#so minecraft is pissing me off a little cause I don't own it and that always annoys me with anything digital
medicinemane · 10 months
So, I decided I wanted to check out this modpack that had looked interesting, so I go and download the curseforge app (cause modpacks are kind of a pain to launch without a launcher... as in I'm not sure how you even do it)
Dear god, which a fucking monster. They've got fucking ads running all over the fucking place
Instadeleted it, you do no get to serve me ads under any circumstances, if you do fuck you, I'm not using you. You're not a website, you're an app, and if you're pounding me with ads regardless of what I'm doing, then I don't think you're secure (and even if you are fuck you)
So I've had to track down an alternative one called uh... GDLauncher. Can't say for sure, but so far seems much much better... seems like an opensource launcher that's just a launcher and that's it
Not that any of you play modpacks so not that this matters, but that curseforge shit was just so bad I had to complain
#also I'm having opinions at this point about having to sign in to a 3rd party launcher in order to run minecraft with it#it's striking me just how much minecraft is kind of... the ultimate drm game and we've just kind of put up with it cause it's good#you know how I got into minecraft?#piracy; pirated a copy of it right when the nether had first been released and decided it was worth being able to play with other people#do no like the fact that you can't do single player minecraft without signing in#in it's defense; you can do offline stuff so long as you're signed in#but uh... part of me wants to pirate shit just from a moral standpoint with it; literally only not doing it cause it's easier tojust sign i#rather than figuring out how to make it work#and also once again; I get it; the launcher is free and anyone can get it; so in order to gate access and make sure they're paid#they need a different gate#but uh... yeah... I guess this is my real point#I don't actually own minecraft#I own all my world files; I have direct access to them#but I don't own a copy of minecraft#and say what you want about pirated stuff; but you do own it#because all the files are contained on my computer; in digital terms that's ownership#true digital ownership is when it runs in a black box setting; no input; no output; just what's on the machine it's on#and when you can put in a hard drive; copy it; and plug that hardrive into something else to have a full copy of it#so minecraft is pissing me off a little cause I don't own it and that always annoys me with anything digital#big believer in digital ownership
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skelly-words · 9 months
JJK characters at the smoke sesh
I was smoking so I thought of this, just some little headcanons.
It's kind of reader insert because 'you' being there is implied, but not romantic, or just ignore it if that's not your thing.
also, I'm new to posting my writing on tumblr, so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong and what I should be writing, anyway... HCs
Do NOT give him aux, not that his music taste is bad, but he'd purposefully play some wacky bs (think Minecraft remixes and bad SoundCloud rap) just to piss off everyone else.
He gets the giggles when he's high, everything is funny and he's crying a little from how much he laughs.
Gojo's tolerance is so low that he's only in the rotation for the first couple of bowls. (guys I can't roll, but we get creative with the DIY bongs.)
He brings snacks, but they're all sweet and he eats most of them.
Talks the whole group into playing dumb party games (truth or dare, would you rather, 20 questions). And he's fully invested too. Nobody else actually cares and he's standing there scolding you, "no it's important. If you had to pick one of us to go, who would it be, me or Nanami?" Cries when everyone picks him.
Here's the better music option. I can't say exactly what he'd play because it's different every time. He has a playlist for every mood.
Brings the savory snacks, most of them are spicy. I think he'd also pull up with a tupperware of leftovers too, but just for him. There's never enough for everybody, but maybe you could talk him into giving you a few bites.
He'd start doing random conventional tasks so incredibly wrong. Geto would be baked, and just stand up to start doing laundry. As long as you keep him away from the kitchen, he's fine.
The English language no longer exists. He just makes up words that sound similar to the intended definition. Mixes these in with his long-winded monologues about life or when he's trying to convince you to let him use the stove.
He's a lighter stealer, don't let it out of your sight or it'll disappear. He'll help you look for it too, until someone just offers theirs (which will also be stolen).
Quiet. He's just in his own head.
