#so I can playtest and check that it's not as held-together with string as it feels right now
hpowellsmith · 15 days
I've given myself back pain from too much stress and Hades, and not enough yoga, so I had to stop writing today and instead did some reluctant yoga, and am now reading The Saint of Bright Doors while fantasising about future projects
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entropy-game-dev · 1 year
Alpha testing, v0.10a & patchnotes
Ah, version 0.10! It’s finally here! Not that there’s really anything special about this one, but it’s getting there!
I had a different friend playtest this game, and I’m getting tired of just referring to them as an “another/different” friend so I’ll be naming them now. This one’s L. So L played through a very early version, like, version 0.03, and so there have been a lot of changes since he last played!
Funnily enough, the options file from the previous time he played was still there, and so at first I thought tutorials were not working, but when he checked, they had been turned to off. He decided to play through blind without tutorials, as it would give us a perspective of whether the game was understandable without any hand-holding.
I think he did quite well, and figured basically everything out. Any questions he had (he told me not to answer) would have been addressed as he played through the game - for example, he was wondering about increasing oxygen and party size increases.
UNFORTUNATELY, due to me revising some battle scripts, the AI scoring and targeting was completely broken. It was fine(ish) for single target attacks, but it would de-prioritise AoE attacks and when it would eventually use them, they’d only hit one target! That’s already been fixed now, but it was quite funny and cute to see the AI act so placid and prioritise support and defensive, especially the more aggressive robots!
Funnily enough, this is one of the ways I will alter the difficulty of the game. There is a (currently not working) option that lets you change the difficulty, and the way this will happen is not with simple stat scaling, but will make it so that the best attack options (as ranked by the AI) will not be chosen.
Overall though, L was happy with how the game was progressing along! No major issues apart from the misbehaving AI! Thanks for reading, and as always, the patchnotes are below the cut.
v0.10 Features:
New attack menu
Enabled moves even when not fulfilling the HP requirement in the select routine screen
Deadzone options actually work
Updated some tutorials
Can scroll between logs of the same type
Move selector handles an empty grid now
Added terminated icon when unit destroyed in routine summary
Added log help overlay
Help overlay controls added for stats screen
Area where enemies cannot move (because of walls) is now indicated!
Heavily dimmed dungeon structure during battle
Made defend/retreat move info appear when selecting it and removed an additional confirmation screen
Removed debug _animdelay message
Removed debug stat string message
fixed dark blue's colour
Changed "destroyed was applied" to unique text
delete all active instances of affinity arrow animations when exiting equips screen
added animations to move selector
Made the text when choosing to move between floors more clear
make affinity animation not appear when swapping between characters
Stopped log viewer noise when scrolling and no new pages
Allowed enemy stat mouse panel during move selection now
Removed no-one from attack description
Added controls to view routine description (pause_pressed)
nerf homeostasis, corrupt, buff laser shock, bitcrush
made movement controls more smooth by checking key held rather than key pressed with a repeating delay
End of turn talk dialog doesn't happen if robot is asking to be recruited
Routines that only do 0 damage by default don't output in the routine summary
Updated the move text to reflect what the intention of the attack was (like, targeting), rather than the outcome
Put fuel collection and local nav research together for smoother gameplay
Made going back to the ship wait if messages are still being displayed
Stopped controls from scrolling left/right in the menu if menu still opening
CRT shader comes back on after screen fades
Stopped general data crash by checking if undefined first, and making undefined 0
Saved player level properly
Whether keyboard/mouse is active now takes controller into account
Status effect moves with the player unit when it moves
Routine summary now properly aggregates attacks
Routine summary now ignores attacks on dead enemies
Fixed controller turn and strafe controls
save grid expanding upon new database rows fixed
Transformation moves are blocked by player use (for now)
Fixed reflect animations not working properly
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