#so much to elaborate on that and what means for their characters especially ahsoka's since she ends up being an agent of just the force
kissofbelladonna · 2 years
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ahsoka character study? ahsoka character study.
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webtrinsic1122 · 2 years
My Unpopular(?) Star Wars Opinions (I’ll elaborate upon these if y'all want.)
- Let’s start off strong: I’m not a fan of the Rey Skywalker debacle. Not because I don’t believe she shouldn’t take the name; of course all of Star Wars focuses heavily on found family after all. Rather my problem comes from the fact the sequels have such an insistence as painting Rey as nothing important - something she overcomes obviously. It just seems like it would be more impactful if she simply embraced herself as Rey, and that alone is enough. Instead of her introducing herself with a name that already has mirth. 
- Star Wars is a clusterfuck of dysfunctional/toxic/unhealthy relationships. Especially the romantic ones. Anakin and Padme should have never been together, it honestly seems demeaning to Padme and so against her character to be with him Aesthetically do they look nice? Totally, does that mean their relationship makes any sense: no. (I can honestly elaborate on them two alone if y'all want. Just let me know.) Reylo is honestly up there with Anidala as gloriously fucked up, down right abusive relationships that I abhor. Again they got the aesthetic but that doesn’t mean their right for each other. Han and Leia were my childhood parents, adored them but dear god they had their issues: not anywhere near bad as the two previous examples but I will say it’s likely an accurate depiction of people who love one another but could never make it work. Honestly Obitine and Kanera are by far the healthiest options, and even still I’m putting Kanera over Obitine since there still was a power imbalance with those two.
- The Book of Boba Fett didn’t meet expectations BUT that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great show. It simply wasn’t what people were expecting, and quite honestly I appreciated the more laid back field and I feel a lot of people were upset since we actually never had seen much character growth for Boba so in the show when we got it and he became more than just this mysterious figure people fell out of love with him.
- Ahsoka Tano seemed to be a bit out of character in the live action shows, like she regressed back to the ideals the code pounded into her when in Rebels it seemed she moved passed them with the confrontation between her and Vader.
- I enjoy Starkiller as much as the next person but I don’t believe he should be introduced in live action. I feel as if in doing so (honestly I'm a bit biased in this) it will take away not only from Ahsoka’s journey and story but I feel it would just cause a whole plethora of problems for the story and the fandom. Which will be downright insulting and no one wants to deal with that.
- In the short amount of time Kanan and Ahsoka actually met, they were better siblings and a healthier depiction of siblings than Ahsoka and Anakin ever were.
- Kanan to me is a better depiction of what the Jedi should be, even more so than Qui-Gon Jinn. 
- A lot of the Star Wars book/media writers, completely undersell Ahsoka’s importance to Anakin. Especially in that one book where they state Anakin’s only ever true smile went to Luke when we know damn well at that point it should have at least fucking once went to Ahsoka.
- Omega from the bad batch, Ezra from Rebels, and even Ahsoka starting out weren’t and aren’t bad characters. People just aren’t empathetic to how children are and don’t have the patience to watch their growth.
- Some of the live action effects we’ve been seeing in Disney could be better and people can be upset. I understand actors and the prosthetics being difficult to work with like Ahsoka’s lekku. But with all the money Disney has, it doesn’t make sense to me that they can’t CGI some of these things to be a bit better.
- I am completely and totally relieved it will not be Luke training Grogu, he is too much of a hypocrite to do such a thing. And I get later on in his arc we see he finally realizes failure should be a teacher, but since he was not yet there in his arc. Grogu wasn’t in the right hands.
- Rogue One and Solo were good and underrated movies, but I will say Rogue One and it’s characters were better constructed with more appealing characters than the sequels. ( I say this because although the sequels have their own entertaining appeal with the whole different writers and directors, and last minute changes it really hurt the characters.)
