#so they'll just stew on their feelings and wonder why fans outside jp aren't noticing they're the only ones posting shipping/oc/yume fanart
rimicchan ยท 1 month
On using the #Fragari_Art tag on Twitter
It seems that a few JP users on Twitter have been getting irritated by the use of the #Fragari_Art tag on Twitter by mostly fans from outside JP.
They're not against fans outside JP posting fanart, of course, but in the JP fanbase, there's generally rules that are followed when it comes to using main tags. Generally, the criteria is:
OK to use tag:
Fanart of the Fragaria Memories characters
Fanart of the knights and their lords together (as long as it isn't shipping art)
Manga/comics of the characters (as long as it isn't shipping)
Joke fanart
Duo/trio/group fanart (as long as it isn't shipping)
Not OK to use tag:
Shipping fanart (this includes both canon/canon and canon/OC, anything even hinting at shipping is generally avoided from being tagged it seems)
Fanart of OCs (including yume characters)
Fanart of girls (probably? I'm not quite sure what the tweet I'm referencing means by this, but considering it's a joseimuke at heart it's probably exactly what it says)
These rules are generally followed across each fanbase on JP Twitter, by the way, it's not just a Fragaria Memories thing. I know that artists just want their art to be seen by as many people as possible, which is completely fair. But it's just the way that JP users curate their experience in the fanbase. You see this a lot on Pixiv; shipping art won't be tagged with the series they're from.
Also notably, the #Fragari_Art tag is an official tag that was created by the company itself, so it seems like some users are worried that the company may even prohibit the creation of fan content altogether if people keep misusing the tag. I'm not sure how based in reality this worry it, but considering how trigger-happy the company is with lawsuits, I don't doubt it.
Edit: People aren't asking people to delete their art if they've used the tag or anything, it's more just a plea to be more mindful of using the tag in the future. (Nor is this aimed at anyone in particular, since there are quite a few fans outside of JP that do follow the rules.)
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