#so much boaz foreshadowing
QoTS 5x02 Reaction Post
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My brain has basically been Jeresa airhorns since the episode aired lmao but I’m going to try to add some Thoughts to my liveblog from last night.  Here goes:
First of all thank you to @gild-and-fire​ for making this tag meme for me that is ALREADY coming in handy.
Iiiiiiiinteresting that the moment James’ name is cleared the Ice Queenpin of last week thawed quite a bit, right?  Sure the trademark cool under pressure business dealings were there for Teresa (including a bit of ruthlessness) but in very calculated, ultimately successful way rather than terrifying.
James is back like what? 48 hours and already throwing up speed bumps for the descent of Teresa’s soul.  It’s gonna be a tough job, but if anyone can do it....
How to say I love you without saying I love you: Some guys bring you flowers, some bring you a personal army.
This episode was a Jeresa Callback All U Can Eat Buffet
There were SO many from the greatest hits: Take Care of Yourself, You too / “Smart” / You Deserve That / I Want You to Stay etc.  to even visual cues from past Jeresa scenes - the talk outside about going to NYC / 2x04, the lunge into the kiss from 3x09.  And of course the cigarette scene that @medievalraven​ goes over in her great meta.  It was an episode tailor made for parallel gifsets. 
I’m kinda shocked they didn’t add a driving together scene for old times sake.  Still holding out hope for a S5 Jeresa adventure episode too.
These two, as ever, are so so soft and so so stupid lmao.  But even with the interruptions of their private scenes, they packed SO much in. And I loved how you could both tell they’d learned from their past miscommunications.
They were a little rusty at first - doing that thing they do approaching it from an angle instead of head on - T: “You didn’t have to come back.”  J: “Yeah I did.”   T: “Are you staying?” J: “Do you want me to stay?” But right out of the gate James is like this is what I feel, I need you to verbalize what you want from me. Which by end of the episode Teresa does.
But then he says “these Russians are animals” and you can practically SEE Teresa visualizing his death in her head so she’s like "you should go”.
LOL at James playing the emotional game of chicken with THE master of the game Teresa Mendoza.  Him being like “Okay I’ll pack...this is me walking to the bed slowly...packing...to leave...this is me leaving....and I’m going to wander around the house...slowly... in case anyone needs anything...just in case...do a shot with Pote...get to know Chicho...oh hey, I’m already packed let’s go to NYC” lol.
“I’m a quick healer” If only, my friend.
The laugh!!! the smiles!! the heart eyes!! the “people who you love” meaningful eye contact!!
The smoking scene.  Poor James was probably thinking of a victory celebration a la 3x09 like “will my stitches hold for that?? Lets find out” and then
Teresa comes out with a CLEAR “I want you to stay”!!!! growth.gif
Only to  drop the (albeit heart eyes included) hammer of “You and me can’t happen.”
I love how James didn’t technically agree.
Can’t wait to see if Teresa caves physically or emotionally first....
Just gonna leave these lines here: “I thought we could be like normal people” / “Get lost for awhile, get these hands clean” / “[change] is the only way to survive in this life” / “we can’t happen...maybe in some other life but not this one.”  Mmmhmmmmmm.  
Non Jeresa stuff:
I really like Oscar the Dominican so far.
Teresa’s “We can double our business or go to war. These are my terms.” CLASSIC Teresa smarts with Queenpin power...I loved it.
The judge: “You’ll be the next Mexican I set on fire”. He can’t just die now, his death better top Cortez’s death by chainsaw b/c this had me ready to drive to NOLA and do it myself.
I loved the expression on James face when Oksana said “[Kostya] wasn’t sure you’d save my life.” LOL like saving other ppl’s lives is kinda what Teresa does, if only I could get Teresa to save her own.
Is the Oksana stuff legit?? It felt really convenient that the “sleeper cell” was dead before Teresa could talk to them.  Were they really rogue or did Oksana just kill off everyone who knew otherwise?  We’ll see. Kostya agreed to her new terms for now.
I loved that of all the many conflicts introduced in the first ep (James, NYC Russians/Dominican rivalry, waterfront $$, the kill team, etc) so many had some sort of resolution or solid movement FORWARD in this episode.  That’s something I really missed from the earlier seasons: mini conflicts that had a 2-3 episode arc instead of *cough* dragging out all season (s4).
Speaking of which, Boaz’s sixth sense of when things are going too well for Teresa remains unparalleled lol.  But I can’t wait to see what JT does next. He’s killing it. Maybe literally...
And now.....the baby news.
At first I was too happy to get an extended James and Pote conversation to care but is anyone else kinda irked that it was POTE who shared the Tony story? I get it story wise w/ his own Tony redemption opportunity on the horizon with KA’s pregnancy they wanted to get that “this world is not for a child they make you weak and vulnerable” ominous foreshadowing in there but oof.  I wish it had been a Teresa/James convo first. 
A baby can be a catalyst for a lot of things (as if Teresa isn’t already feeling the pressure to get legit fast) but what I’m wondering is this:  If it comes down to protecting pregnant Kelly Anne or Teresa, in the heat of the moment, who will Pote choose? He violently reacted to the incarcerated teen boys and that was before he knew KA’s news.   
I’m glad James stayed.  Teresa needs someone who is focused on HER safety alone and as evidenced many times this episode, she definitely will need it.