- As much as I love Obi-Wan, he was an ass sometimes. Truly and utterly disillusioned by the council which is understandable, everyone at this point in star wars were all victims of circumstance but he along with the Jedi still put too much pressure on the shoulders of children and mentally unprepared people and it bit them in the ass and doesn’t look favorably upon them.
- Rebels is a great show, many just got stuck on the animation which honestly isn’t even bad. Sure the sabers are thin but you forget about it after a while in favor of the story.
- I know Disney would have never done it, but I’d have found Rey more compelling if she joined the dark side.
- Finn and Poe should have been the true protagonist of the sequels, and both their characters and their actors were down right disrespected in the worst possible ways.
- Star Wars should be given a “What If” like series because it is wasted potential not too. They could even go with the storyline of what was originally planned with Maul and Talon as the villains. And of course if Ahsoka took Maul’s hand.
- Crosshair (if it is true that his chip has been removed) is not worth redemption. (Hell I’ll add neither was Anakin at this point after killing the younglings). Man really became a skinhead and like Anakin was ended up whining. Does is suck your brothers left? I guess in your shoes but they have a child to take care of as well, it’s understandable they kept their distance when he was actively trying to do them harm.
- They need to stop whitewashing the clones and POC characters in general. I personally don’t have a problem with Omega’s blonde hair since the idea is based on Temuera’s sister’s hair, but god the bad batch and the end of the clone wars really messed things up. Like bro why were they and kanan so light? 
- The clone wars shouldn’t entirely be considered a kids show, not with the content within the show that is expounded upon. Take the Zygerria arc as proof.
That’s all I got for now, I can probably add more later but like yeah I’ll talk more about any of these if y'all want. Just be civil.
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shinhatigf · 3 years
a little bit insane ahsoka and luke au
the lovely @picazos-angsty-typist inspired me to just post my au ideas as opposed to giving them away, and this one is my absolute favorite! it's an au in which 19 year old ahsoka finds the time travel crystal from the lego star wars christmas special and is transported onto tatooine right before a new hope. then she gets to go along through the original trilogy and be best friends with luke! (this is honestly just an extremely convoluted way to get my favorite characters to be best friends. this au is for me <3.) extremely long elaborations and plot stuff in bullet points under the cut:
okay so 19 year old ahsoka! it would be about 2 years post order 66 and about 6-8 months since the ending of the ahsoka novel, so she's traveling the world and doing fulcrum things, attempting to build a rebellion with bail organa. this, naturally, means she needs to hide from the empire.
because it needs to be life day for the crystal to work, that's the day this all starts (in ahsoka's original timeline). ahsoka finds out randomly that it's life day, and has a moment remembering the day before order 66, before the empire. 
she gets into a skirmish with the empire close by kordoku, the planet with the time travel stone on it. she feels a pull from the force, like there's a safe haven on the planet below, so she lands and immediately knows why: she's in front of a jedi temple. she knows she'll be safe inside from the empire. she walks in, and seals the temple with the force
she picks up the weird rock thing in the middle of the room, as it's singing to her through the force. the second she touches it, a wormhole opens up, and she's dropped directly in the middle of a tatooinian sandstorm.
we the audience know that she's time traveled, but ahsoka has no clue. and as I'm assuming she doesn't have much experience wandering ancient abandoned jedi temples (in her time, very recently, they'd been populated and upkept), she wouldn't suspect she was hallucinating. she assumed the rock somehow teleported her, but the sand and the wind of the sandstorm make it impossible for her to find the rock. where before it had been singing to her through the force, she couldn't feel anything now.
she has no choice but to try and find shelter from the storm and wait it out. she finds a sort of cave, a small hideout, so she sets up her small camp. having nothing else to do, she opens herself up to the force to meditate, hoping to locate the rock and find more information about her new situation. however, she instead discovers something she wasn't expecting: the faint and utterly familiar force prescence of one obi-wan kenobi
it feels damaged and weak, almost as if he'd cut himself off from the force somewhat, but there was no denying that it was obi-wan. ahsoka thanked the force for sending her to the rock, as she assumes it had just sent her to obi-wan and nothing else.
