snowthepimp · 1 year
Sneak Peek
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AN: This is a preview to a Christmas short story with Joe (& someone very special) that I’ve been working on for the last few months. Chapter one is almost done and I was hoping to post it before December ended but ya know… life lol. I’ve been super busy with work & other things that I haven’t had time to actually sit down and write like I wanted to, so this will definitely carry over. I hope you all enjoy what I have in store for our little community because I’m excited to share it!
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Summary: A sneak peek of what’s to come in Christmas & Chill.
Warnings: Fluff? Very little cursing and mentions of sex.
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Neither character is who they are in real life. This is an AU short story.
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Now Playing ⏯️
The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole
" They know that
Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys
and goodies on his sleigh
And every mother's
child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really
know how to fly "
The Christmas Song
— Nat King Cole
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December 9, 2022
The car ride to the home decor store was fairly quiet outside of the low volume of the music playing through the radio, and the small talk going on between the two coworkers. Every once and awhile, Jackson would move his hand from the gearshift to Kelsie's thigh— a gesture of affection that he noticed she responded well to. Sometimes she would return the favor as she caressed his arm, her touch sending tingles up and down his spine— a feeling that he constantly felt when he was around her.
Arriving quickly to the nearest Hobby Lobby, Jackson parked his brand new Cadillac before getting out of the car and opening the passenger door for Kelsie. She smiled sweetly at the man, thanking him for being such a gentleman. She appreciated that— more than he seemed to realize. It had been awhile since the woman felt wanted by a man. Since discovering that her husband of fifteen years had been unfaithful for almost half of their marriage, Kelsie's personal life had taken a turn for the worst. She tried her best to forgive him and move forward, hoping that he would change his ways. They even hoped that participating in marriage counseling every week would help but the desire to mend their relationship became almost impossible when her health was constantly at risk.
How would you feel if you found out that the man who was once the love of your life had cheated with almost every woman he crossed paths with, and the stress of his infidelity had caused you to lose your unborn children? Kelsie couldn't help but to blame herself for everything that continued to happen. Then, the option for an open marriage was proposed, courtesy of Mr. Broussard. Looks of disgust were showcased in the room that one morning. Had he lost his everlasting mind? Kelsie couldn't have left the therapist's office any quicker after that episode.
After much convincing from John to get their counselor to agree to one of his many selfish decisions, Dr. Paulette felt terrible for asking Kelsie to agree to a temporary open marriage agreement. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized this could be good for Kelsie, as well. She discussed how utilizing the "open" aspect of the relationship could help her see why John continued to cheat. It could give her the answers she had been seeking all of these years— answers that not even John could give her himself. There had to be a reason, right?
It would also show Kelsie what other options were out there for her if their marriage didn't work out by the end of the experiment. She could be with anyone she wanted to, as long as she was honest about it. She finally agreed, wanting to keep her family happy and together, just like old times. But as time went on, nothing changed nor did it feel the same. Kelsie soon realized that this was just another scheme to help John do as he pleased without any consequences or remorse for his actions. Now, they were just going through the motions until one of them finally had the courage to end their broken marriage for good.
During the wake of the initial agreement, Kelsie had never took it upon herself to date freely. With having to raise three children and constantly having to work, her dating life was the last thing on her mind. She kept herself busy and stayed to herself as much as she could while John took full advantage of their circumstances.
Well, that was until she met Jackson Hill.
Being with Jackson was like a breath of fresh air; every part of Kelsie felt rejuvenated. He was young, full of life, and helped her see many things in her life, good and bad, in a different perspective in just the few months they had known each other. He treated her like she was the queen of his world, where no one else mattered. When being in the presence of each other, the two of them made it a habit to close themselves off from the outside world, only giving each other their undivided attention. All of the intimate moments and conversations shared, the nonstop laughter, the amounts of time spent together that lead to pure joy mattered the most to them.
For the first time in a long time, Kelsie felt happy— inside and out.
Jackson followed closely behind Kelsie as they made their way down the store isle full of Christmas decorations, making sure he had a glimpse of her backside at every turn. He loved everything about her, from her personality to her anatomy. But if he had to pick three things he liked the most as his top choice, her ass was definitely one of them.
Kelsie's eyes lit up like a child that had entered Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory as she scanned the shelves from top to bottom. The store had every color, style, and shape of Christmas decor known to man. Choosing one theme they both could agree on was going to be a challenge within itself. She didn't shy away from it, though. This is what she lived for.
Making it to the side of the isle that caught her attention first, Kelsie stood with her arms crossed over her plump chest, deep in thought. She nibbled on her lower lip, brainstorming possible ideas for a cheerful Christmas season "What about these?" she asked, looking up at at her handsome colleague. "This would be a cute color scheme." Kelsie grabbed a large roll of white Christmas lights in one hand while carrying gold ribbon in the other. She smiled to herself, nodding at a job well done. The two colors complemented each other so well, showcasing how elegant and sophisticated they were together. These colors were also symbolic, representing the true meaning of Christmas. What would be a better way for the students to learn and celebrate Christmas while their classroom is covered in gold and white?
