#so yeah final words if you're gonna do meat or rock hell then at least make it interesting enough to look at
fleshwerks · 2 months
Basically a continuation of my expression on my fatigue with the 'end of game/act meat level'. There's actually two. Meat level for fantasy games and 'floating rocks or weirdly behaving metal in the void' for sci-fi or steampunk. Some games somehow insist on having both, and that's usually where I throw my hands up.
I get it. They're supposed to elicit certain feelings of dread, desperation or narrowing everything to the fine point, they're supposed to be confusing with no map and uniform, often dark environment to make you disoriented and feel like you're well and truly alone in this meat/stone hell. The problem is, invariably they all look the bloody same. With 'rock hell' you get floating rocks or metal and the path just materializing in front of you. With meat hell, well, we get a lot of meat and running around in circles. And it's not just the 'ADHD and I'm old and don't have time for this' frustration, it's also the fact that they all look the same, and not in a 'nod to the classics' type of way, but in a 'they literally all look the same and they all insist on having that level, too'.
So yeah. Cue the 'ah fuck here we go again' every time I find myself in the beginning of a meat hell and stone hell, I know what to expect, what the stakes are, and I know to expect that it's all gonna look and behave the same in every game and it ends up with me just rage quitting. I'm usually ok with pulling up an online map but on the first playthrough I want to figure out things by my lonesome.
Anyway screw meat and rock hells. Either omit them entirely or at least try to put a novel spin on these omnipresent tropes.
And no, burned agonising bodies fused to the walls ain't it. It was cool for me exactly once, in Hellblade, because of the various sizes of the bodies, but that was it. A cool version of a meat hell was in Brothers a Tale of Two Sons, though. Climbing your way through a fresh battlefield of slain giants in broad, sunny daylight was a bit of a 'meat hell' but so natural and fucked up precisely because it was so natural and leaning on the realistic grotesque as opposed to fantasy grotesque.
Honorary mention for 'meat hell' goes to Pathologic 2 because it was mercifully short and after the difficult part was over, Burakh's perception of the world around him is so dry that there was implied humour in finding yourself where you did and knowing that the guy's reaction to it would amount to "oh. Hm, ew, okay." Brevity helps.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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OPERATION: Find The Kids!
Bravo Team x Reader
A/N okay so I saw a TikTok yesterday and this gave me the idea for the chaotic fic you are about to read. Seven tier one navy seals looking after four kids. What could go wrong? So I give you nearly 2k words of utter chaos. Trying to keep track of what 11 people are doing is stressful 😂
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SEAL Team Masterlist
This Months Writing
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Sipping on your coffee, you ran your hand over your face as you try to finish off the paperwork from the last deployment. You tried to get this done in your home office but it was no good when your house was used as base when the boys were home. Or as Metal kept putting it “the home of Bravo” but it did make your life easier meaning you didn’t have to worry about finding a sitter at short notice as you had at least one of the boys crashing at yours for whatever reason.
And at the moment it was a godsend, especially as you were looking after your Brother’s triplets whilst he was going through the divorce. But having four kids under the age of 7 in the house was chaos, but you lived around big kids all the time so you could just about cope.
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“Guys, someone has to take the boss some coffee,” Clay said, as he placed the plate of toast in the middle of the kitchen table. “And to swipe the walkies.”
Everyone fell silent. That silent you could hear a pin drop.
“Oh hell no,” Sonny said, breaking the silence. “You know how she gets when she’s doing the reports. And it was your idea Blondielocks, so you should do it.”
“No way,” Clay exclaimed, “I value my life thank you. “
“Guys let’s settle this like adults,” Metal said, with a serious look on his face. “Rock, paper, scissors. We go around the group and do it as a knock out style thing and whoever is left standing has to take the boss some coffee and swipe the walkies.”
So that's how it was decided that Sonny was the one to go into the lion's den, armed with coffee and breakfast to hopefully make things go smoothly.
“Quinn, I see you.” You said not looking away from your screen.
“How the fuck?” He muttered, “I swear you have eyes in the back of your head.”