The only one man enough to text the plug (even if he sounds like a fucking cop, he does his best).
Does not condone underage smoking, these are his loose college years. So if you're under 21 (sorry broski) gtfo.
He zones out a lot, just staring at the floor.
Swears up and down that he's not high when he's been counting the floorboards for the past twenty minutes.
You also have to keep him out of the kitchen because Nanami doesn't want cheetos, he needs REAL food. But if you let him cook before he smokes, the munchies are immaculate.
The only time you'll see his hair messy. It's like the hair gel gives up after the first hit.
She starts eating the snacks before you've even packed the first bowl. Also stashes her favorites for later before anyone else can get to them.
Funks up the function with her cigarettes too. Everyone groans when she pulls her pack out.
Highest tolerance of the group, or maybe she just keeps it together the best even when she's tripping.
And she never passes that shit either (it's okay 'cause she's pretty). Whoever's next to her is getting straight ash.
She's only there when Shoko is so she can have a Satoru buffer.
She'll get all soft and sappy though, complimenting random features and attributes of whoever's shoulder she's leaning on.
Honestly, really nice to be around.
She also likes sweets as munchies, but it kinda works out because she and Gojo only get along when they're stoned.
Gets bullied into getting fast food when the snacks run out.
Mei Mei
She only smokes girl blunts, rolls them herself, and doesn't share.
Probably doesn't even come most of the time.
She doesn't talk to anyone until she's hungry, and then all of a sudden gets friendly as she sneaks a hand into the pretzel bag you're holding.
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callmearcturus · 3 years
alright so what about Breath. I know what you said in discord but I'm still asking because I'm like that. I love you and cause you pain (affectionately)
for the curious, yes, when i am "done" or the asks dry up, i will have a masterpost for all this
god breath kind of pisses me off tbh. i mean our major breezy boys are Tavros and John, and I do like Tavros a lot but John drives me a little fucking batty for the exact reasons I think he's Breath?
So my take on Breath is that a Breath player is here for their own personal, non-game-sanctioned quest, and if that happens to overlap with the Actual Objective, that's a pure coincidence. They aren't rebelling against the structure, they aren't trying to break they game, they simply do not give a fuck. These are the folks who have 450 hours in Skyrim and Oblivion and Fallout 3 and haven't finished any of them. They like Pokemon and Minecraft. They will make their own fun and their journey to collecting all of the fucking cheese wheels is DRAMATICALLY more satisfying than any authored content, okay.
Which is not to say they don't do important shit. Like, that personal quest might be very important to them, but the important thing is they are self-driven and extremely dedicated to that journey.
There is also something about them. Like, they aren't playing the game as intended, but they aren't like... breaking it. In fact, the game doesn't seem to resist them at all. To literalize the aspect, they are wind. They can slip into and through any space and make their way through. They don't so much as force the structure to accomodate them as they just..... slide through, no hassle.
Breath players, you are very driven and focused about specific things and don't give a single fuck about anything else. You might, unfortunately, be mistaken for naive or kind of a dumbass, but you're not, your area of expertise is just specific and not as Marketable as the shit you're """supposed to""".
You all drive me a little fucking batty, but more power to you.
ETA: my friend Joy who is Hardcore Breath says Breath is the ADHD Aspect and I literally had a sentence about that before I deleted it, so I concur.
