#so fucking cool id sell my soul to find the scenes as they are in the edit
awakenmiamor · 4 months
This needs to be talked about MORE
Look at John’s skills man. He takes the revolver from a falling man, takes aim, fires, all before he gets to hit the ground.
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Stop and Frisk
Inspired by a pic by @brianabreeze. This is throwback CoCo and Chad. 
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of police misconduct. 
Word Count: 2,014
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“I told Hakeem had a crush on you, CoCo.”
“You said he had a crush! A crush is a shy wave and some googly eyes. A crush isn’t stealing your grandmother’s ring and proposing to a woman twice your age!”
“Love knows no bounds or age,” Chadwick laughed, fueled by your irritated eye roll and attempt to walk ahead of him.
“You probably encouraged him, jackass.”
“That’s what you get for thinking because, I didn’t. As a matter of fact, I tried telling him that you were already married to me but, he was ready to fight for your love.”
“Are you serious,” You asked. Chadwick took a break from smiling to look you in the eye. You continued to stare him down, hoping for him to crack and laugh but, he didn’t budge. He was telling the truth. “Oh my God. I’m never coming back to your job again. I’ll just sit outside and wait.”
“Nah, you can’t do that. I need you in two weeks to help create set pieces with the girls. They love you.” He put his backpack over his head and bent his wrist, “Mr. Chad, when is Ms. Tasha coming back? Why can’t she come everyday? Wah wah wah.”
His imitation of the preteen girls in his classes at the Schomburg Center made you laugh though you tried to suppress the small giggle. Your giggle morphed into full on laughter as Chadwick continued to stand with his his hand on his hip and bounced his leg in faux annoyance.
“Okay, you can stop now, Tatianna. You act just like her!”
“Whatever,” he laughed, slinging his backpack back over the sleeves of his leather jacket. “If you had to deal with them fresh outta school, you’d pick up some of their bad ass tendencies too. Work is over though. You hungry?”
“If you’re asking if I’ll cook, the ans-”
“Are you hungry,” he repeated in a more stern tone. Your heart leapt into your throat for reasons unknown.
“Y-yeah...I guess. What’d you, uh, what’d you have in-in mind?”
Your flustered sputtering wasn’t lost on him as he regarded you with a wide smile and a head nod toward the sidewalk in front of him. “There’s spot a few blocks up with some good soul food. That cool with you?” You nodded your compliance, widening the smile on his gorgeous face. “Cat got your tongue, Mrs. Simmons?”
“Oh, shut up!”
His teasing never let up along the trip to his suggested eating option. The warmth of summer was but a distant memory in the chill of early fall causing you to walk closer to Chadwick to share his body heat. He took the interaction further, draping his arm around your shoulder to pull you into his side. Laughter and the banter between old friends intertwined in the Harlem sunset adding a picture perfect backdrop to the weekend on the horizon.
As you and Chadwick approached the crosswalk at the end of the block, he was the first to spot the two white cops posted in their parked squad car. Chadwick gave the officers a curt nod while switching your position from the outside to inside of the sidewalk. His chest tightened with an eerie and unsettling feeling he couldn’t identify.
“Hey, stay close okay,” He whispered to you when he was past the car. The question knocking behind your lips never made it into the atmosphere when you looked up at him. His eyes said enough.
As if staged by a Hollywood director, the doors of the cruiser opened and shut, introducing the officers to the outside air.
“Hey you! Leather jacket,” Chadwick took a heavy breath and stopped, keeping his back turned and you close to his side. “You hear me talking to you?”
“Yeah...yeah, I do. My bad. We were just talking about getting some food and missed what you said the first time.”
“Turn around, boy.”
Chadwick’s fist clenched against your shoulder in reaction to the cop’s belittling tone. After another deep breath to compose himself, he turned slowly to face the two obstacles to a safe trip home.
“You a student? Where’s your ID,” the taller of the duo asked. His ocean blue eyes seemed to glimmer with happiness as he approached Chadwick.
“Nah, not a student. I work near the YMCA a clock or two up the way.”
“Then what’s in the bag,” The second officer, an average sized white man with dark eyes, barked. “What do you need a bookbag for if you’re not a student.”
“Is he supposed to carry all of his things in his hands like some type of nomad?” Your mouth and tendency to speak with no filter rattled off the question without a second thought. Chadwick took a look back at you with pleading eyes.
“Tasha, please. I got it.”
“Give it to me.” The first officer held out his hand for the bag as he tapped his foot impatiently.
“With all due respect, officer, I didn't do anything wrong. What do you-”
“Give him the bag!”
Chadwick had no time to respond before his face was pressed into the cool brick of a nearby building. His backpack was roughly pulled away from his body and tossed to the side, making it easy for the second officer to force his arms behind his back.
“No! You can’t do that! He didn’t do anything!” Your shrieks nearly made your voice hoarse as you watched the scene unfold. “Let him go!”
“I’m alright, CoCo. Just go to my apartment. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“I’m not leaving you!”
While one officer forced his hands in and out of Chadwick’s pockets in an unnecessary frisk, the other rifled through his backpack in search of contraband that didn’t exist. Chadwick made no attempt to resist, even through the forearm pressed against his neck and the verbal abuse directed toward him. He desperately wanted to wanted to end the public humiliation and go home. He needed to lock himself away from the cruelty of the outside world and scream at the ceiling to release the anger boiling in the pit of his belly. He needed to stop your pained cries and calm the fear clouding your mind. He needed to get through this alive.
