#so i had to constantly merge layers whenever drawing bc else it would lag like hell
echoesofdusk · 5 months
I think the absolutely most baffling thing to me that I've noticed in the AI generated image discourse is that people seem to think that artists don't make any compromises or sacrifices ever and live perfect, comfortable lives where things just happen to align perfectly for them to have the time to create art that perfectly aligns with their vision
"I don't have the time to draw" do you really know if artists simply have the time to draw or on the contrary, have to sacrifice something to gain that time to draw? can you be so sure that they don't have to deal with hardships to gain the time to draw? or, they have the time to draw because they can't do something else in their lives due to their circumstances, and drawing is the only thing that will fill this time?
"I can't create stuff that meets my vision" how can you be so sure that the stuff artists create meets their vision? do you really think this art was their vision from the absolute beginning? or did they actually have to make compromises to reach this specific look, which maybe wasn't what they aimed for to begin with? can you even be sure if the medium they spend the most time on is the medium they intended to pick up from the beginning, or is it a medium they've had to pick up to compromise for not picking up another art form they wanted to stick to in the first place due to myriads of reasons?
you folks seem to make a lot of assumptions about people you don't personally know
#hazy rambles#anti ai#anti ai art#ai discourse#i had a dogshit laptop for some time years ago and had to make tons and tons of compromises when using it for drawing#like merging layers etc bc that laptop lacked processing power#it would shit itself every time i drew something bigger than 1000x1000 pixels with 10+ layers#so i had to constantly merge layers whenever drawing bc else it would lag like hell#couldn't even listen to music on that thing while drawing bc it would just chug#so i had to make lots and lots of compromises and learn different techniques due to these compromises#hell me using computer to draw is a compromise in a way!#i did lots and lots of traditional art before getting into digital art!#and digital art is a whole lot more practical for me bc traditional art supplies can take up a lot of space#something which i don't have a whole lot of#and i know many people can relate#anyways when i look at all of those roadblocks and obstacles people mention as justification for not drawing#and just gravitating towards AI generated images instead of making compromises or pick up another medium as an outlet#sorry not sorry but i don't think you actually /want/ to create art#you just want pretty pictures and don't understand the process behind the creation process to begin with#art is not about the destination but the journey#and if you're not willing to put up with the journey to reach the destination then art simply isn't for you#and i'm sorry but i have to be a little mean about this#especially when i've had to put up with people making lots of assumptions about me as if they personally knew me
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