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
QOTS S5 E1 first thoughts! SPOILERS ABOUND
*********Spoilers for Queen of the South, Season 5 Episode 1*********
ok so! in case anyone cares about my rambley unorganized opinions on the season 5 premiere, i want to put them somewhere so here they are! i actually really liked it for the most part lol and had a fun time watching 
SO. pretty typical of QOTS to not let james & teresa have a meaningful moment alone until episode 2 but not gonna lie i’m still...........a lil salty about it. his talk with kellyanne was sweet tho and her last line of their lil talk....holy shit. like fuck!!! she’s right but..... fuck! i sense foreshadowing and i DO Not care for it
and i’m a bit pissed that so much time was wasted with king george being a dick and ready to shoot james for no discernible reason (i thought they were friends??? what the hell did james do to piss off KG so much? i thought they left on good terms? seems like he took james leaving harder than teresa... lol) when AS USUAL james totally saved the day right in the knick of time for literally....king george and teresa and pote.. like he saved literally EVERYONE’s life. and he was recovering from a gunshot wound and blood loss like????????? why is everyone wasting time distrusting him when they could be taking advantage of his life saving skills?? lol james in a classic King George bright yellow floral hawaiian shirt though!!!! amazing. beautiful. make james wear more color 2021!!
ALSO JAMES CONTINUING TO BE A PERFECT SHOT AND TAKING OUT LIKE 4 GUYS W NO WASTED BULLETS EVEN INJURED WHILE KING GEORGE AND CHICHO SHOT AT THE OTHER GUY LIKE TEN TIMES AND MISSED..... I LAUGHED SO HARD HOLY SHIT like between that scene and george accusing james of shooting himself in the stomach and knowing where to shoot in order to survive b/c he’s a sniper like....they really Really wanted to drive the point home that james is a Good Shot... 
but honestly all of that, on top of teresa kinda making more trouble for herself but ending up sort of accidentally~on purpose doing the smart thing anyways, felt Very OG queen of the south so that was actually really fun. plus we all knew james was gonna redeem himself and save the day anyways. i just lowkey wanted KG to get in trouble w/ teresa for taking a recovering james behind her back to a dangerous location without a gun - right after she got him back!! and before they even talked alone.... but that’s wishful thinking haha (someone gonna write that fic??) 
ALSO that scene with boaz and the judge?? OOF honestly i loved that scene even tho i HATE the judge and honestly i have no idea what to think of boaz after all these years lol, but their acting was so good and it’s just such an intense scene, idk they fuckin killed it!! no pun intended lmaoo
anyways i’m excited for episode 2 and it has definitely renewed a lot of my love for the show and i’m intrigued to see where they’re going with this season! and excited for james and teresa to talk alone!! without everyone around them accusing james of hurting her! or doing anything other than loving and protecting her!! hahaha 
i will say tho. i am a liiiiiiiittle peeved that all the writers came up with for the james/ devon plot was just. devon just let him go? and gave him information that would save teresa??? after constantly threatening to shut down her business, take over her business, kill her, etc.etc.whatever??????? like. i am kinda glad they just wrapped it up and didn’t linger on it but i really thought james would have like. overheard something about the kill order and made another deal w/ devon or fought his way out or just literally anything other than. they just gave him the information and let him go. like am i the only one who thinks that’s kind of lame??? but it’s okay b/c now we can just. move on from that whole mess hopefully. 
ANYWAYS here’s to a good final season y’all! thanks for reading my ramblings :’) i would love to hear other people’s thoughts!!
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283livesforone · 3 years
QOTS Episode 7 Live Reaction AKA Zoë is an oblivious duckling who focuses on wardrobe and nerds out on set design to the point where she doesn’t realized obvious foreshadowing :)
1. Okay are we gunna talk about the ~hot people montage~ that opened the episode.... off to a wonderful start
2. Splitting it up with murder to stop me from malfunctioning was a good idea now I’m crying over George again :’(
3. Pote and Kelly anne color coordinating 🥺
5. Pote being called “Love bug” is my favorite type of character development
6. “I’m gunna chose to be optimistic” - both me and Kelly Anne as this episode started far too nicely meaning it’s about to become a bloodbath
7. Teresa Mendoza is hot.
8. James looking her up and down because he believes in point 7 above (I’m a simp, he’s a simp, I love it here)
9. I’m gunna fucking lose it if they try and pretend George’s death was an accident or he just went missing or some ba my boy DESERVES BETTER
10. I’ve always hated Boaz now I’m just mad
11. James sweetie you’re staring. I mean same. But it’s getting weird
11b. I love that he’s completely accepted the fact that he’s in love with Teresa and is now just suffering
12. Pregnant Kelly Anne desperately longing for coffee is so absolutely adorable and I love her she’s gonna be such a cute and wonderful mother 🥺
13. Kelly Anne and Pote both in black pants blue shirt, James and Teresa both in white top black pants THIS IS WHAT IM LIVING FOR PROPS TO THE COSTUME TEAM YOU ARE DOING THE ~MOST~
15. Power couple Jeresa in meetings is literally my favorite thing ever they’re so cool and beautiful and color coordinated and I just want them to be happy
16. Me genuinely terrified they were about to kill James after the Teresa jumping out to save one of her men comment
17. Father Pote oh my god I love him I LOVE HIM “until he’s done baking” this is too wholesome I’m a literal puddle on the floor and Kelly Anne just laughing because he’s being adorable and she’s all happy and oh my gosh shes been through too much only a few seasons ago she was killing her abusive husband I LOVE THIS GIRL SO MUCH SHES HAPPY SO IM HAPPY
18. If James doesn’t cool it with this self sacrificial bs I’m not gunna survive to the season finale
19. “That gun in your waist band does not give you power” who ever wrote this episode 👏
20. I love Dumas. I don’t expect him to survive the season but his development is amazing we love to see someone go through trauma and then reevaluate their morals
21. I’m losing it over these parents to be. Pote ranting about how difficult it is to cook for an expectant mother and then melting and going dead silent when the babies heart beat came 🥺
23. The. Parallels. The way it used to be queen Teresa who gave little messages and now it’s her badass younger self wowowowow I love it this is amazing they’re closing the show sooo beautifully
