#so anybody trying to use it legitimately to fundraise is begging not to be taken seriously srry
babsaros · 4 months
hey, regular reminder that if you get someone in your inbox (that you have never interacted with before/has never been following you) asking you to reblog a post on their blog (sob story asking for donations, usually about a pet to make it extra guilt-trippy) and they specifically ask you to answer this ask privately (for a vague and weak reason, why wouldn't they want more eyes on this post?) and then you go to their blog and their account is days old at most (and they're even claiming they have an old account that got shadowbanned ((?? being "shadowbanned" on tumblr does not mean you can't still post from that account?)) but never mention the url of that old blog) and all their reblogs are straight from the op and not from anyone they might be following who reblogged the post first (indicating they just quickly searched a semi-popular fandom tag to reblog some innocuous fanart to make the blog seem lived in)-
this is probably a scam :/ keep your eye out for odd details, inconsistency, and a glaring lack of credibility. stay safe out there everypony.
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