#so my survivor is a really cool scavenger slug
greenskellyblob · 1 year
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Moss really hates lilypucks and getting him to eat them is a struggle.
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myfootsonfire · 3 years
This is a bit graphic but not necessarily gorey
(not named): it’s set in an apocalypse where there are a bunch of monsters. Humans can be turned into monsters but no one knows exactly how. You play as a nonbinary person that uses they/them pronouns and aroace. You try to just survive but you are constantly moving towards a “sanctuary” while also figuring out what happened to your family and the world. You can come across caged animals (people are desperate to get food even if that means eating pets) you have a choice between freeing the animal or leaving it be (the player will not be attacked while making a choice). If you free the animal you have a chance to tame the animal. You can come across many animals each playthrough. Every animal has an advantage and disadvantage of taming it. (Ex. Dog - would attack hostile enemies, help track items/people/monsters, can help hunt for food but you would have to make sure the dog has food and water, if the dog was badly injured you would have to use your medical supplies to heal it, animals can’t be used if they are badly injured and will stay at the last safe spot until healed) You collect supplies to craft/heal/eat/drink (Ex. needle and thread can be used to fix cloth items and to give stitches on serious wounds). Safe spots are little dome-shaped buildings (they seem to be alien of nature) they hidden quite well and no one seems to be able to find them on their own. They have these weird machines that can send you to other safe spots only after the machine has been fixed (you can not be sent to a safe spot where the machine has not be fixed). You find the safe spots using this weird device. Intro Idea: You’re woken up by a family member and you’re told you have to go scavaging for food for the family that day. You leave you basically go through a tutorial of surviving the world (movement, sneaking, eating/drinking, scavenging) On your way back you run into a monster (it’s like a slug very basic) outside of your home and you go through basically a battle tutorial. You enter your home after the battle and can’t seem to find your family but you run into this other survivor (he/him no name yet, really smug/cocky). He talks about some history about the place while you try to question him. His fox companion walks in carrying a device in its mouth. He takes the device and can’t figure out the device so he tosses it away. After he leaves, you grab the device and realize that there is a note attached to it saying to follow its signal.
(Once again copied from my notes. Let me know if you want more, I have a lot of ideas some more detailed than others)
AHHH THESE ARE SO GOOD!!! legit I love survival games they're so cool and that sounds like actually badass, especially the fast travel feature? Oh my god that's so cool! Yes I would love to know more that sounds so awesome!!
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