during this force meditation, she also discovers the planet that she's on is tatooine. this heavily reminds her of anakin, hearing echoes of their conversation as they crossed the desert from what seems like a million years ago. 
once the storm settles, she makes her way through the tatooinian desert, and just as the suns are coming up and she knows she would need to find shelter, she happens upon the Lars farm.
she meets Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew, Luke. they are kind and good people, and do not hesitate to offer ahsoka a place to stay + some food and water. ahsoka rests up somewhat, but insists on helping them in return.
this part I haven't quite nailed out yet. tatooine side quest featuring ahsoka and luke doing whatever one does on a moisture farm. I assume ahsoka would offer technological help as she's a good mechanic (perks of master skywalker) so maybe they're going around and fixing vaporators?
that day and into the night, she and luke really hit it off. she learns more about tatooine and more about how they've been affect by the war. however from the way luke talks about it, the empire has been around as long as he can remember. this strikes ahsoka as extremely odd, and wonders what else is going on, but fixing things doesn't leave much room for another galaxy warping revelation, so she doesn't dwell on it immediately.
she and luke discuss kind of everything. they become buddies bc that's important to me. the next day, she tells them she's looking for obi-wan kenobi. "do you know someone named obi-wan kenobi?" luke does his little "do you think she means old ben kenobi?" number which is fun n nostalgic hehe.
owen seems to freeze. he hasn't heard that name in quite some time, and it doesn't exactly conjure pleasant memories. he reluctantly agrees to let luke point her in the right direction, and she buys a speeder from them (they try to give it to her but she insists on paying. ahsoka ftw)
ahsoka manages to avoid the tuskens on her way into the jundland wastes and runs into.... this really old dude. this is when she really has to confront the time travel of it all. she and obi-wan have a Talk. there's still a little bad blood between them considering obi-wan was on the council that condemned her without remorse or apology, but they're both so relieved to see the other alive.
ahsoka learns that it's been 19 years since order 66, since the empire took over. she remembers the day it happened, what only feels like 2 years ago to her.
she mentions that luke helped her find him, and obi-wan freezes. this obviously gets noticed by ahsoka, and obi-wan drops the real bomb on her: luke is anakin and padmé's son. obi-wan tells her that anakin died in order 66 and padmé died with the rebellion, that he's here both to hide out and to protect luke. she remarks in her head that the whole chosen one thing is ridiculous, that pinning the entire galaxy's hopes on a nineteen year old kid that up until now obi-wan has refused to even CONSIDER training (skywalker trauma lolz) but she can sense the strong emotions from him, that he wouldn't have it in him to stand up to the empire alone, so she drops it.
as to how padmé died: i hate the way that she dies in the prequels so I am deleting it. this is my canon. she actually survives and stays with the rebellion for a good 3-5 years before she's killed in a rebel vs. empire conflict. ahsoka is especially devastated to learn about her death from obi-wan (who bail organa risked communication with to tell him, as he was also close with padmé). 
she and obi-wan spar, both to get Ahsoka's mind off of the everything about this situation and because it's been so long since either of them have been around another jedi. it's cathartic for both of them. (ahsoka beats obi-wan easily btw haha)
obi-wan offers to officially knight her as a jedi knight, as that was what the council had intended after the whole fiasco and he says "you're just as experienced and powerful as I was when I was knighted." but ahsoka declines. she isn't ready to be considered a jedi yet, and may never be.
this is when a new hope really starts. obi-wan and ahsoka find luke unconscious in the jundland wastes, and that sequence goes pretty much the same. r2 is beeping and trilling like crazy because ahsoka!!!!!! that's one of his best friends!!!!!!! luke is like "you know this droid?" and ahsoka freezes, because how exactly does she explain to the nice dude she met yesterday that actually she's from 17 years in the past and was very close with both of his parents, who both were extremely close to r2?
