new WoW expansion came out and overnight attendance dropped like a stone, and there was a little officer drama, and then the GL had some RL drama and left and... now the guild is completely dead again.  We still hang out on Discord some but no one is playing.
So I guess I’m back in search of a guild of ADULT, MATURE (not in the ERP sense, just you know, like, actual grownups) guild of nice people and no drama on Star Forge.  My DPS Trooper and healing Scoundrel are both Command Level 300 and both are well outfitted.  Those are my mains.  RP Optional, I could do it, I’d be OK with not.  So if you know of an active, established guild an oldie like me (I’m over 40) would fit into, let me know.
Anyway, other stuff...
I have spent an insane amount of time and credits decorating.  Ever since Strongholds were introduced it’s maybe been my favorite aspect of the game.
I spent just... dozens of hours making my Tatooine Stronghold awesome.  Tat was my #1 choice for a main Stronghold because it feels like a place you would actually live, even if it is you know, on a barren desert planet.  It has nicely sized, well-sectioned rooms.  It really just makes such SUCH good use of the space and hooks it has. It’s exactly the right size to feel like if you live there and have it decorated it’s where a wealthy person would live.  I love it.  It’s been my Trooper Bethlany’s home for two years now, though I think of it as a “family home” for all my characters.  Now I’m constantly now trying to figure out what hooks to remove so I can add new, cool stuff.
It’s not only got an awesome party Cantina/dance hall/casino/sportsbar combo, but a full-service medical clinic, an indoors science room and an entire outdoor science section.  An awesome garden, a marketplace, a garage with a welcome area, droid repair section and full monitoring, a decked out master bedroom and Vos-ka inspired guest room, a diplomacy / meeting room, a sculpture garden, a techno war-camp for Aric, and a Rakata / non-technical training / archeology site, a small area dedicated to celebrating Life Day all year round, and a small oasis for large and small animals alike. 
But like, I never stopped buying decorations.  And when Manaan was introduced I decided this would be the home for my Inquisitor.  Manaan is gorgeous, even though the hook situation there is completely wtf.   Oh yeah, let’s put a ton of tiny hooks on narrow, already decorated walls.  Lets only put narrow hooks along the walls in this huge, open room.  Let’s make most of the ceiling hooks angeled, so almost nothing can be put there and look even halfway not-stupid.  The entry outside is great, the narrow hallway is terrible, the big room upstairs is so, so frustrating, though the patio is generally nice.  The downstairs mostly needs better ceiling hooks.   IDK.  But, it looks amazing.  And I did a pretty good job making it feel like a breezy vacation home, with a very dark and private undersea area fit for training a new generation of Sith.  It’s got the majority of my statues out in the entry area, and not a neon sign or non-organic plant in sight.  And there’s a lot of plants and stone and water everywhere.
All of my characters use it as a vacation home, my lightsiders (which is... almost all of them) just avoid the undersea part.  They’ll go back to their ships for sleeping after a dip in the hot tub, thanks.
I was going to start on re-making Naar Shadaa next and then Umbaraa came out, and I knew that train belonged to my Imperial Agent, Croach.  Dark and moody with an urgent feel.  I filled it with all the “Cargo” and “precious resources” I could find, with a couple of makeshift sleeping areas for the guards and a slightly nicer car for the Agent and her companions.  So many centerpiece hooks to finally put so many misc huge things I had no other use for.  Hey, yeah, we totally would be transporting this huge machine and this droid in a big ‘ol jar and there’s some rancor and huge turrets and ginormous droids up top along with most of my collection of rotating Zakuul turrets guarding it.  Drop in a bunch of Imp guards standing around, and even made use of a lot of the destroyed speeders and walkers and turrets then slap some blaster marks on the walls to give the place a “we’ve already seen some shit” feel.
And then... my Secretly-a-Double-Agent-For-The-Republic got her Vector back and holy shit the Imps mistreated the Killks, and then oh shit (huge spoilers for Nathema in the IA storyline here) Shara Jenn found out she’s a double agent and welp... any cover she ever had was now blown.  Despite going with Acina on Iokath, Croach told Lana to make a deal with the Republic.  Might as well finally make the move officially.
So now in my head, the Umbara home is a covert mission, and everyone there is actually working for the Republic... with the train made up to look Imperial to sneak through some checkpoints.  Also, her ship resides on Tatooine, Beth is watching out for it (it’s hidden in the garage, while the Thunderclap sits out on the visible landing pad.)
With finally getting the Umbara Stronghold feeling “Done” (though it and Manaan are only like 70% filled each, I don’t want to cram more stuff in there just TO when aesthetically they look good) it’s time to turn my attention to Naar Shadaa.  For the first year or so of Strongholds, it was my main Stronghold, but I grew out of it easily and moved to Tatooine, and have always meant to get back to it.
It’d always meant to be my Smuggler’s home, she was my second Main, after all.  I’d also bought the Mandalorian War Camp pack in hopes of making my BH a home someday.  Because of the server merge I have two Nar Shadaas, and I figured one for each.  But looking at my available decos, it’d be a long time until I could make it happen.  When Rishi was announced I was excited, thinking I could make it work for the BH, but after watching Dulfy’s walkthrough Video I was disheartened.  It is definitely beautiful and awesome for guilds, but it doesn’t really feel like a home for a person. I feel the same way about Yavin 4, btw.  It’s an amazing place to visit, and great for guilds, but it’s just not a functional home.  Too damp, and no actual rooms, especially not rooms with doors.  I’ll hang out there all day, but I’m going back to my ship to sleep.
I still eventually might try to make the base of Rishi work, IDK.  It will probably come down to cost.
Anyway, back to Naar Shadaa.  I started decorating it for my Smuggler and quickly realized that if I was going to ever get to Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, compromises would need to be made.  My BH defected to the Republic at the end of her class storyline, as little good as that did in canon.  I think she, too, is going to make a deal with the Republic when I finish her storyline.
Which means either my Counselor or Knight is gonna take a turn for the Imps, I haven’t decided which yet, just to bring back a little bit of balance, and also, see that side of things.  It’ll be interesting.  I’m going to wait to see what making that decision actually does in the next bit of the story before moving either of them along.
So anyway, my BH and my Smuggler always knew each other in my backstories for them, they were contacts, helped each other with jobs, etc.  So when Orna heads to the Republic, she and Red went into business together.  They each have a suite of rooms near the front, but the rest of it is their shopping center, battle arena (place your bets!), casino, spa, dance club, and sports bar business. Please, come and spend all your money there, and feel free to use a private booth to make your deals.  As soon as possible I’m going to find a second spa to add in that service, too. Torian is happy with the Mandalorian flair the place has, and Theron has a monitoring/spy station.  Where better to pick up the best information than the most popular nightlife spot on Naar Shadaa, anyway?  The only part that sucks is just one starship hook, so I’ll be rotating which ship is parked there occasionally.
That’s still in progress, but coming along.
Next I’m moving to Coruscant to make it a Jedi training hall and haven for Annakie, Jyn’leeviyah, Kira and Nadia, along with a medical clinic for Doc and an information outpost for Felix.  
And then making Dromund Kaas into a Sith academy and Imperial for Sith Warrior Frevi and moody, romantic hideaway for her and Malavai.
...I really need to start crafting and finding more expensive stuff to sell on the GTN.  I’m usually careful to stay over like 90 million credits, but I’m running out of good shit to sell. >.>
Anyway, so much rambling.  I should actually like... go play.
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