“Stop throwing his stuff on the ground! He doesn’t have anything!”
“Do you want to go to jail the afternoon, Miss?” The second officer watched with a smug smile as you took a step back from him. “That’s what I thought. Shut the hell up.”
“C’mon, man, don’t talk to her like that.”
“You shut your ass up, too. What the hell is a kid from South Carolina doing in Harlem? You selling drugs around here?”
“What? No! I work down the street. I just told you that. I’m a teacher!”
“Teacher my ass. How the fuck does a teacher afford leather jackets and shit.”
“What kind of question is that?”
The officer grunted in response to Chadwick’s rebuttal before directing his attention to his partner. “You find anything, Dobbs?”
“Nothing,” He answered, tossing the empty backpack to the dirty ground with contempt. “He’s good.”
“Officer Dobbs? Is that your name,” You questioned as they pushed Chadwick out of their grip and retreated to their police cruiser. “You can’t just stop people because they dare to be black on the streets! All of these people saw you,” you motioned toward the small crowd gathered near the incident.
Chadwick paid no mind to your speech as he gathered his things and stuffed them into his backpack. Nothing you said, no matter how profound and true it was, would change the men responsible for souring the evening. They were following the orders of someone else that would never hear your passionate presentation.
“Aaron,” your legs carried you as fast they could cover the short distance between you and your friend. You crouched beside him, wrapping your arms around his tense frame. “Are you okay? Let me look at you.”
You frantically searched for any physical signs of pain and injury, completely bypassing the distant look in his eyes. He allowed you pacify your need to evaluate his well being for until you were satisfied with your findings.
“I’m fine, Tasha.”
“Are you sure? We can go to police station right now an-”
“Tasha,” he repeated, stopping your rant. “I just wanna go home.”
Thick silence hung over Chadwick’s apartment long after he ushered you inside and locked the door. His portion of the Chinese takeout delivered hours ago remained untouched on the worn coffee table as he stared at the wall in front of him. You chose to move about his dwelling in relative silence, cleaning what you saw fit to keep your mind busy.
“You want me to put that away,” you asked, pointing at the container of food sitting in front of him.
“Yeah. Thank you.”
You took a moment to look at him, hoping that he would focus on you. He didn’t. He continued to look past your body to stare at a spot on the wall and make sense of his thoughts.
What did he do to deserve that type of harassment? Could he have stopped it? Was it his clothes or the way he walked? Why was his skin tone so intimidating to people who did not and would never get the chance to know him? What would have happened if he was alone? Would he have seen his family again? The kids at the center? His coworkers?
The futon dented in the space beside him as you took a seat. For the first time since the incident, he turned his head to look at you.
“I appreciate you for...sticking around. I promise we’ll go out tomorrow. All day if you want.”
“Don’t worry about that. We can sit in here all weekend, I don’t care.”
He nodded, “Sorry you had to see that.”
“This isn’t about me. How do you feel?”
“I don’t know,” he spoke up. His voice was barely above a whisper as he returned his attention to the wall. “I’m mad. I’m confused and hurt. I’m scared.”
“It’s okay to feel all of those things. They shouldn’t have done that to you.” You felt the rough pads of his fingers grip your knee and release in time with his deep breath. “Are you sleeping in here tonight?”
He nodded again, having no desire to force out words. Without speaking, you disappeared into his bedroom for a minute to gather items. A large comforter hung across your shoulder to accompany the two pillows tucked underneath your arm. When you returned to the couch, you spread the blanket across your body on one end before doing the same for him.
“What are you doing,” he asked, catching the pillow you tossed in his direction.
“If you’re sleeping out here then, me too. We’re supposed to spend the weekend together. I told you earlier that I wasn't leaving you. I meant it. Good night.”
He stared at you with a hint of a smile as you shifted on the small sitting area to get comfortable. He did the same, placing his legs and feet in the space behind you. Silence returned to the room to serve as the backdrop for your slumber. He watched your chest rise and fall with each breath under the light of the single lap in the room for longer than he should have until sleep pulled his eyelids together.
His entire life, Chadwick assumed that the man was responsible for making the woman in his care feel safe. His father did it for his mother, his brothers did it for the women in their lives and, since he met you, he made sure that your were protected even when you protested. But with you nearby, peacefully resting on the other end of the couch, that tables turned.
He was secure. He was safe.
Reaching over to the floor lamp beside him, he gripped the cord to pull the plug from the socket. He took one last look at your sleeping face and smiled.
“Good night, CoCo.”
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @inxan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl @willowtree77785901@maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket @airis-paris14 @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny​ @drsunshine97​ @cozyshack2​ @zxddy-panther​ @queentearra​ @skysynclair19​ @retro-melanin​ @mermaidchansons​ @misspooh​ @melanisticroyalty​ @babygirlofwakanda​ @wakanda-4evr​ @sarahboseman​ @karensraisns​ @blackmissmarvel​ @wakandankings​ @kaykay4454fan​ @ororowrites​ @awkwardlyabstract​ @mixedmelanin​ @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers​ @sunflowerpsalms​ @panthergoddessbast​ @justanotherloveaffair​ @jaeee-http​ @iliketowrite1996​ @blackpantherismyish​ @thompettiedatheaux​ @msincognito67​ @reignsxjackson​ @yaachtynoboat711​ @syreanne​ @ilcb7​ @minim236
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