#so maybe I'm not ace but I think aro is definitely still in the cards
neverendingford · 1 year
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can-of-pringles · 1 year
For the pride-themed OC ask game and your X-Men OCs, please: #3, 6, 10; 15, 16& 21.
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Marigold: When she was younger, she did get small crushes on multiple genders, but tried to ignore it, probably had trouble even identifying she had crushes on girls until she was a bit older and then realized that's what that feeling was. And then when she reached middle school age, obviously the romantic feelings didn't go away, but she realized she experienced them differently than her peers. She just thought she was perhaps a late bloomer (but then was able to figure out she was asexual, maybe she didn't initially know what the label was for it, but she knew she was something [and then found the label and all of that eventually])
Rosie: Since Rosie grew up in a super supportive environment with queer family and parents, she didn't really have to do a lot of questioning. She just knew she liked girls romantically and that was it. And of course, she had her family to rely on for advice or questions.
Aster: She always knew she was different (being autistic and queer) so when she realized she didn't feel any romantic attraction to anyone, she kinda quietly accepted it. She didn't talk about it until she was older (but at least her family didn't usually pressure her about dating or marriage) but when she was older, she had her big sister to talk to it about, to see if she knew specifics. With Marigold's help, she was able to figure out exactly her identity, and realized she was aromantic.
Allison: Since from a young age, Allison knew she was a girl, despite what everyone else saw. She was able to talk to her parents about it (who were supportive) and she saw a therapist specializing in gender identity and that's how her transition journey started. When she found out she was also a lesbian and ace, it didn't phase her too much, because she was already fairly knowledgeable in queerness and queer identity.
Evelynn: She's similar to Aster (being on the aro spectrum), and I have a feeling that the school had at least some resources to help her find out more about that. So she knows she's aroace, ok. But then gender plays a role. She knows she's a girl, but there's something else there, kinda at the back of her mind. She's able to figure that out more later on.
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Marigold: She takes pride in her labels. It took a lot of self-discovery, so she definitely prefers them.
Rosie: Kinda similar to Marigold, but she's more neutral maybe. Either a label is useful or not, that's what she thinks.
Aster: She thinks most labels are good, but doesn't really talk about them a whole lot?
Allison: A part of her parents being supportive was them always telling her to be proud of her identity and so she's very open about her labels when she can be.
Evelynn: So, she is a demigirl, but that label is considered newer as far as I'm aware. So for a while, she would just explain her gender by saying she was part girl and part genderless. She doesn't mind labels (for her or others)
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
I have a feeling the school would have pride events during the month. And I'm sure they celebrate the other non-American pride months too (for the international queer students)
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
So far none of my OCs use neopronouns. But maybe one day in the future I could make a new OC that uses them.
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
I think Marigold used to be demisexual for like a second but then I just made her asexual. I don't really know why except just making her more like me.
21. Free ramble card wee
Um idk I guess I'm still thinking of that manip and I'm pretty proud of it. And also I slightly regret not joining an OC pride event thing but I don't know if it's too late or not. But idk I'm sure I can find some other pride-related OC stuff to do.
Pride themed oc ask game
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