#so then his solution is...to be her friend with benefits ๐Ÿ˜
biblionerd07 ยท 8 months
love your detty fics sooo damn much!! would you ever consider doing something canon complaint? like daniel realizing his feelings sooner (re: season two or three). youre such a great writer!!!
Thank you so much! I have a few canon divergent ones where they realize their feelings during season 4 but not earlier. I'm working on one right now where they realize before the end of season 4 thanks to the power of fake dating. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Now this may be controversial but I actually don't think they were ready earlier! They both had a ton of growing up to do and Daniel needed to be less disgusting lol. I'm also against them being together while Betty was his assistant and I actually like that Betty completely left Mode before anything could happen since he owned it. But I do have to admit there's been an idea kicking around my head for a while about Betty going to Tucson when Henry asked and then Daniel...going after her. Not sure if I'll ever actually write it though!
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