she does in fact explain all of that to him when they get to obi-wan's house. she has no idea how she got here or why, but she did know anakin skywalker and padmé amidala naberrie, and tells him as much as she remembers about them. luke misses both of his parents like an ache in his chest, wishing more than anything he could have known them. 
obi-wan offers his own perspective on it, and tells how anakin died (which ahsoka is just as eager to know). obi-wan, on the spot, says that another jedi fell to the dark side and joined sidious, and that anakin died defending the temple. (he obviously couldn't say that vader was his pupil, because ahsoka would see through that immediately.)
luke asks why he couldn't have lived with his mother in the rebellion, but obi-wan says that she wanted him to be safe from the galactic conflict and stay with anakin's family. (which is partially true, but the whole sith-sensing-the-overly-powerful-skywalkers was a big factor as well.) obi-wan says he's truly sorry that luke never got to know her.
after learning about the message r2 brought, ahsoka knows she has to get to the rebellion however possible and rejoin the fight. obi-wan agrees, and gives his little elevator pitch to luke about becoming a jedi and joining the rebellion. when obi-wan gives luke the lightsaber, a million memories with anakin flash through ahsoka's head. luke still comes to same conclusion at the end of that conversation: he's willing to guide them out of tatooine, but he can't join the galactic conflict, at least not now. 
however, as they're leaving, they find the destroyed jawa crawler. luke, as before, realizes it means the stormtroopers found his family. ahsoka knows that only despair waits there for him, and urges him not to go, but when he doesn't back down hops in the speeder with him (for protection and emotional support). 
luke gets to have more emotions about the fact that the empire killed his /entire family./ ahsoka doesn't try and use it to convince him to go, only offers to help him bury them. she openly uses the force to move things around and make things easier, while luke is still in shock, almost numb. they're buried next to shmi and cliegg. 
luke is ANGRY at the empire. he is PISSED. he decides to go with them to fight not because he longs for adventure, but because he wants to hit the empire where it hurts. ahsoka can recognize that isn't the thought process of a jedi, but she feels the exact same way after learning about anakin and padmé. 
now it's mos eisley time. i feel like han would definitely like/admire ahsoka at first, but ahsoka would not like him. she finds him deplorable and a little annoying, and joins in on the whole bagging on the falcon jokes. this leads to han getting his feelings hurt and he's like fine :( we are not friends then >:(. 
the interesting thing is that chewie and ahsoka actually know each other! they were both kidnapped by bossk and hunted for sport in that one clone wars arc, so they're both like "oh hey person who was there for one of the most terrifying and traumatic times in my life! what's up!" they become fast friends yet again, and chewie is like "wow you did not age at all. are you sure you're not a wookiee?"
on the millennium falcon, she and obi-wan get started on luke's training. he asks her about his parents constantly (what they were like, what they did, where they came from, etc). she also talks about what the jedi were like (providing a less rose-colored-glasses perspective, but still with a lot of positives). 
she feel the same pain obi-wan does right before they get to alderaan, and can feel bail and breha organa in particular (having known them fairly well after the ahsoka novel). 
they get pulled into the death star's tractor beam. ahsoka can feel the cold and horrible presence of vader, a sick dread building in her the closer they get to it. they go to hide under the floorboards of the falcon. han knows how the empire operates better than anyone, which ahsoka is shocked to learn is much different than the Republic or the empire she remembers. (i imagine she lived in a more transitional period, so while the empire was terrible during her time, they were only getting started.)
she tries to go with obi-wan to shut off the power beam, but obi-wan still does his "I must go alone" little number. sensing the end of something, but not what it is, she hugs him goodbye. he's still obi-wan and she missed him dreadfully. he tells her to protect luke. 
she along with luke refuses to indulge han's obi-wan slander, and when han says "great at getting us into trouble!" she says "you should have met anakin."
