#so im sorry if i cant find it in myself to sympathise with hakyeon when he apologies for not being able to participate
hyunubear · 6 months
Gonna sound like a broken record, but with the resurfacing of trolls (on twt) trying to bully Hakyeon out of the group and the other side scrambling to defend him, i need to rant once again and say: while i absolutely do not condone troll behaviour, i need yall to stop acting like hakyeon is the only member with a successful career outside of vixx. When in fact he's the only one whose solo career yall care about and is admittedly more accessible to most ppl, unlike musical which only a very small group of fans will ever get to experience.
Taek and jaehwan have been doing musicals way before vixx went into a hiatus, and hyuk has ad.a now and it's clear that he's going to be very successful.
Jaehwan opened up about how difficult it was on his body and how his vocals weren't in a good condition BECAUSE he was doing a musical when they were doing comeback preparations and album recording during thr documentary. Taek was doing the mv on no sleep. Hyuk was involved in the directing and creative process of the album while also being the subject.
So I do not think it's unreasonable or even unfair to ask hakyeon to be honest with; 1st himself, and 2nd with the fans. Because over the last 4 (?) Years since he was released from the military and changed labels, he has not shown up for vixx (once in a blue moon where there was anything to show up for) when it mattered. If showing support and promoting them on social media is all he can do, he can do that whether he's officially in or out of the group.
Bottom line is: i respect that he's taking his acting career seriously and I'm proud of his achievements so far, however, he needs to be honest about where his priorities truly are. It's not fair to fans or leohyuken when he insists he's part of the group and cares about it but never actually shows up for activities. It's his words vs his actions, and it hurts people.
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