“You have to when you look after children,” you laughed, “now I’m busy so what do you want?”
“We know you left without breakfast so I thought I’d bring you some,” he shrugged, placing the food and coffee on the table.
“I don’t buy it,” you said, raising your brow at him. “You are up to something.”
“Nope, just bringing the boss coffee.” He grinned, he had already swiped the walkies and needed to get out of here. “You have a good day, and don’t worry about anything, we have it all under control.”
“That’s what makes me worry Quinn,” you glared. “Just don’t burn my house down and don’t lose a child. That’s all I ask.”
“Hard copy, boss.” He nodded before leaving the room.
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“Mission success boys,” Sonny shouted walking back into the house, “Oh and final words from the boss were don't set the house on fire and don’t lose a child but she had no idea I swiped the walkies.”
“Well then, time to gear up boys,” Jase said, slapping his legs as he stood up. “Kids have requested we wear our camo bottoms so hurry up we head out at 0900.”
Twenty minutes had passed and everyone was gathered in the living room.
“Right, let's just run through this one more time,” Clay said looking at the list on his phone.
“First aid kit”
“Sun cream”
“Kids dressed”
“All walkies on the same station”
“Well boys I think we are ready,” Trent nodded, “So Brock has Cerb and Pepper, I’ve got the bag, so the rest of you get to keep an eye on the kids.”
Your daughter, Riley instantly clung onto Clay like a koala bear, your nephew Joey gravitated to Metal, Sonny scooped up your niece, Amber and Ray took your other Niece, Lola.
“Let’s hit the park,” Jase nodded, leading everyone out the house.
“What could go wrong,” Sonny laughed. “It’s not like we are gonna lose any of them. There’s four of them and seven of us.”
“Don’t say that, you idiot,” Metal said, hitting Sonny around the back of the head. “Don't jinx things, now If things go south it’s your fault.”
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“Anyone got have eyes on HVT one?” Jase asked down the walkie, as he scanned the park.
“HVT one is south moving toward the tyre swing,” Metal replied, “I’ve lost eyes on HVT two.”
“I’ve got eyes on HVT two, she is in need of refilling. Lure her back to base Three,” Clay said, as he squinted from the sun.
“Copy six,” Sonny called, as he calmly headed for Amber, who thought this was the best game in the world as her Uncle Sonny chased her. “HVT two inbound,”
“My eyes are peeled,” Jase laughed, as he spotted Amber running towards him.
“For the love of god don’t forget the suncream.” Ray responded.
“Copy that,” Jase said, routing around the bag for supplies. He literally only took his eyes off her for two seconds but by the time he looked up she was gone. “All call signs I have lost eyes on HVT two. I repeat I have lost eyes on HVT two.”
“I don’t have HVT three or four,” Brock sighed “They just vanished.”
“Is HVT one still at the tyre swing?” Ray asked.
“Fuck, she’s gone to.” Metal cursed.
“Guys we fucked up, boss is gonna kill us if we don’t come home with a full head count.” Ray breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Three you know this is your fault,” Metal growled.
“How is it my fault?” Sonny snapped. “You're the one meant to be watching HVT One.”
“You jinxed things, idiot,” Metal huffed, “Told you this would happen.”
“Guys, stop fighting,” Jase sighed, “Look just everyone reconvene at base and we put a plan together, they can’t have gone far.”
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You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, you knew Sonny was up to something when he came in this morning but the big idiot forgot to pick up all the walkies meaning you could hear everything.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you messed with the station trying to get a clearer sound. You wanted to see how this would play out, they all sounded pretty panicked but they should be. One of the rules was they could do whatever, go wherever but just don’t lose anyone.
“You okay Y/L/N?” Eric asked coming into the briefing room with some fresh coffee.
“Define okay when the boys are looking after the tribe today, Sonny managed to swipe the walkies and now somehow they have managed to lose all four kids at the park,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Well at least they had the sense to get the walkies I suppose,” Eric laughed, “you know they will have a full head count by the end of the day, they won’t leave until they do.”
