#so they decide to do his romance arc SPECIFICIALLY to reject him at the very end and ruin his life
baldurspeen69420 · 10 months
Picture this:
Tav gets rejected by Astarion the night of the gobbo party. Brutally, of course. Complete with the exaggerated "eugh" and everything.
But later in the adventure Astarion changes his mind, catches feelings, they agree to give it another shot.
Tav goes through the entire romance arc. The confession, the hug, convincing Astarion he doesn't need Cazador's power, they have the vulnerable night at the graveyard, defeat the Netherbrain side by side.
Now the journey is over. Astarion asks, hope in his eyes, where they'll go from there. He says Tav is the only person he's ever cared about, says he sees a future always with them. After everything, they're beyond a relationship now, they're soulmates.
Tav turns, looks him dead in the face and says;
"Oh, not with you. Can you imagine? Eugh!"
The vampire's face falls. Tav gleefully begins to monologue.
All these weeks on the road together, all the time shared had been nothing but a long con. Petty revenge.
Even coaxing him out of the ritual, all to deny Astarion the power of a vampire ascendant and never let him walk in the sun ever again.
He's completely alone now and completely powerless, crushed, annihilated. He's left alone and stunned in the inn room, unable to process the sheer magnitude of the betrayal done to him.
But Tav is victorious. No one fucking rejects Tav.
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