#so in patricia penelope phillipa the source is really strong it overtakes the power of three
phoebehalliwell · 3 years
patricia penelope and phillipa choosing to take on pieces of the source of all evil, protecting it in the name of good magic IS SUCH A COOL CONCEPT! Like I gets such ‘there will be no new king of hell’ vibes (Sam Winchesters speech from idk which season) from this. It’s like the ultimate if you can’t beat em’ join em’. I mean like what kind of ramifications do you think this would have on the PO3/Charmed Ones? Do you think this would alter like the powers of the trio/the powers they would pass down to their kids? CANON COULD ONLY DREAM OF BEING THIS COOL💕
i have genuinely no idea if i made it to the point of spn ur referencing but i’m just gonna say like big agree even tho i’m not like Entirely Sure what’s going on it would just be like. like again i feel like this would be really dangerous bc i know like on the reboot the were like the source is neither good nor bad it’s just power and it depends on who wields it but i’m here saying the source is bad. the source is in essence a power source yeah but it’s demonic in origin and it brings with it an undeniable dark slant. so like. taking on the source is a Big Deal. it is taking on a lot of evil. so like. to embrace the source is like. it’s v dangerous. and dency herself is the source’s heir sure but she like. like has been brushed by the source. it left an imprint, but it’s like. if we remember womb raider the seer does some exorcism to bring the source into herself and then like immediately dies yeah in dencyverse she did exactly that it just left the baby in phoebe’s womb. so dency has like. had the source exorcized. she has had a good part of it removed from her. but it was there with her from inception, so there is this mark there is this tie to her soul, and as the seer was like completely annihilated after taking in the source dency probably contains the strongest trace element of it, but it’s still not much. even then, it’s still a wicked power boost. and again, since it’s not that much, she can easily resist it, but there’s still sort of a power hungry tilt towards violence in her but like. it’s nothing she can’t manage. and then in my original proposal for guardians of the source it would be the nine next gen splitting it (which some to think of it would end up giving henry jr powers) which i feel like is relatively safe. three sisters splitting the source, especially if it is the undiluted source, would be fucking insane. full level. batshit. and i think tbh prue’s daughters would probably sit near the top of my list of contenders i would allow to do this (prue’s sons, on the other hand, sit near the bottom. i love them, but no.) (second on the list would probably be pj parker and peyton). i think the source grants certain specific source powers i think okay so for starters kind of like the past lives in avatar the last airbender tied to the raava spirit the old “source” the demon who has had it for that long he had become synonymous with it would definitely be tied to the essence of the source and i think the girls would have to battle to get him out and if they lose that battle they’ll be like s4 cole aka a fuckin shitshow. and they’ll have the power of three to back it, so if he wins that battle,, like zoinks. bye bye world. but assuming they can win that battle i think they automatically get some source powers i think flaming as a teleportation power is one of them. i also think it would augment their current powers, granting them like extensions of their current powers, but stemming from dark magic. and they could do the eye thing. so patricia is the eldest and she’s the telekinetic of the group and she has telekinesis, levitation, advance telekinesis, and the telekinesis/levitation paired together in the mix of a new skill/power advancement to flight. i think source!patricia would get flaming, enhanced speed and strength, and a force field added to her current powers, and then fuck it also apportation which i’m boiling down to paige’s telekinetic orbing except it’s flame telekinesis a teleportation-telekinesisish power for items y’know? & given patricia’s disposition i think her darkness the source tap into is her desire for control and would try to have her climb up the ranks and access powers through power stealing and other dark rituals (akin to what some warlocks can do). penelope has molecular deceleration and acceleration, as well as phasing, which allows her to pass through things. i think with the source, she gets phasing bc i love teleportation powers they’re just so convenient and with the power boost she also gets molecular immobilization and combustion, as well as the ability to “phase” other items. and portal creation into other planes. idk if she’ll ever need it but hey she’s got it! and then her dark side the source would exploit is a penchant for violence and impulsive behavior. phillipa is the resident psychic she has precognition/retrocognition & psychic reverb which is just basically being able to pick up on the vibes of a place like if great magic was performed here is someone is a demon she can sense it off of them really good at guessing which direction the bad guy ran off too & she has limited telepathy which is basically the same lie detector power that both dency and penn have in the dencyverse only different is dency, as the source’s heir, and penn, as the twice blessed, simply have this power “on” all the time phillipa needs to focus to tap into this ability. source!phillipa on the other hand would not need to do that that power source constantly be on she would also get the power of possession, suggestion, and mind manipulation. and sleep induction. and then hmm i think the dark side she’d have to fight off would be the desire to carve herself out as her own distinct person through egregious displays of power and shutting her family out. like phillipa has always been somebody’s little sister so the devil on her shoulder would be like. break something. shut everyone out. make them beg to come back into your life. they’ll have to use your name. y’know?
#jus some thots#there's still a bit of wiggle room when it comes to the girls personalities but for the most part i've got them p sketched out#Oh Shit i forgot to answer the kid part#and the power of three part#i think the power of three would be enhanced for them personally given the insane power boost but it makes it weaker down the line#as the power of three is a good power source#and the source is an evil power source#for the first round it would be a rush#but as those two continue to sit against each other there would be some abrasive properties#and they would start to each away at one another#and i think in regards to kids some of the source is passed on but not all of it#so it gets diluted through the generations#so in patricia penelope phillipa the source is really strong it overtakes the power of three#but the power of three still functions#so like their power of three spells get that xtra boost from the source which is the engine#if they're gen2 then gen3 sits with about equal parts source to po3 as the po3 grows strnger with each generation and the source grows weake#putting say phillipa's kids with a weaker po3 than their mom#as the two energies compete for dominance in their magic#gen4's power of three would then take the upper hand and continue to eat away at the evil in the source#putting them at equal if not slightly more powerful to gen3#so nothing gained but not a backslide like before#gen5 is when the po3 starts to grow again#and it's at either this point or gen6 where they'd hit once again the god like levels patriciapenelopephillipa were at#bc those girls each with one third of the source would be god in their own right#like rival the elder easily no question with that power#and it would take a while for the halliwell line to progress to that power naturally#so yeah#also again i've said this before but if u guy ever want to use any of these concepts in ur own works#like ur totally welcome to just like give credit#i personally don't think i will ever really be bringing the source back which i have spoken on previously
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