“I know,” you laughed, “but I’m gonna get them back.”
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“How the fuck have we managed to lose four kids,” Clay said running his hand over his face. “I don’t get it,”
“Because children like to fucking run off,” Jase snapped. “Look, we don’t need to go into how it happened, it happened. Let’s just work the problem and get these kids back before we all get brutally killed. Operation find the kids is a go.”
“Riley likes water right?” Trent asked.
“Yeah, she’s a proper water baby, why do you ask?” Clay questioned.
“She might have gone towards the lake.” Trent nodded.
“Right, Clay and Brock head to the lake and try to get Riley. We all know you are her favourite Uncle Clay so she might actually come back to you.” Ray said, making a call. “We divide and conquer boys.”
“Copy,” Brock and Clay nodded, before running off in the direction of the lake.
“What about Joey?” Trent asked.
“The woods definitely,” Jase nodded.
“I’m on it,” Metal nodded before disappearing.
“Okay so that leaves Amber and Lola.” Jase said.
“Fuck I have no idea,” Ray sighed. “They are both so quiet.”
“We are just gonna have to split up.” Sonny said, “we will find them.”
Two hours had passed and everyone apart from Brock and Clay were back at base. Three out of the four kids had been located and now sitting on the grass with Metal eatting some cookies.
“I’m gonna need a medic,” Clay said, his voice full of panic and cry’s could be heard in the background.
“How far out are you?” Jase replied.
“About 5 mikes,” Brock replied.
Clay looked down at Riley in his arms, she was screaming and the tears kept coming.
“Hey Riley-roo, it’s okay, Uncle Clay has got you. You are gonna be okay.” Clay cooed trying to calm down his god daughter.
“What’s the sitrep?” Trent asked.
“Not sure if it’s a broken wrist or just a sprain. She fell pretty hard on it whilst running.” Clay sighed down the walkie. “It’s official boys, we are dead meat when the boss gets home.”
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The house was quiet when you got home, far too quiet. The only sound was the hum from the TV but even that was on low volume. Quickly glancing in the kitchen you rolled your eyes at the state of it. It looked like a bomb had gone off. There were plates and mugs everywhere along with McDonald’s discarded wrappers.
Quietly you walked into the living room to see all the kids awake and all the boys fast asleep on the sofas. Riley was tucked under Clay’s arms, Joey was laying across Metal and Brock, Amber was sat in between Jase’s legs and Lola was tucked under Ray’s arms.
“Mummy” Riley grinned as she saw you. “Look what I got,” she giggled, waving her casted wrist in the air.
“What happened baby?” You asked, crouching down to her level.
“I tripped and broke my wrist.” She pouted, “But Uncle Clay took me to the hospital.”
“Well it looks like you all wore your Uncles out today,” you laughed, “but just cover your ears for me kiddos.”
Once they all covered their ears with their hands, you pushed yourself to your feet.
“Wake up you lazy shits!” You shouted, startling them all awake. “Did we have a good day?” You asked playing dumb.
“Yeah it was amazing,” Jase nodded. “We went to the park.”
“So you did lose any of the kids?” You asked, placing your hand on your hip.
“Nope,” Clay said, with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Well can someone explain this?” You said, pressing play on the recording.
The whole room fell quiet as they heard the conversation playback from early.
“So wanna change your answer boys?” You glared. “I only have two rules and you fucking broke one of them. And my daughter has a bloody broken arm!”
“Sorry, boss.” Sonny mumbled, not making eye contact.
“You better be you idiots,” you laughed, “At least you came home with a full head count. Now Clay move, you are in my seat.”
Once Clay had moved, you settled down in your spot.
“Oh and another thing, I’ve had a long ass day typing up all the incident reports from J-Bad, I swear your band list gets longer each deployment,” you laughed, “but I’m not happy about the state of my kitchen so you can all get in there and sort it out.”
“Yes, boss.” They all said, making you smirk. Not many people could make Bravo team sulk off with their tail between their legs but you could and it always made you laugh.
“And someone make me a bloody coffee, because I am not moving off this sofa for the rest of the night”
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