#so why am I being harassed in the middle of a Kmart
ultravioletrayz · 3 months
White men try not to ask Arab women to belly dance for them challenge, GO!
(Spoiler alert, they fail 💀)
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life-in-every-limb · 5 years
I love to start the new year by reviewing the old one, and that extends to my blogging.  So each year I write a post highlighting my readers’ five favorite posts (according to WordPress statistics) and my own five favorites.
Often my most-read posts were actually written years ago, and that’s true of two of this year’s five.  My five favorites are chosen only from posts I wrote in 2018.  Let’s go!
Your Favorites:
Code of Silence
The first of several posts inspired by the disturbing revelations of sexual abuse and the way the Church has handled them.
“Our Bishops have failed dismally in their obligation to teach, educate, lead, protect, and shepherd the faithful.  My faith in the Church is unshaken, but my faith in its hierarchy is at an all-time low, and I am not alone.  The faithful laity will no longer be satisfied with apologies and committees.  We must demand change–accountability, penance, resignations, and complete transparency.”
Diaper Rant:  The Case for Plastic Pants and Pins
An oldie-but-goodie: my manifesto on old-school diapering.
“I had a few of those fancy new diapers handed down or given as gifts, and I enjoyed using them.  But the “cloth diapering system” that has worked just fine for me through five babies requires Gerber plastic pants (which we still call “rubber pants” around here), trifold cloth diapers that come in packs of five or ten at Walgreens or Kmart, and good old diaper pins.”
Catholic Minimalism Challenge:  Week 1
I wrote several of these before-and-after posts as I worked hard to declutter our house this year.
“In the end, we removed two miscellaneous bags of clothing and accessories and two full boxes of books that will all leave the house, and we relocated a few items to other places (where we will face them again when we get to their new homes at the appropriate time!).”
Summers, Swimming, and Sexual Harassment: What Girls from the 80s Remember
Truth be told, this piece, written in response to the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, is one of my favorites as well.
“Last week during family discussions leading up to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I kept remembering more and more of these incidents, most of which I hadn’t thought of in years.  “Does every woman have these experiences?” asked my husband, incredulously.  One middle-aged white male, at least, learned a lot last week–and altered his outlook.”
Liturgical Music II:  The 70s
Another old one whose resurgence in popularity mystifies me.  Possibly people run across it as they nostalgically look for the songs they remember singing at Mass as children.
“And as I look back and can see that the songs from the 70s weren’t particularly good songs, while it may be fun to be snarky, it’s important to remember that people were doing the best they could without much guidance to come up with new songs for the new liturgy.  And as for me, even if the songs were “bad” I loved singing them and remember them fondly.”
My Favorites:
My Lenten Walk in Pictures and Quotations
I love taking pictures and I love showing them off, hence this post.
“At first I was content to share a picture but as is my way I quickly had to make it harder for myself by coming up with a quotation for each day as well.”
Why We Can’t Have a 70s Summer and What We Are Doing Instead
Memorable not so much for the quality of the actual post as for the summer of adventures it launched.
“I’m all for leaving kids unsupervised and unscheduled while I live my own life, but kids nowadays when left to their own devices are apt to fill that unscheduled time with actual devices.”
Thoughts from a Reunion
Inspired by our visit to Georgetown this year for my husband’s 30th; this year it’s  my turn!
“I’m always telling my kids (and other people lucky enough to be the object of my sanctimonious rants) that being happy is NOT the point of life.  And I do believe that, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t WANT to be happy.”
A Plethora of Peacocks: Lessons from Drama and Real Life
The previous inhabitant of this house named it the Golden Peacock Villa.  Learn why in this post!
“Penelope Sycamore was completely secure in herself and her family.  She didn’t even think about whether other people would like her or not.  She was able to put worry aside, fully inhabit her days, and enjoy life as it came.  I’m not there yet, but I’m trying.”
Twenty-five Things to Read about the Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal
I put a lot of work into the curated collection of writing about the scandal.
“When I am disturbed about world events, I head to my computer, looking for something to read.  I read for facts, for analysis, and to process.  Fortunately, in such times as these, others are moved to write to provide for this need.”
If you’d like to read highlights from previous years, see below:
I’m going to link this up at Revolution of Love, where other bloggers are doing the same thing!
The post 2018 in Review: Your Favorites, My Favorites appeared first on Life in Every Limb.
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