24. The way I was scared of everyone dying other than Kellie Anne....
Final thoughts: flawless, somehow adorably wholesome yet also full of funky plot twists and angst. Jeresa are gunna be the DEATH OF ME. Those longing looks. The way they keep having unspoken conversations and ending spoken ones abruptly because they know they can only cope with so much emotion before they literally jump each other’s bones... I. Love. Them.
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ablindingsupernova · 3 years
Thoughts on QotS 5.02
Continuing my trend of posting late but I’ve been busy enjoying all of the lovely gifsets...
I’ve been waiting for James and Teresa to interact and boy did this episode deliver.
- THE LOOKS. So much passes between Teresa and James with just a look that sometimes the actual conversation is superfluous. Still, Teresa finally coming to talk to James, to thank him for coming. James’ face when she tells him that he should go, right after he says that the Russians are animals. That was a gut punch but as always, James respected her wishes.
- Pote thanking James for saving Kelly Anne! I was wondering whether we would get that and it was a nice surprise. Their whole exchange was terrific, particularly the last bit about Teresa needing James, because duh. And I love that it came from Pote because he knows James and he knows what James means to Teresa. She’s surrounded by people who would protect her, but Pote knows that James is the only one that’s going to get through to her. 
- THE KISS. I nearly screamed when I saw Teresa lunge for James. I mentioned in my previous post that I doubted we’d get anything like this this season and I was thrilled to be proved wrong. Even when she’s full on Queenpin, James gets past her walls. And while I’ll forever curse the ringing phone, the intensity of that scene and the one on the roof was all worth it. So much angsty goodness. And as others have mentioned, Teresa’s line ‘maybe in another life’ sounds so much like foreshadowing and not even in a squint and you’ll maybe see it way. With the official Twitter and Instagram accounts both posting about them, I feel very confident that the ending we get will be a good one. 
- And as others have also mentioned, the use of mirrors in this episode. It was too frequent not to mean something. James and Teresa’s conversation in his room, the horror show in the motel room, James and Teresa’s conversation in the bar- Teresa may be the Queenpin but she still has that humanity in her. Teresa’s reaction to what happened in the motel room, the blood bath only visible to the audience in the mirror’s reflection. I’m curious to see if this is something the show will run with for the remainder of the season.
- The conversation on the roof. I know I should be pulling my hair out at Teresa pushing James away while keeping him close, but I LOVED IT. And I think everyone expected that we were going to get something like that. As much as James can get past Teresa’s walls, she’s not going to just let them all down right off the bat. Not after everything she’s been through. James’ acceptance of her decision seemed weird at first but after thinking about it, it’s very much in character for him. He can’t argue the point- Teresa made it clear that they can’t be together so that’s that. And he’s always respected the women in his life and this is no different. Pushing her would almost certainly result in her sending him away and being there for her, keeping her safe is James’ number one priority. 
- I don’t know what’s up with these Russians but I’m guessing we haven’t seen the last of them.
- Boaz. Boaz, Boaz, Boaz. Just as Teresa has the Judge right where she wants him. Just as she FINALLY emerges victorious in their little war and has New Orleans to herself, Boaz blows it all to hell. After the exchange in the bar last week, I thought maybe Boaz was playing the long game, provoking the Judge to attack and for Teresa’s hand. I should’e known better. Boaz doesn’t exactly have great impulse control. 
- A baby Pote on the way! I was pretty excited about this but after the previews for 5.03 I’m reining my enthusiasm in a bit. I don’t know what those scenes were about but with this show, there’s usually another shoe waiting to drop right around the corner. 
- I’ve missed Marcel and I’m glad we’ll get him back next week. 
I know we’re only two episodes in but we only have ten total and I’m pretty happy with what we’ve gotten so far. I wish we had a longer season, especially since James was absent for S4, but if the rest of the episodes are as satisfying, then I’m going to complain. 
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folie-lex · 6 years
@jloo37  Hi, any theories on who Teresa is going to partner up with in 308 and the mole in 310? I think the mole is KA but not sure about the partner. The episode cast lists for 308 and 309 on imdb is quite interesting in case you want to take a look.
Re who the partner is 3.08 - Much like my take on the “unexpected ally” I think there are quite a few options:
Boaz could be on a revenge spree after the Kique incident. And he could very well go fully on Tereza’s side.
I’m preeeeetty sure I saw Sheriff Mayo in the promo, and I have read somewhere that A.Martinez is sticking around for a few more episodes... so he could be it.
