#so im picky in 2 different ways and its not a great combo.
ssspringroll · 3 months
honestly wish i was an animator cuz i really dont like 90% of the ww animation packs out there.
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hexhomos · 2 years
How do u pick colors?? Ur color control makes me go crazy.
IF IM BEING PERFECTLY HONEST: autism (I like it when colors make my brain do a nice noise, I can be picky about color combos to the point its detrimental to the process, I actually get exhausted fairly easily if i feel like the thing is not working and ive been staring at it for a few hours too long - shelf, open up next day, try again)
I like neons and i like complimentaries and i like strong blocks that interact w/ eachother and oftentimes sparkles. the GREAT thing is that color composition and the general reasoning behind it can be learned, it just depends on what YOU like!
I sincerely recommend making a folder of:
Art with coloring you like and want to emulate
Photos with colors / layout / color distribution you like
Art that may not be your style specifically, but that is doing something interesting w/ the colors and may be worth trying out at your own time
Experimental design stuff & old logos and/or advertisements (optional, fun)
A lot of art i enjoy looking at (for example, classic paintings or big hyperrealistic expanses in muddy tones) is crushingly, oppressively unfulfilling for me to do. I think coloring can be very fun, and what I'm looking for are styles that allow me to do just that. This may be different for you, but if you try out a style & find out its not working for you mayyyyybe you shouldn't be discouraged by it and instead take it as a chance to try something different.
References & colorpicking are perfectly healthy ways to learn. Just credit your stuff if you end up making a big piece.
As far as resources with actual explanation go, I recommend Gigidigi's guide to color & GGDG's body of work in general (Last seen in: Deltarune chapter 2 of popular fame, but i adore their comics)
Eskbl's color tips & more & just look at their stuff tbh...
Marco Bucci's Color Harmony video
& understanding the concept that there aren't really 'ugly colors' but moreso badly utilized compositions, flimsy placement, a conflict of personal taste, or an untrained eye. A lot of the examples I'm giving already skew VERY close to my own personal tastes, so id def encourage you to branch out and find more on your own. And don't forget to have fun & get silly with it!
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