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XD Yeah, better to do the stuff that's harder to do at home in school imo-
Ooooh well good luck if/when you ask-- XDD
It is the perfect opportunity to have short hair! Why do you think I buzzed all mine off! XD I think you'd look lovely with short hair -w-
I don't wanna grow up either tbh XD but like *freedom--* how close is freedom and short hair to your grasp anyways? XD
Pixie cuts are actually a fem haircut, but a short bob would also be super cute :3 also I'm a femboy XD well.. I own very little fem stuff bc I didn't like being perceived as a girl so I got rid of the stuff and then later I was like "...wait fuck i still like dresses--"
STIM SQUADD-- I always get nervous mentioning stimming bc people will be confused and I suck at explaining stuff- yesss sameee!!! I bounce on my bed or rock in place when I'm happy(and alone bc family thinks it's weird ;w;) or pace around the house XDD OMS YES I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN WE BECAME FRIENDS AAAA-- I have a friend I ramble to about everything I love too!! Her name is Jade and we adopted each other as siblings asgkhdj-- ASJKF ITS NOT WEIRD OR CREEPY AT ALL IVE RAMBLED TO JADE ABOUT YOU BEFORE XD 💖💕💞💖💞💕
Technically I have access to both but my computer can't handle minecraft so I play bedrock ;w; although can't you play cross platform if you use a realm tho-? I'd have to check but--
Also something tells me that if everyone you ask has bedrock you picked the wrong version XD
A ferris wheel?? Terrifying- XD sounds fun tho!!! Aside from being so high in the air XD ferris wheels are pretty tho so I can forgive them :3
ahh TYSM! 😭💞❤️💕💖💝 and it ISSS like UGH- but the only thing my mom decided to try out was make my hair layered- cause she would always cut my hair where the ends are all straight and even- but imo i liked layered hair so much more! still wish i had it short tho- xDD
but how close freedom is? gosh i would ask my mom the same question- but im just assuming its whenever you turn into an adult- but i guess i gotta wait and see ;0;
and ooooo i see! random but im also debating whether i am cisgender or not- im kinda leaning that im more cis but im also debating if im bigender(?) or something- ive already accepted he/him pronouns so i guess thats a start- but again ahh i dunno ;w;;
and omgg YESS and aw your family thinks its weird? thats not good ;; - OKAY HOLY CRAP THAT REMINDED ME OF SOMETHING THAT PISSES ME OFF- okay so like- i also pace and walk around places SO DAMN much- like- i swear- i walked like a million circles in my room xD- but i also tend to do it in public and my mom would literally YELLL AT ME whenever i do it! and then she would say "im getting a headache just by looking at you. and others will too." and im mentally like "aight- then thats your fault for looking at me- not mine???" *-visible confusion-* and it doesnt even have to be in public- even when were in the house and im next to her, she would get mad at me- and UGHHHHH IT DRIVES ME crazy i hate it 😭😭
but thank gosh she doesnt yell at me anymore (i think) maybe cause she was just tired of yelling at me for it orrr she realized she can neva stop me xDDD but i just still get mad that my mom would yell at me for something i consider so harmless ;0;;
but OMGMG YAYY- rambling to friends about things its just amazing XDD literally to larie and tree i was like "HRYEHEYHEYE SO I MADE THIS NEW FRIEND ON TUMBLR AND I RAMBLE OF EVERYTHING TO THEM AND THEY RAMBLE BACK AND ITS AWESOME GUSYGUDYUGYS-" like i GO BONKERSSS 💖😭💕💝💖❤️💞
and OOOoohh i see! but aww rip computer- and crossplatforming on the realms? i didnt know bout that! but i never really joined a realm before- i attempted to when a server made a realm and i wanted to join but my game was like "n o"- i dunno why but wahh xDD
but lowkey i guess i DID xD but i actually use my brother's minecraft java account since he barely plays minecraft anymore- (sometimes he does tho) and he gave me it wayyy back then- i started playing it at 2013! and man it was a journey- and it also held pretty embarrassing memories- i would rage on the servers so much- xDD ;W; but i was lowkey crazy when i heard everyone i meet had bedrock instead- i was like- "GUYS BUT WHAT ABOUT HYPIXEL?!(HWJFKAU" but then again- i never had bedrock before so i guess i cant blame em for getting it instead xD and im cheap so i dont think i'll get myself a bedrock account any time soon
and hell yeah! it was pretty scary since my fear for heights is kindaaa big- but i handled it well xD it was fun :D
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