Alfonso Herrera’s character should show up sometime soon. Maybe this will be the week and he’s in fact “the devil” in question.
The last person refered to as the “the devil” by TPTB was Devon on the official twitter feed... and going by the fact that James ended up being the “old friend” both times that description was used, maybe it is Devon and she calls him for help in exchange for some El Santo scoop (which could also lead to her having to prove to El Santo she’s still loyal to him later on in the season).
Re who the mole is in 3.10 - Firstly a correction: the mole is referenced in the episode synopsis for 3.11.
As for who it is, I honestly have no idea, and looking at the options I find myself at a loss TBH... and granted it might be because I’m quite attached to Teresa’s current crew and I want them all to be loyal to her to the end. But even putting in the effort to figure out who it is, objectivelly and detached, is proving difficult.
I think it’s easy to peg Kelly Anne as the weak link... and the obvious choice... which actually makes me question it being her.
Turning Lil T traitor after the whole deal with James in 3.05 feels redundant. (And if it was foreshadowing instead, it wasn’t very good)
Charger and/or Tonto are “maybes” I suppose... they used to run with James on Camila’s behalf after all. And Charger in particular seemed to have a personal raport with her. But they haven’t been given enough to do currently to be considered a real threat IMO. And if it is either one of them (or both of them), what with them being James’ guys that will cause friction. And it’s extra drama James & Teresa don’t need right now from a narrative POV. (If they didn’t have all the Guero crap hanging over their heads, I’d be more inclided to support this option)
Ivan, firstly we don’t know enough about, and secondly in general he’s too peripheral of a character to bring actively into the story like this and so late into the season (unless they build up to it in the next few episodes). And if Teresa loses her tech guy then the whole operation could fall apart.... which could be the “terrible choice” she has to face... so I would add this choice as “likely” I guess.
George I think is a no-go mostly because I’m like 99.9% sure he’s the “friend in the cage” in the next episode (the picture of Veronica, Ryan & Yancey on twitter is basically all the proof I need for that). Being the mole on top of that feels too contradictory. And Bilal is like his “Pote” so I don’t think that’s an option either.
Lastly I think we all know there’s no way in hell it’s either James OR Pote...
As an outlier option, I will however bring up Alfonso Herrera’s character again. I think he will have most likely shown up by then. So if by episode 11 he’s embedded himself enough in the group, then maybe it’s him.... (?)
Re the cast list - I’ve been around fandom & spoilers long enough to know not to trust IMDb when it comes to spoilers in the least (It’s a great source of information after things have been released/aired. But as spoiler source it’s utterly unreliable). Therefore the cast lists so far isn't something I'm taking at face value. I will admit that historically Peter has missed one episode per season so far, and so he could very well skip one this season too. But considering how popular James is as a character and how aware the writers are of this fact, I don't think they'd do that anymore. Plus, he was gone for most of 3.01 anyway, so that kiiiiinda counts as "having skipped one” right?
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shahedam · 6 years
Queen of the South episode 8 & my “Godfather” feels
Ok so I rewatched it today....Some interesting things.  I have watched a lot of gangster movies/tv shows and one of my favorite gangster movies of all time is Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather.  In no particular order.  
1.  James is always prepared. He had a fire extinguisher y’all.  He is a very intelligent man.  But James the next time you are trying to put out a fire you aim at the base of the fire.  I loved that he is a mature guy.  He showed us that a man can be a gangster and a gentle man.  My heart almost burst when he had the finger on the trigger and she said no, we will kill them all when the time is right.  Who the hell does the sound track the music just has me in a mood.  Like yes.  For James he gives me Young Vito Corleone (DeNiro) feels.  
2.  Sherriff Mayo is a sad man.  Remember his conversation with Teresa.  He was beaten and bullied so much that it changed him into a sadist psycho.  
3.  Pecas is not a bad guy.  He is a boss.  He is the biggest narco in La Comision.  He is trying to protect his spot.  He sided with Boaz who disappeared so that connection to the Colombians went to Camilla so now he is working with Camilla who is supplying him with coke.  He never wanted Teresa in Arizona and he tells her that at the meeting.  Teresa wants the throne so she is going to have to get on some murder mami shit so it is what it is.  
4.  Taza.  I like Taza.  He seems like a good dude.  He wants to build schools and hospitals.  Too bad they can’t get the casino up and running.  Vegas is like 4/5 hours away from Phoenix so I don’t know why they can’t get it poppin but whatever.  Those cars were awesome.  I liked that him and Pote led them down Death Highway.  
5.  Pote.  Pote. Pote, if that is not a ride or die I don’t know what he is.  He is a soldado.  He is loyalty at its finest.  I love Pote.  Teresa and Pote have both been through a lot together.  The bond that they have is awesome.  At first when I watched the episode I was like wait a second Pote you done gave the green light and then the red light but as I watched it again and from feedback from other QOTS Jeresa fans, I realize that Pote was giving her his blessing. I see now that he needed to know what was up because it is important.  I also realized that he has never witnessed how the two of them get down for real.  I think in Chicago he saw it a little but he was kinda giving them the side eye but Guero was there...Pote was at the crib in the kitchen in Dallas mostly when they was on their day to day Bonnie and Clyde thing and when they bounced to Malta James wasn’t with them.  He doesn’t know that before the sex these two were always risking their lives for each other?*%!  He would die for you was what Teresa needed to hear just like James needed to hear that she didn’t regret sleeping with him.  He gives me Clemenza feels...
