#so sometimes I expieriance anger and when I was younger I had like
ways to get your anger out over ppl being dumb online without investing too much time into it
People say dumb and stupid things online a lot: Sometimes these dumb and stupid things may make you very mad: Heres a list of ways to get out that anger instead of repeating the cycle by also posting something dumb and stupid in the heat of your anger from someone else posting something dumb and stupid ... Most of them are kinda cringe or dare I say- dumb and stupid, but idk maybe they'll be helpful to somebody somewhere
-if you feel the urge to send anon hate, go on anon, type it out... And delete it all and than dont hit send : Or if your worried you'll accidentally hit send: Just type what you'd say or even say it out loud 
-make a post briefly venting out and explaining your frustration, and save it as a draft, later on, you can either delete the draft, or add on to the draft whenever your upset, don't ever post it, just save to drafts or discard
-think about shadow the hedgehog... I wish I could say /j but like tbh an angsty black and red color scheme character really does help me express any random bits of pent up frustration 
-ask a friend if you can rant, ideally irl, than you can be as angry as you want without possibly hurting the feelings of strangers online 
-squeeze a pillow
-if you feel the need to spend an extended amount of time expressing your thoguhts: Try ti make the outcome positive: Like, instead of typing out a whole essay of ranting, type out a paragraph of ranting and than an essay on how whatever issue you have could be fixed, like I get upset over posts having a mean tone, so ill write down how the word choice could be switched to make the post less hateful sounding, I dont plan on sharing any of this, but its carthatic for me if I'm ever particularly worked up
-vent art, my favorite is drawing something with scribbles and bright and bold colors that mesh together weirdly, aka: Angsty art of Mary from ib
-on the other hand you can draw a doodle of a comfort character just smiling if you need something cheerful rather than indulging in the angry feelings 
-find an account that only posts positive things that make you happy
-figure out if the content upsetting you is tagged, if it is, block the tags, you can do this by going to your blog settings (at least on a computer Idk how on mobile)
-look at a plushie: Legit this helps alot
-look at the dumbest memes imaginable, because its the positive side of ppl being dumb online 
-just stick out your middle fingers for a while and say some choice words the way tik tokers who dont want their moms to hear do: Idk it helps if you specifically say it like that
-exit tab... Open ao3 tab, go to bookmarks, filter for your current fav otp, reread some oneshots, the anger is than converted into fanatic squealing 
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