#so i found tessa's alternate faceclaim and now we're back to tessa
finclgicls · 9 months
+ ❪ @someotherdog ❫ fast-forwarding tessa & gideon.
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time had flown by at an alarming rate since the engagement celebration in sylvie's backyard. tessa had been consumed by wedding preparations and had also cherished the much-needed time spent with her aunt. but amidst all the chaos, one thing weighed heavily on her mind—the conversation she had with gideon that afternoon, especially the question he had posed as soon as she sat down next to him—did you ever wish that was me? she found herself replaying it repeatedly, and it tormented her to the point where sleep eluded her night after night.
lately, her fiancé had started to acknowledge her desire to make a life in her hometown, and it was clear he was not pleased with the idea. tessa tried her best to keep their arguments private, but the strain was taking a toll on her. It made her question whether they were truly meant for each other or if she was merely settling for a life that didn't align with her own dreams. these thoughts gnawed at her as she stood outside the bar during her bachelorette party, feeling a rising sense of panic since the moment the drinks started having their effect on her.
of course, she hadn't planned on almost colliding with gideon, or even knowing he would be there in the first place. leaning against the wall for support, her senses dulled by alcohol, she managed to muster a lazy smile as she addressed him. "you—" she pointed a slightly unsteady finger in his direction, "you've been playing tricks on my mind, you know that?"
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