6.  Teresa.  I am a little torn about how I felt about Teresa.  She showed her grown ass woman side, sweetly checking both Pote and James for locking her in the cellar.  But, I didn’t like that she laid out the plan at the reservation after so many of them were against her plans which ultimately led to one of the tribe losing their life because he snitched the whole damn plan, she could have just left it at the I just want to let y’all know that we just gonna get this money and that’s all this is, we appreciate y’all help.  Ok Taza, back to what you were saying.  Feel me.  She up there talking about transporting coke, just doing too much.  Then ok just 48 hours prior Pecas sent a sicario to your place of business, said sicario killed your delivery driver on your property, you carve his tattoo from his arm and Fed Ex the skin tag to Pecas with a dove (I peeped you jumping Pecas when that bird flew out the box), that wasn’t a peace offering that was a message, you didn’t stop there you even put a little note up in there.  So fast forward to 48 hours from that delivery time stamp you actually sent your people over to negotiate some El Santo coke, I wasn’t surprised that he killed Tonto (RIP Tonto fly with the other silent sicarios, I don’t think I ever heard him talk except for when he busted Teresa in the mouth with the gun or was that The Charger.  My bad I digress)  Anyway.  Teresa you shouldn’t have sent them to do that.  Lil T need to be in the ICU right now, no offense Taza.  I feel for that young girl.  When James said she knew the risk I felt like I felt when he asked Teresa did you see what Batman hit you with I need to get me one of those.  Too soon babe.  Teresa was dead ass wrong for doing that I could see if it had been a couple of weeks ok maybe after Pecas got him some sweets (he love to eat) but nope that young girl might die and if she doesnt she has a Return to Sender tattoo on her back and that sucks.  Uh duh.  Michael Corleone feels.  Everything from the tragic death of her first love to her rise to become the Queen.
7.  Camilla.  I just have to give a hand clap to who ever dresses Camilla because I love her style.  Classy and always on point.  Loved that black kimono.  But forget all that jumping right into it, Camilla knows who the General is, but allowing him to record her that was sloppy.  Also the whole conversation with Pecas had me nodding my head because she wants her money.  She basically told him bitch better have my money.  Isabella was lying then coming and trying to ask for help but I thought you said that you ain’t seen Kique, he wasn’t taking your calls (meanwhile you in dusty ass garages running up on Kique talking about mi amour, go sit yo fast ass down somewhere don’t you got some homework to do.  Damn Isabella gets on my nerves).  I think that they should have just killed both the young lovers and put us out of our misery that is Isabella.  Kique was sad but, damn it, you sitting in a car in a dark ass garage and you didn’t have enough sense to have the doors locked I mean to me you was asking for it.  So stupid.  Then if General Cortez wasn’t going to kill you hell you gave him the idea telling him that he could kill you but that will not take your love away from Isabella, you out here giving the killer ideas...and then what took the entire cake was you bringing up Camilla playing him out.  Cortez is a horrible person and a straight pedophile.  I don’t like him.  He was always checking Isabella out.  Remember when Epifanio had to tell him to chill talking about her at her party.  While I might not like Camilla’s ways she is still a boss.  She still runs the south and she is about to be dealing with her crazy ass daughter who I wish Manuel son had killed but then Teresa wouldn’t have gotten the 10 million from Camilla and she wouldn’t have been able to pay El Santo and the little angel would have came back with Thanos to kill Teresa ass, that’s not his name but he was scary.  I’m excited to see how she gets out of this thing with Cortez and Isabella because he has definitely played his hands since he didn’t kill Isabella when he showed her Kique’s body.  Camilla gives me Don Vito Corleone (Brando) feels, the end is near for her but she is still running everything.
8.  King George.  Ok I love James.  I love Pote.  I like Teresa (see above).  But like I really ride for George, he is like all your day 1s he just has your back.  Again, Teresa is being extra sloppy.  You start a war and you got dough.  You need to tighten up on security for your whole squad that’s what a boss does.  Nobody ran up on none of them when they was with Camilla because like Camilla said it’s her job (The boss) to keep them safe.  Teresa killed the governor of Sinaloa and knew it was gonna be retaliation, stole Rocco’s girls, put a hit on someone Sherriff Mayo who survived said hit and all I see is that same little ass squad (no offense James and Pote) but there has to be some number that you can call and get you some killers, like the Continental Hotel or something for the cartels...George and Bilal should have had a squad with them not no whack ass phone call talking about be safe.  Now I know George got his own thing going on but I’m just saying they snatched him.  I guess that’s the friend in the cage.  He’s my Santino “Sonny” Corleone feels.  That is not a parallel or foreshadow of how I believe that King George’s character will play out on the series.  Because I loved Sonny’s character like I love George.  He is a mess but a beautiful mess.  Remember when George shot his shot at Teresa...You can be my Pocahontas or I can be your Pocahontas...I would make you my queen if Rico Suave didn’t already have dibs.  He called James Ken Kardashian.  I can’t.  I am hoping George AND Bilal survive...Until next time kiddos.  Bless
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QOTS 5x04 Reaction Post
in which we find ourselves in a Queenpin conundrum...