then it's princess rescue time as it should be. that goes exactly the same except ahsoka is much better at defending them from the stormtroopers lol. leia still does the blasting and "somebody has to save our skins!" line because I love that
ahsoka can tell immediately that leia is padmé's daughter. she had probably heard of leia, being in the rebellion for about six months before time traveling, but now having met her it's completely obvious. she doesn't vocalize this immediately though, planning to discuss it with obi-wan. 
yes I'm keeping the garbage monster scene because I think it's funny :)
ahsoka goes with han and chewie after the stormtroopers while luke and leia head for the ship. also ahsoka + han banter because I think it's funny
she can see obi-wan and vader's fight (which I'm hoping will be a lot more like their fight in rots. a new hope is incredible but the lightsaber fights got way better as time went on. their final fight deserves to be epic). she tries to run and help obi-wan but luke pulls her back. "he can handle it," he says. "we need you to help us get to the falcon."
however when obi-wan is killed, both of them are distraught. his voice appears in ahsoka's head, telling her not to face vader yet, telling her to run. chewie literally has to hold her back and carry her to the ship. 
they blast their way out of the death star, none of them having the time to dwell on what just happened. 
ahsoka and luke are both numb. luke lost 3 parental figures in one day, and obi-wan's death after going through order 66 just brings it allll up again. leia is also hanging out in the numb dead parents circle, because her entire planet got blown up today and obi-wan's death just feels like another nail in the coffin. all three of them can sort of feel each other's emotions, and unconsciously they're comforting each other with the force. it's a healing moment for all three of them
han is kind of awkwardly standing in the background. "there wasn't anything any of you could have done," he says, in a rare show of emotion. (i like han wanting to help them despite his i-don't-care-about-anything facade.)
this doesn't stop him from saying he's only in it for the money later though. leia gets to blow up at him about it same as in the movie because she deserves it methinks.
they make it to the rebellion, and a few of the people who've been in it from the beginning recognize her (mon mothma maybe?). I also like the idea of ahsoka being something of rebellion legend, having been one of the last jedi who presumably died fighting the empire for the rebellion. 
also general hera syndulla gets to be there bc i love her. she is the one who shows the plans to the pilots and explains the plan. she also references the rogue one crew because i love them also. 
ahsoka in an x-wing with the red team attempting to blow up the death star. when vader makes an appearance, she can sense him in the starfighter nearby them, the same cold and evil presence. she personally goes to fight vader and defends the rest of the team from him, somehow falling into a perfect rhythm and anticipating every move. she doesn't kill him obviously, but she gets close. the things that happen stay the same: they sustain heavy casualties, she survives the battle, han comes back to save the day, luke is the one who blows up the death star.
luke, han, chewie, and ahsoka get medals in the end, because each of them were instrumental in the blowing up of the death star (and a lot more pilots survive thanks to Ahsoka's defense). there are references to the phineas and ferb star wars special because I want it. 
there's a bit after the official end of a new hope in which she's talking to Luke like "I can't stay. this isn't my timeline. I have to go back. and if I can go back, maybe I can try and save the jedi. maybe I can fix things." however luke changes her mind. "maybe you're in this timeline for a reason. maybe NOW is when you can change things. I would've died without you in the battle of yavin. plus, how am I supposed to become a jedi without you?" luke + leia + han + chewie + r2 + 3po all convince her to stay. they are all very attached to ahsoka at this point, and ahsoka realizes she doesn't really want to leave them either.
also. because the battle is over and they all have a moment to breathe, she tells leia that she's positive she's padmé and anakin's daughter too, not just because of the physical resemblence but also her force sensitivity. there's no doubt about it.
ahsoka agrees to train both of them in what she knows, though she warns that she wasn't a master or even a knight.
it ends with the whole crew hanging out on the falcon (han, leia, luke, chewie, r2, c-3po, and ahsoka)
those are my bullet points for the episode IV section of this! if people want to see where this goes in the rest of the trilogy let me know I have so many notes about this au
also tagging: @togrutanduin @padme--amygdala @bisexualobiwanrights @grimthejedisith @senator-nahberries you get to watch me lose my mind in real time <3
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veilofadyingstar · 7 years
HAAT Phase 1
Among the toughest phases of this raid are the first and third. In Phase 1, juggling droids and Grievous can get frustrating when debuffs start stacking and specials are getting cancelled for a turn.