"For school or my house?" Jackson questioned. He looked at Kelsie with admiration as she held the two items in her hands. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, and he had been around quite a few in his young life. Although they were almost twenty years apart in age, they had some things in common. Maybe that was why he was so drawn to her after only knowing her for a few months. He was falling quicker than he wanted to— constantly falling short of holding his end of the ten rule deal.
"School," Kelsie answered. "I was thinking of a green and red plaid color palette with a hint of navy blue for home," she continued, rambling off one of the many ideas that were running through her mind. So much to do in so little time, she thought.
"I was thinking orange and black," Jackson said, throwing in his two cents on the matter. After all, he was going to be the one looking at his tree and overly decorated home every time he stepped foot in there. Might as well get something I would like, he thought. Looking at the rolls of orange ribbon in front of him, he picked up the one with lace trim, intrigued by how vibrant it looked. It reminded him of the orange lace lingerie set Kelsie had on a few weeks ago.
"A Halloween theme?" she asked, scrunching up her beautiful face in disapproval. He couldn't be serious. He was kidding, right? He despised Halloween; he was the scariest person she knew. She remembered how he flinched and hid behind his weighted blanket as they sat on his couch and watched Tales from the Hood one evening in October. "Oh no, that's tacky," she quickly waved him off before carefully putting the small box of blue glass ornaments in the basket. Pushing the basket, she moved further down the isle, looking for anything else that caught her eye.
Jackson chuckled at the woman's reaction. Halloween colors for Christmas? They both knew better than that. He couldn't stand the thought of anything related to the holiday. In his mind, he had a different approach to the combination of colors. Growing up, he lived and breathed football, given that his father was a head coach for the high school in his hometown in Ohio. He watched football at every level, even the Browns and Bengals who were quite below average most of his life. Lately, he had taken a liking to the Bengals as the underdogs made an appearance in the Super Bowl. Although they fell short, he was proud of them, and to be from Southeast Ohio. A certain quarterback that was as cold as ice, who happened to look just like him, was the icing on the cake that could lead to years of his continued support for the team.
"What! You're serious?" he asked with amusement in his tone. Kelsie gave him a knowing look indicating that this was a not a laughing matter. Jackson threw his hands up, a playful smirk plastered on his lips. "Okay, I'll just let you do what you do best then." And he did just that. For what felt like forever, the two of them went from section to section, looking at what could best fit Jackson's style before standing in line to pay. The store was starting to get packed with Christmas shoppers and they wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Mission accomplished.
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If anyone can guess who the Female OC is, then I just might publish the first chapter sooner!
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thamacaveli · 2 years
Part 2 Of The Legends That Gave Me Life Through Out My Time In Tumblr
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scooneysinterlude · 3 years
My Asks
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snowthepimp · 1 year
Remember that story I said I wrote a short preview for?
Well yeah, I’m about to get post it. Finally. 😬
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snowthepimp · 2 years
Do u write joe burrow fan fic? I know you’ve reposted some but I’m looking for writers 😪
I haven’t posted any Joe Burrow content *yet* but it’s coming eventually! Anything that I repost I’ve read; hopefully when the season starts there’s more to read.
In the meantime, I’ll tag some writers I know that have Joe Burrow fics 🫶🏽
@balanceingrace @baddhoe4 @shiestycentral @joes740hoes @joebrrrow
Feel free to add anyone that I’ve missed!
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snowthepimp · 2 years
Detour Ahead 🚧
Starting fresh (kind of lol). Gonna be deleting some things, revamping other things, and adding new things, as well. So, don’t be alarmed. But, be prepared!
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snowthepimp · 2 years
Anything you see done on my page was made by none other than the GOAT @godmia 🫶🏽
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snowthepimp · 1 year
im in love with your aesthetic..
Ahh thank you, thank you! My girl @miaveli hooked that up for me!!
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snowthepimp · 2 years
I’m on this account so much, I forgot about my main one 😭
Follow me on there if you haven’t already!
@scooneysinterlude .
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snowthepimp · 2 years
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*taps mic*
Hello? Is this thing on? Anybody there?
Hahaaa, well…
Okay, so, I knew I said I’d come back with something for y’all on December 1st. Butttt life happened AND I went on a mini vacation, so that was put on hold for, like, a week. And then, I finally published it!! But only on Wattpad, lmao. I know, I’m sorry. Time literally slipped away from me. But, don’t worry! I’m here now, with what I promised to give y’all! I know this is the last week of December/beginning of January, but better late than never, right?
Now to make everything better, here’s what I did for y’all…. I published everything I’ve put together on Wattpad, so y’all can get caught up. I hope y’all are cool with that. I really wanted this to be a day to day thing. But once again, life has other plans for me. And that’s okay! I’m still gonna stick to this no matter what— no matter how long it may take me (hopefully it doesn’t take too long 🥴). But anyway, I’ve wasted enough of your time.
As of now, we are back in business & hopefully for a long time!! The start of the BURN franchise has now BEGAN!
You can find everything ‘BURN: MerryChristmas.’ related here.
I hope you all had an amazing holiday season! I am so excited for y’all to see what I’ve been cookin’ up these last few months. This is literally my baby and I’m so proud of what I put together & I hope y’all enjoy every bit of it.
Thank you all so, so much for being patient with me! One love!
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