We always knew Queenpin was coming, but actually witnessing our heroine go full anti-hero (in the final season no less) is a lot harder than we anticipated isn’t it?  It’s interesting in an academic sense too b/c Teresa has always been a criminal. She’s willingly running a CARTEL for crying out loud.  She’s even sanctioned murder before.  And yet...OUCH.
We’re seeing all of Teresa’s smarts, minus most of the empathy and that is a scary Teresa indeed.  Like I said in my liveblog: she’s practically Camila now.  The ends are justifying the means for her, even if those means are murder.
I think she’d been stubbornly telling herself what she did (turning in Marcel) wasn’t unforgivable at first.  That she could fix it.  That she could make everyone (Marcel included) understand.
There’s even a sort of defiance there - she puts on her best two-face cosplay suit to go see the man she betrayed in prison lol which what is that if not half defiance/half penance?
But then Marcel, with one devastatingly whispered word, became the Teresa of the dynamic. The one with the moral high ground. The one who laughs in the face of her “bullshit apologies”.  The one who would never, ever, rat.
It hits her hard.
Teresa is so used to inspiring loyalty in people. She’s surrounded herself with people who would do anything for her.  Even this episode they’re still doing anything for her.  But I think they’re all going to learn, Teresa included, loyalty out of love is a much different thing than loyalty out of fear.
The fact that THE first solution she came up to for the Gamble/Feds problem was MURDER.  Like do not pass go, straight to murder! 
And using James as a weapon so casually, with no acknowledgement of the very human costs of such an act on the victim or the perpetrator.  
“You did this type of work for the CIA, you have a problem with it now?” GASP. 
No, Teresa, YOU were supposed to have a problem with it. That has always been the whole deal between the two of you! The whole unspoken contract!  It’s always been James suggests murder and Teresa comes back with: “there’s another way.”  
Even if she ended up choosing murder in the past it had been a last resort.  Not the first option.  Not PROACTIVE murder.
Teresa’s supposed to choose the “hard way” that lets them all look in the mirror at the end of the day.  
Only Marcel claims that right at the end of this episode.
And interestingly enough, no mirror shots this ep that I can remember...
The fact that James had to hang out and witness the Gamble’s domesticity for HOURS beforehand.  The fact that he made himself stand there and listen to Gamble’s wife’s wails of grief.
The fact that Teresa tried to reframe the hit as a good thing, a way to give the incarcerated boys “a second chance”
The fact James’ face says exactly what he thinks about second chances.  
The fact that Teresa isn’t even in full Queenpin regalia yet.....
Some random things:
“Why are we taking a chance with the Feds when we can get out?” IN WHICH KELLY ANNE IS ALL OF US.  “No one has to die, we could leave right now and be set for life.” I’m SAYING!
“You’re here to advise me not question me.”  Pro Tip: Kelly Anne, bill her for those minutes and it’s officially advice lol.
Pote is on my last damn nerve.  Infantilizing Kelly Anne (am I crazy or is he even baby talking to her this season?), being absolutely useless in his split blind loyalty to Teresa and Kelly Anne.  “Don’t mess this up” to James - JAMES.
The character who has, oh let’s see, just this season: prevented Teresa being taken out by a kill team, alerted her to a danger in her dealings with the Russians, supplied an army for her, was the one who found out about the feds, warned them about the raid, and took care of her assassination and planting evidence problem. James has basically been the only thing keeping Teresa out of prison or the morgue this season.
“She had a code.” “Codes are made to be cracked.” Pote’s Cartel Yoda bs, I swear to god. (But also why I don’t see him surviving the series: he has no frame of reference of non-cartel life.  Out of any of the core 4, he is a lifer.)
Not that Teresa didn’t have some badass moves this episode too.  But it’s interesting that her big victory moment over the Feds complete with Kelly! Anne! Esquire! making a big booyah speech, was undercut by basically everything they accused her of...being true?
Also, I don’t see how the Judge’s evidence of corruption would get Marcel out of prison - especially if he still refuses to cooperate with the Feds.  But I’m willing to TV hand wave that if it gets Marcel back on the board.
What happens now that Lucien is dead? Who’s running Marcel’s business outside? Is it going to be chaos? Like pretty sure Pote just left Lucien’s body there...I don’t see how Marcel’s crew takes that well, even if Marcel is able to  accept why it happened.
For Reasons: Please let us see Teresa tell James Kelly Anne is pregnant.  I would like to see a) Teresa process that news without Pote or KA around and b) James’ reaction as well.
Also Important Foreshadowing Question that I refuse to put into my google search history lol: Was that spray James used on Gamble a paralytic? Maybe something they could use to idk, help fake a certain someone’s death perhaps??
UPDATED: Two more things. Isn’t it interesting how Queenpin showed up to Teresa all those times warning her about being a rat and yet, here she is and here we are? 
And it didn’t take long for Boaz’s “should have killed [whoever] as soon as they were a problem” advice to get put into action by Teresa, huh?
Next week...dare I hope...a Jeresa overseas adventure episode?? WE NEED THIS, QOTS. A girl can dream lol.
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QOTS 4x08 Reaction Post
The Good News: This episode bounced back.  The Bad News: Teresa shared one line and 10 seconds of screen time with another female character.  
