#so many thooouugghhtttss
fluffallamaful · 1 year
Hey do you remember how c!Foolish is canonically a little over 23 feet tall? If we say that c!Dream is about 6 feet, that means that Foolish is almost four times his height. Anyway, brother!Foolish AU —
When Dream is smack talking him, maybe Foolish is shrunk down to a more humanish height — around 7 feet, maybe — something he’s gotten used to doing around the other members of the server to try not to intimidate them quite so much. (Notable exception being the Badlands, who frequently pester him as he works and provoke him into trying to scare him off.) (It never works.) Well, Dream remembers that Foolish is tall, but he doesn’t quite remember how tall. Maybe they’ve been apart for years: he thinks that he’s just remembering things wrong from when he was small. Maybe he doesn’t think that Foolish CAN get bigger than 7 feet tall. Of course 7 feet would seem giant to a little kid, right? But he’s not a little kid anymore, so.
Anyway, he picks a fight and then he dips — but suddenly he hears a thump, thump, thump, thump and then there are two enormous hands clamped around his sides and easily housing him high into the air, turning him around to make eye contact with a very unimpressed Foolish, who is now absolutely gigantic and Dream feels like he’s going to faint. He can’t take on a giant! He can barely take on anyone in the state he’s in, he can’t take on a demigod who’s also four times his size. And oh shit he just provoked him — he can’t imagine how much this is going to hurt —
And then a giant mouth blows an enormous raspberry right against his tummy.
The punishment tickles that follow are pretty intense, but they’re certainly not painful. Foolish is more than aware of his own strength and his little brother might be acting like a pain in the ass right now but he doesn’t want to hurt him or anything: he just wants to remind him to mind his manners a bit. (Him holding his baby brother in the air while he blows raspberries on and nibbles at his little tummy is so cuute…) Eventually he eases up — but instead of putting him back down he pokes around a bit to hear about what’s actually wrong.
(Dream may or may not provoke him again because he wants more tickles.)
After a while, with Dream exhausted and Foolish finally easing off, Dream finally breaks down and tells his big brother everything. Foolish listens, and he’s patient and kind and he’s combing his hair astoundingly gently for someone so big as he rocks him and hums an old melody, and eventually he coaxes Dream into a much-needed nap and tucks him into his bed in his summer home. (It’s enormous and hysterically ill-suited to an average sized human.)
Then he goes out back and punches a rock so hard it breaks in half.
Time to help his baby brother. >:)
@sleepy--anon more foosh + dream sibling hcs
ok so characters that can change their heights isn’t talked about enough in this community. like i’ve only seen it a handful of times (probably coz it’s hard to write 😅). but my god there are some good tropes that can come out of it, especially if the lee has forgotten that the ler pertains that attribute 😵‍💫
(discussion mroeee belowww)
dream being a provoking lil menace :(( that’s so cute. so like visiting foolish in his summer home and having a somewhat hostile/stand off-ish conversation with him about the fact that he’s been gone for so long. but then also going through all his chests and taking bits and pieces that he finds interesting. just, slowly getting under foolish’s skin. nudging at his incredible patience. he’s not particularly worried because despite foolish’s height advantage, dream notes that the difference between them is significantly smaller than what it seemed to be when he was a kid. he doesn’t consider his brother as much of a threat
and so he keeps on pushing,, eventually wearing foolish’s patients to such a thin strand that dream can almost hear his frustration in his breath. it only takes one more kicked down scaffolding and a sassy remark for foolish to finally snap,, and dream takes the explosion of profanities and insults as his cue to skedaddle. what fun he had had. it had always been one of his favourite ways to pass the time in the past — messing with his brother.
but fun is quickly turned to absolute shock when he hears thunderous footsteps on his tail. he can feel the vibrations in the ground and chances a look over his shoulder.
bad idea.
the shock of seeing his now 20+ foot brother storming towards him is enough to throw him off balance, and he tumbles down to the sandy earth below. and naww his panic 😭 like freaking out about the fact that he can’t possibly defend himself from foolish like that
there’s so many heckin cool tropes and things that come with giant lers??? like first off, not being able to escape. like foolish can wrap and hand around dream and then he’s trapped. there’s not fighting back. but also aHH raspberries and nibbles would cover more area!!! like they’re usually concentrated into such a small area but if foolish is 4x his size then the raspberries and nibbles would take up 4x the area??? like he’d pretty much cover dreams whole tummy and sides with one raspberry :((
the teases and coos are also just so much more fun with the ler is big. like “Naww! Look at your little tummy!!! It’s gone all red!!” just hit different 😂 or like, “Look at your tiny little arms trying to fight back you just can’t do anything :(“ kinda stuff. just foolish gushing over how tiny and little his baby brother is, and dream getting super embarrassed about it :((
i love that foolish knows how far to take it :(( and also cradling aftercare!! like just holding his exhausted brother so safely in his arms. even rocking him a little as he helps dream recover from his giggle fit. i like to imagine that the position is just so comforting and nostalgic, that it breaks down dream’s guard and he just unleashed his worries onto his big (literally) brother.
foolish listens and soothes him through his outpour, and gives him a room to sleep for the night (with so many pillows and soup). he then punches a wall >:( because how dare these mortal server dwellers make his brother feel this way >:( vengeful foolish is activated 🙌🏼
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