#so the amount you receive can only total to $943 and its so FUCKED
cavityinmybrain · 1 month
SSI is a purposefully convoluted system of bureaucracy that is made to be difficult to understand/navigate and you cannot change my mind.
i should not have to call one office to ask a question about information i was told yesterday in the same office, only to get condescended upon and given a second office to call.
i should not call the second office and get once again condescended to because of the question i had. not only was i condescended to, i was condescended to over questions i did not even ask. and when i had the gall to correct the person on the phone for the question i was actually asking, i was spoken to like i couldn't understand basic information about the program.
the system made to 'help disabled people' is nothing more than a thinly veiled program designed to keep people poor and not asking questions, because you should be grateful for the $943 that you're given a month even if its barely enough to live off of.
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