#so that + financial stress + having waited outside toy zone for ages and such would make him the first to snap
inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Are we going to think about the implications of most of the shoppers in Black Friday being parents, presumably of fairly young children?
I don’t believe a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hatchetfield at the end. It makes no sense for Russia to target a random small town on an island instead of an actually important (to the mundane world) place. I generally don’t like the accidental nuking of Moscow and WWIII breaking out, because it kinda makes all the characters’ development and accomplishments feel wasted if Wiggly still in a way succeeds in bringing Earth and humanity to ruin, but I digress. The town is not destroyed.
Which gives the ending much more weight to me. It means that everyone has to live with the consequences of their actions. Or… not live, as it were.
Imagine you’re one of the rioters who got a Wiggly and ran, which many did, hence the cult hunting down the last one left in the building. That means we’re talking about 849 people. Imagine triumphantly opening your front door, finally crossing the threshold into the safety of your home with your precious cargo, your beloved child’s dream toy. Except your child never even wanted it. You were so swept up in your desire to make Christmas perfect that you never even bothered to ask them before putting so much time aside to get ahead in that line, time you could have done so much more with. What kind of a parent are you? The adrenaline crashes and the spell breaks and the realization hits you like a hammer to the teeth: it was all for nothing. You’re exhausted and injured. You attacked your fellow human beings like a starving animal. For those moments, you genuinely did not care if anyone else was okay. All your morals just - evaporated. And it was all utterly, miserably pointless. You can lie, downplay it, put all the blame on mob mentality and your sleep deprivation, but you can’t forget. You can never forget.
Imagine you’re one of those rioters' partners or friends, shaken to learn that someone so close to you, who you love and trust and have always believed to be a good person, could be capable of such callousness and violence over something so arbitrary. Imagine the questions that raises. What if they hurt someone again? What if they hurt me? Or, if they themselves aren’t any more evil than I thought… if I’d waited outside that store all night or longer, would I have snapped like that? What damage could I inflict in the right circumstances? I’m a good person, aren’t I? Is every good person just a bad person waiting to happen?
Imagine you’re one of the kids, having to go on knowing your parent, your hero, drew blood in your name. Imagine hearing about the riots on the news and the spike of terror as it registers that your parent could die at any moment, bruised and trampled on a cold floor. And you wouldn’t be there. They come home at last and you rush into their arms. But far from relieved, their eyes are haunted; they’ve stared into hell and seen their reflection.
Imagine you’re one of the kids, waiting for your dad to come home. Things have been rough since he lost his job when the plant closed, and he’s been really stressed and to be honest so have you, but at least you’ll still spend Christmas together, right? Right?
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cvspar · 7 years
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hey friends!! it’s ya girl lissa (i also play ghalia) coming at you with a new character. this is my child caspar who i’ve been playing for ages (now with a new fc) and i can’t wait to play him here with you all, i hope you love him as much as i do! i’m gonna write some info about him under the cut because i don’t have a proper about page put together yet, but yea if you wanna plot, pls give this a like and we can get right to it! 
( neels visser / 20 / he/him ) is that ( caspar hastings ) ordering a ( vanilla iced coffee ) at mocha? i heard they’re a ( cashier ) who’s known as the ( scaredy-cat ) around here. however, they say ( caspar ) is very ( conscientious ), but ( ingenuous ). well, better get their drink before it gets cold!
tw very brief mention of a car accident and injuries following!
some background:
caspar was born and raised in Illinois, just a town outside of chicago
he’s an only child but sooo close to his parents… literally adores them
his dad was a cop and was injured in a car accident and put on disability because he broke his back (so his dad couldn’t really work and his mom tried her best to make extra money and they had help from insurance but still had a hard time) when caspar was about eight years old and they’ve always struggled financially, especially with the medical bills and constant doctors appointments so it was a hard time growing up.. he tried not to care about not having the same kind of childhood as the other kids he knew, like they all had new clothes, new toys, latest electronics etc etc like of course he noticed and felt that jealousy but had to keep reminding himself of what he did have and what he should be grateful for ., but as a kid that’s hard sometimes!!
they moved a lot as well, ya know jumping from house to house, town from town, school district to school district when they needed a house with cheaper rent.
caspar moved out of his parents house maybe a year ago, and he was kinda hesitant about it at first but they’re just a drive away and they really wanted to make sure he learned how to be independent and make a life for himself (he still helps them out if they need it he’d never stop doing that) he’s been working ever since he was old enough to so now he works at a sandwich shop as a cashier and lives in a (rundown) apartment in chicago, go caspar!! 
so basically a big family boy who just wants his parents to be happy and is trying his hardest.. ok
on to his personality… 
his traits on the app are ingenuous and conscientious and those are very true.. caspar is super gullible like you wouldn’t believe (or.. i guess you would believe it?? lmao) and it’s not that he’s not smart, he really is but he’s super trusting and will genuinely believe anything anyone says (to a point, obviously, he even has his limits but people have taken advantage of it)
he also.. has no sense of humor?? like really it’s because he doesn’t know when people are joking or not!!! don’t take it personally it’s just how he is!! if he’s gonna tell a joke it’d be like one out of a joke book, he gets those most of the time
very literal, Does Not Compute Sarcasm. that word isn’t in his vocab so.. be aware
But… he has such a big heart i swear. he only wants to do the right thing by everyone and would go out of his way to check on people and make sure they know he cares and is there for them and even if he finds it hard to relate to others sometimes that doesn’t stop him from trying! he feels bad when he doesn’t understand the latest #memes and whatever or doesn’t think they’re funny :/ but he’s glad other ppl are having a good time 
he’s friendly and low maintenance and really so drama free cause he literally doesn’t care or have any desire to get involved in drama, he has others things to worry about 
it’s kinda hard for him to express emotions.. like if he cares about you he will let you know don’t worry, it just might not be in the most conventional fashion
has a small comfort zone and likes to stay there. not very adventurous but if he’s with someone he trusts he can be convinced sometimes, but he just.. likes living his life with the absolute minimum amount of worrying possible 
has no idea what he wants to do with his life and that stresses him out a lot, he thinks about it constantly but doesn’t talk about it cus that’d stress him out more. right now he’s focusing on making money to live and to help his parents out when they need it (they never ask but he always tries to help when he can) 
ok ima leave this here.. i might be missing things but i could fill a whole novel up about him so if you wanna know more i’d be happy to share! :) but i just want this up so i can start plotting and playing him! <3
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