So, what are the best teams for Phase 1 that you can obtain as a FTP player? Hopefully I can answer that for you under the cut.
Master Post
This is probably one of the most popular team comps and one of the most reliable for getting a lot of damage on Phase 1.
Team Composition: Aayla Secura (Lead), Jedi Knight Anakin, Ahsoka Tano, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ima Gun-Di
All of these Jedi characters have high tenacity stats, which will allow them to resist debuffs. Most importantly, Aayla’s leader ability increases the tenacity of all allies. This is pretty important considering Grievous gives debuffs with pretty much every attack he uses. If you don’t have Aayla but you have Yoda, he’s a good replacement; so long as you have a character that will give your team tenacity buffs, you’re good to go.
Gear Level: For all characters, you should have a minimum of Gear Level IX. Anything lower, and your toons won’t survive very long. Try to have most of them at Gear Level X, if you can.
Attacks and Abilities: Max out basics and specials. Max out Aayla’s leader ability. Zeta abilities are not required for this team.
Mods: Everyone will be geared out with full Tenacity mods, in order to increase everyone’s tenacity overall. Again, this is vital for resisting the amount of debuffs this phase gives your characters.
The Strategy: This is by far the most difficult thing to do, because it depends on you getting good RNG during the phase. Anakin and Ahsoka will be your heavy hitters that focus on Grievous. Use Aayla for the other droids. Keep her attacking the IG-100s to stun them and prevent their counter attacks. Skip taking down the B2 in your first turn, since Grievous will just revive it on his. Use Qui-Gon’s Humbling Blow on droids that are taunting so you don’t have to waste turns attacking droids instead of Grievous. Ima Gun-Di is a great character in this raid because all his attacks do even more damage against droids than they do against other types of toons. Use him to take care of the B2.
The alternative to Tenacity Jedi.
Team Composition: Ima Gun-Di (Lead), Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight Anakin, Ahsoka Tano, Grandmaster Yoda
This is a bit of a mix of high tenacity and high counter chance. Ima Gun-Di’s leader ability gives all Jedi allies a 35% counter chance and 25% counter damage. This team comp will rely on the fact that you are getting hit and that your toons will survive. Aayla’s counter is extremely important because not only does she counter, but she can possibly stun an enemy after hitting them with a counter. Yoda will give everyone tenacity buffs so they can survives the onslaught. Ima Gun-Di’s ability increases’s everyone’s counter chance overall.
Gear Level: Like in the previous team, a minimum of Gear Level IX is required for all your characters. Level X is recommended.
Attacks and Abilities: Same as above. Max out all basics and specials. Make sure Ima Gun-Di’s leader ability is maxed out.
Mods: Once again, you’ll want to go with Tenacity mods. Resisting those debuffs that Grievous deals out will be key.
The Strategy: The strategy for this team doesn’t differ too much from the above. In fact, you can consider the Counter Jedi team a good alternative to the Tenacity Jedi team if you lack certain characters but have others.
Another Jedi-heavy team with a new Phoenix spin.
Team Composition: Qui-Gon Jinn (Lead), Ezra Bridger, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Barriss Offee, Ima-Gun Di
Gear Level: Minimum of Gear Level X required.
Attacks and Abilities: Max out basics, specials, and uniques. Qui-Gon’s leader ability must be zeta’d.