First things first, this episode was at least 10 times better than last week so WHEW.  In fact, other than the RIDICULOUS UNFORGIVABLE stat I mentioned in the intro, there was even some positive action taken addressing my list of mid-season concerns:  
Teresa finally got involved with the Tony and Pote drama and it resulted in a powerful scene between Teresa and Tony.  (Gonna ignore the general ickiness of “your dad got himself killed with his choices” to focus on Teresa’s blaming Guero breakthrough.  Love that for her.)
There were some moral quandaries introduced for Teresa to start pushing the boundaries of her Queenpin line in the sand.  She was able to avoid innocent collateral damage this episode, but for how much longer?
There was even a Jeresa parallel with Pote telling Kelly Anne he didn’t deserve her love (!!!!) and this great exchange:
Pote: I’m also a murderer. Kelly Anne: Well, so am I. Me: *chin hands* ROMANCE.
Like Teresa, Pote had a lot more to work with than usual this episode and Hemky freaking ran with it.  Just think what it could be like if they didn’t turn Pote into Cartel Yoda every week?  He was hilarious and badass with Ishmael---who I literally typed, “dammit I actually like this dude?” less than five minutes before his death so....still got it, baby!  
[Sidenote: whoever chooses the mid-commercial preview clips at the network stays picking the WORST spoilers available every episode!  When James does return I feel like we’ll learn about it in a commercial break first lmao.] 
Speaking of commercial breaks I was seriously ticking them by with: 10 minutes without two women sharing a scene.  20 minutes.  30 minutes?  40 MINUTES?!  We have ten minutes left are you freaking kidding----Oh wait.  10:57pm Teresa says one line to Kelly Anne to which KA doesn’t even verbally respond.  DO BETTER, SHOW.
Which brings us to Javier.  You sure are cute but WOW you are a spectacular failure.  Has he done anything successfully this season besides bet on the right rooster in 4x01?  Remember how irritating last week was when Eddie inexplicably made it through the entire episode without discovering any of Teresa’s secrets? This week it’s Javier SOMEHOW making it through the hour without fessing up about Rene. There’s drawing shit out and then drawing shit OUT.  (An issue across the board this season TBH--can we get some forward movement please?)
It is maddening to have a character who has witnessed Teresa using her beautiful brain to get out of worse scenarios, acknowledge that Teresa could figure something out if she had all the pertinent info he’s been withholding, PLAN to tell her and somehow manage to squander multiple opportunities to come clean. It gets even worse when Javier fails his redemption assassination attempt (lol only this show) and puts Teresa in even worse danger!  IMO the reveal is well past it’s “good by” date and, like with Eddie, I cannot enjoy Teresa "bonding" with Javier while there’s this huge lie between them. 
I did like Javier and Detective Greene playing off each other though.  I thought it was great that Javier refused to blame an innocent man for his crime only for the man to die anyway making the point moot (foreshadowing for Teresa next week perhaps?).  I mean, yay for your morals in this highly specific inconvenient instance I guess.  Never mind that the body count for Javier’s Rene mistake is now at EIGHT haha.  
During hiatus I speculated we could have a play on the Camila/James/Teresa split loyalty dynamic with Teresa/Javier/Boaz and I wish they’d focus more on that rather than a half-assed parallel between Eddie and Emilia.  IMO Javier’s scenes are strongest with Boaz so I’m hopeful it’s something they will explore even if the setup hasn’t been as strong as it could have been. 
As for Boaz, I swear one of the highlights of the episode for me was the loud as hell tinkling noise of all Boaz’s jewelry shifting when he sat up mid-massage lol.  The man loves his crystals okay?  I wonder if  he will surprise us all and rescue his familia and if that means Javier, Emilia or both.
Finally, I loved Teresa putting the Judge to work, Marcel proving Teresa wasn’t the only one who had learned a lesson from their war, and a special repeat mention to Teresa and her legendary empathy talking to Tony by the pool.  I’ve missed scenes like that so much this season.  Now if only Teresa and Kelly Anne could have a few cathartic conversations too.  Kinda hard for them to  reconcile with no lines, writers---and NO that is not a challenge.
Looks like Teresa and Tony get their cardio in next week as several vengeful chickens come home to roost.  Hopefully El Gallo finally proves himself useful too.
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QOTS S2 Re-watch Wrap Up
WE MADE IT THROUGH S2.  *kazoo noise* As always, my individual and sometimes extensive episode by episode commentary (along with my Jeresa spiraling) can be found in my “#qots rewatch” tag. Ready for some thoughts? Let’s do this:
Season 2 Favorite Reoccurring Trends:
Teresa + Math & Business: 2x01 (during KG negotiations), 2x07 (with the Korean mob boss), 2x09 (with Devon at the car show), 2x10 (with Devon while Camila is in prison).  Combined with “I have a deal to make” becoming her catchphrase, it was great to see her skills being put to use in her blossoming cartel career.
