#so i need to minimize like im v srry i ended up here n u have to see it. it always feels like im out of place in any place basically
actualbird · 2 years
i think i made a post abt this before but it rlly is such an odd and horrendously pervasive constant feeling to have imposter syndrome but for Life and Existing. like, yes, imposter syndrome in workplace/own craft/communities/etc cuz it feels like you tricked your way into it, but for All Of Existing, a fraud in the space of Existing, Does Not Belong, i feel like im not rlly meant to exist and i conned my way in here like. it's most apparent whenever im outside and theres a lot of people around or even online in servers or grp chats, im made acutely aware of a host of minute little Differences that i do and much-larger Incorectnesses that i actively have to remind myself to not to and hold back on. like how i sound when i talk or type, how i walk and move and fidget and twitch endlessly, how theres 71364983746287356923875 things im sensitive to that nobody else seems to be bothered by or notice and i need to not react to those and need to keep a down low on all the Differences and Incorectnesses because ive been made aware that many of these D&Is make people upset or uncomfortable or weirded out to witness and like. idk imposter syndrome for Existing is weird, it's like i wasnt rlly made to exist among other people and shit. shrug
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