Mods: For this team, you’ll want to have mods with bonus speed stats. For Barriss, give her mods that boost her health so she’ll be an effective healer, as well as her speed so she can reset her cooldowns faster. You’ll also want some bonus Crit Chance and Crit Damage because of the bonuses Jedi receive in the raid itself, especially for Qui-Gon. For Ezra and Ima-Gun Di, give them all Crit Chance and Crit Damage mods, since they’ll be one of your main damage dealers. Anakin will need Potency mods to stack his buff immunity.
The Strategy: Use Anakin’s basic as much as possible to give your team buff immunity, so Grievous won’t constantly be stacking buffs on your toons. You’ll want to keep him from enraging quickly, and preventing debuff stacking will keep Grievous’s turn meter from going up constantly. His AOE will be useful to give some offense up on your team. Qui-Gon will be used to call assists and dispel buffs on Grievous. His leader ability will give all Jedi allies increased speed, which is necessary to do a lot of damage in this phase. Ima-Gun Di is a heavy hitter alongside Ezra, but he also has bonus damage against droids, so use him to take out the B2 and the IGs. Ezra’s turn meter gain for himself and allies will be especially handy during this phase, since he not only deals heavy damage, but he attacks frequently.
I will not focus on the Kenobi Sink, since this guide is intended for people who do not yet have him unlocked. I will return to this guide later to explain this team comp for people who want to farm shards for the shard shop.
Teebo and Rogue One work well together, apparently.
Team Composition: Teebo (Lead), Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, TIE Fighter Pilot, Barriss Offee
Gear Level: Gear Level IX recommended, X preferred.
Attacks and Abilities: Barriss needs to have her zeta ability, and Teebo’s leader ability needs to be maxed. Recommended that you max or at least get everyone else’s abilities to the level below max.
Mods: Will be updated after more research.
The Strategy: Will be updated after more research.
aka the new Phase 1 solo method
Team Composition: Savage Opress
Gear Level: Gear Level XI (possible at X and IX, but will take longer and you may wipe before you finish the phase)
Attacks and Abilities: All attacks and abilities maxed. You must zeta his unique, Brute.
Mods: Get mods that will boost his health to over 30k. Protection matters less because he can’t regenerate protection. You’ll also need speed mods so that he hits more often, since escaping is a 50% chance. (will be elaborated upon later)
The Strategy: COMING SOON
aka the original Phase 1 solo method
Team Composition: Kylo Ren
Gear Level: Gear Level XI (possible at X and IX, but will take longer)
Attacks and Abilities: All attacks and abilities maxed. You must zeta his special ability, Outrage.
Mods: Critical Damage and Critical Chance with Protection stats and Offense stats. Focus on giving Kylo Ren a lot of protection so he has a lot to gain back with each strike.
The Strategy: There’s a bit of a trick to this one that takes advantage of Kylo Ren’s unique ability. The key is to send Kylo Ren in alone. This is so every single attack is directed towards him. Kylo Ren’s zeta ability, Outrage, means he will regain protection whenever he uses it. But his unique ability is the reason soloing Phase 1 is even possible. Thanks to his unique, when attacked, Kylo Ren has a 50% chance to reset all his cooldowns. This includes the retreat function, which is treated like one of his abilities. Because you get infinite attempts on the HAAT, use this retreat function often. Pay attention to the enrage timer; I recommend starting to retreat once the countdown gets to 5, but you can start earlier if you want. If you can, avoid using Kylo Ren’s basic. Do not use Lash Out, or you will trigger the B2, which may ability block you for a turn.
With luck, the retreat function will continue to be considered as part of his abilities that can be cooled down. If that gets changed, this strategy becomes null, but Kylo Ren is worth investing in for Squad Arena anyway, so I highly recommend him. He’s the character I’m focusing on for Phase 1 of the raid.
EDIT: As of 7/3/2017, the retreat function cooldown has been patched. This strategy is still viable, it will just take longer, and will rely on your RNG. Go until it’s time to retreat Kylo Ren. If you fail to retreat, use the retreat function in the settings and try again for better RNG.
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