James being only mildly inconvenienced by weapons: 2x01 (KG holding a knife to his stomach), 2x02 (Teresa pointing gun at him when he walks in unannounced), 2x08 (Walking into the hotel room to find Devon’s crew pointing guns at him), 2x10 (KG pointing a gun to his head), 2x13 (the classic “idgaf I’m walking away” to Guero).  Combined with the trend of him antagonizing his captors (head butt to militia dude, high kick to Cortez) I think this says something interesting about James as a character.  Now if it’s not just him in danger, that’s a whole other story. James being kidnapped/held hostage three times after Teresa asks him in 2x01 “I’ve been kidnapped have you?”: 2x03 (tied to chair with militia men), 2x05 (tied to a chair by La Capitana), 2x09 (tied to the beam by Cortez in Chicago)
Teresa bonding with women thru men’s bullshit:  Camila telling Cartel guy at the horse race “Enough she’s with me now”(2x02), Camila and Teresa’s adventures at the car show with the sicarios and Cortez (2x09), Kelly Anne and Teresa vs Kelly Anne’s husband (2x10), Even Lil T and Teresa about Lil T’s uncle keeping her out of the business (2x12).  Obviously, bonding doesn’t automatically mean warm & fuzzy on this show.
James establishing an SOS signal and having to use it himself 2x05 (fire three shots), 2x08 (crushed sunglasses)
It’s Been 0 Days Since Jeresa Saved One Another Fandom Break Room Sign:
2x01: Teresa saves James by holding King George at gunpoint and “do I have your attention now?”
2x02: James saves Teresa by helping Pote with the guys trying to kill Teresa at the horse race, and then getting the money back to appease Camila.
2x03: James saves Teresa by splinting her leg in the desert and giving himself up so she has a chance to escape. Teresa saves James by coming back for him when he’s being held by the militia and talking their way out of it.
2x04: James saves Teresa by causing a distraction so Teresa can escape the warehouse and shooting the DEA agent when she’s occupied with Guero.
2x05: James saves Teresa by helping her through her overdose.  Teresa attempts to save James when he’s taken by La Capitana’s soldiers at the hotel.
2x06: Teresa saves James by giving herself up to El Santo and eating the poisoned beetle. James “saves” Teresa in her hallucination–actually in both her hallucinations.
2x08: Teresa saves James from the feds and Cortez in Chicago.
2x10 Teresa saves James by diffusing the situation with KG when KG is distraught with his men’s deaths and holding James at gunpoint
2x13: James saves Teresa by purposely missing her when he shoots at her in the train car. (I know, kinda a stretch to give him credit for saving her from himself but technically…..)  This kinda cancels itself with the tracker debacle and James withholding El Santo’s money from Teresa in the finale, but plot holes be damned.  I’m done thinking about it lol.
SEASON TWO TALLY: James saves Teresa 6 times, Teresa saves James 6 times.  Can’t help but notice that James doing the saving happens more heavily the first half of season and Teresa saving James is spread pretty evenly over the season.  Early S3 gets James back on the board pretty emphatically though.
James or Teresa asking after the other’s well being/caretaking etc:
2x01: I’m gonna count James offering the hug to Teresa
2x02: “Are you all right?” James coming across Teresa crying after Guero.
2x03: James making Teresa a splint, something to drink etc and “No, I can’t leave you” and “How’s the leg?”  Teresa “Are you ok?” and “I’m not leaving you.”
2x04: The mirrored “You all right?” with James asking Teresa as she sits outside with Guero’s lighter and Teresa asking James as they drive to Galveston.
2x05: Caaaaaaaaaretaking *echoes off into the void*  James during Teresa’s overdose and asking her “You sure you’re all right?”
2x08: “Where’s James is he okay?” Teresa after James is tortured by Cortez.
Speaking of which, Teresa’s version of “Are you okay?” this season was “Where’s James?” (2x02 at the horse race, 2x06 waking up from the hallucination, 2x08 Chicago).
James and Women: He continues the trend of sharing a majority of screen time with female characters although not as much as S1.  He does have some more extended scenes with male characters in S2 (KG, Boaz, Guero, Epi) but the scenes are usually either Teresa taking equal if not a lead part in the conversation (KG/Guero), or the purpose of the conversation is ABOUT a female character (James’ one on one convos with Boaz and Epi about Camila and Guero about Teresa).  Even though it would have made sense to have more Pote and James interaction, I really like how the show compartmentalized Pote as a Teresa Aligned Character foremost in S2. 
Speaking of Pote: Having him hang out with Tony after he MURDERED HIS FATHER, with no acknowledgement of that fact, stays wild to me.
Phoenix Foreshadowing? Guero mentioning a dealer in Phoenix and giving that info to Loya early S2 popped out at me.  How Guero would it be if he made life harder for Teresa by putting the feds onto Phoenix before Teresa even set up operations there.  Devon and Teresa also talked about PHX in 2x10, which ouch. Death Foreshadowing? Anyone else a little worried about how closely Guero’s vision death resembled 3x06? Guero does something foolish that he thinks is saving Teresa while James actually takes care of the situation.  His mortal wound is delivered by the soldiers of the woman in charge (Camila/La Capitana).  Guero bleeds out in Teresa’s lap.  Teresa wears a white shirt over a tanktop, Guero wears a button down over an undershirt.  He dies far from home. James is around to take care of the body.  Coincidence?  Or should James watch his neck?
Missed Opportunity: That we never got Kelly Anne Esq., lawyer to Queenpin Teresa remains UNACCEPTABLE to me.
Well, that’s all the rambling I have for now.  Thanks for following along, thank you to my QOTS fam for the asks and messages and THANK YOU to all the wonderful gif makers in this fandom that have made this re-watch much more fun and aesthetically enjoyable.  I’d never have gotten through hiatus without you all.  Only a couple months left!  Speaking of which... On to Season 3!
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