#snapchat lens studio
dismains · 2 years
Snapchat lens studio tap image
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Snapchat lens studio tap image how to#
Snapchat lens studio tap image download#
Snapchat lens studio tap image free#
Snapchat lens studio tap image download#
Head on over and download 3-4 images that you like. Pixabay is a great place to find free-to-use images.
Snapchat lens studio tap image free#
For this lens I am going to use space backgrounds, but feel free to use whatever you want. When we add a screen image, Snapchat adds a placeholder image to let us know it is there and ready for us to edit. Things are going to look a little weird now over in the preview panel. Start by adding a Screen Image in the Objects panel and then a Portrait Background Segmentation Texture in the Resources Panel. We don't need too much to create this effect. Setting up the sceneįor this effect we are going to start with a blank project. You can preview this effect by clicking here or by scanning the snapcode below.
Snapchat lens studio tap image how to#
Pro tip: If you start with the "Gauss Blur" post effect and modify that instead of creating the blur from scratch, you can avoid the artifacts you get with high blur strengths.In this Lens Studio tutorial we'll go over how to create a virtual background or green screen effect for your Snapchat lenses. If you stick with values of 0.001 for the Pixel Size on the Gaussian Blur node, you should be fine as long as you stay under a Blur Factor of 4.0. Due to how the Gaussian Blur node works, you'll start to get banding and ghost images if you increase the blur amount too much. Because we added it as a Post Effect, anything you've added to your scene (images, 3D objects, etc.) will be included in the sharpening effect, provided they are above the Post Effect in the Objects Panel (just make sure the post effect is below everything you want sharpened, but not nested inside them). This sharpen effect is fairly simple to create and add to your lens. Finally, connect the output of the Blend node to the Shader node and the effect is complete! Final thoughts Connect the output of the Texture 2D Sample to the bottom input and set the blend mode to Overlay. Take this gray version and connect it to the top Base input of the Blend node. If you were to connect the output of the Add node to the Shader node, you would see a mostly gray image with the fine detail of the original image. Neutral gray has RGB values of 128, 128, 128. Connect the output of the Subtract node to the top input of the Add node and select neutral gray as the bottom input. Now connect that output to the top input of the Subtract node. Our original image in the Texture 2D Object Parameter node can't directly be connected to the Subtract node, so connect it to the Texture 2D Sample node along with the Surface UV Coord 0 node. Connect the output of the Gaussian Blur to the bottom input of the Subtract. The first thing we are going to do is subtract our blurred image from the original. Now add Texture 2D Sample, Subtract, Add, and Blend nodes. You can add a Float Parameter node and connect it to the Blur Factor input which will let you control that value from the material's Inspector Panel. At this point you should be able to set the Blur Factor on the Gaussian Blur node and see a blurry image in the Lens Preview. Set the input texture to be a Screen Texture (the Screen Texture should have been added inside a Textures folder when you added the post effect, otherwise you can add it yourself in the Resources Panel). If you select the Graph Empty material in the Resources Panel, you should see a texture input slot in the Inspector panel. Next connect the output of the Gaussian Blur node to the Color input of the Shader node. Select the Gaussian Blur node and set the Pixel Size input to something like 0.001 for both values. Connect the output of the Texture 2D Object Parameter to the Texture input on the Gaussian Blur node and connect the Surface UV Coord 0 to the TexCoords input of the Gaussian Blur. The Texture 2D object parameter node lets us select an input image for the effect. Add a Texture 2D Obect Parameter node, a Surface UV Coord 0 node, and a Gaussian Blur node. The first thing we need to do is blur the image. Creating the sharpen effect Adding the blur Open up the Graph Empty material in the material editor and we are ready to get started. At this point the lens preview should be solid white. Select the post effect and then in the Inspector Panel change the material to the Graph Empty material that you just added. In the Resources Panel add a Graph Empty Material and in the Objects Panel add a Color Correction Post Effect. The inspiration for this effect comes from an article on creating a face smoothing effect, but instead of smoothing out the details we are going to enhance them.įor this tutorial we are going to start with a blank project. When used subtly it sharpens the image, and when used prominently you achieve a more HDR look to your lens. In this tutorial we'll go over how to create a sharpening effect in Lens Studio (sometimes called "alt" by the cool kids). You can buy the finished post effect here
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lodane · 2 years
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The Snapchat Lens Studio (to create lenses/filters/etc.) is as complex as GECK for New Vegas, or Dragon Age Origin's Toolset... omfg. I am not dedicating my life to learning this. 😂
Hats off to those that do the work. 🙏
(caveat: Lens Studio screenshot is mine, DATs and GECK examples borrowed from elsewhere, not my work)
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disneytva · 2 years
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Stars in a New Walt Disney Animation Studios Short for Disney 100 Years of Wonder
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit returns to the studio that bears his creator’s name—Walt Disney Animation Studios—with an all-new animated short, more than 94 years since Disney’s last Oswald cartoon.
Created by Walt Disney Animation Studios hand-drawn animation team to help celebrate the start of Disney 100 Years of Wonder that marks 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company, the short—appropriately titled Oswald The Lucky Rabbit—is directed by animator Eric Goldberg and produced by Dorothy McKim.
“On the eve of Disney’s 100th anniversary, it was such a joy to create the first new Oswald short from our studio since 1928,” says McKim. “Our hand-drawn animation team—including our hand-drawn legends Mark Henn, Randy Haycock, and Eric Goldberg, as well our wonderful team of 2D apprentices—had a ball animating in the style of Oswald’s era.”
Goldberg adds. “Oswald is such a plucky scamp. We wanted to bring Oswald back, and in the short, he literally returns to his original home: the movie screen. We wanted to have Oswald do all of the ‘squash-and-stretch,’ ‘rubber hose’-animation style, celebrating that first generation of Walt Disney’s artists.”
In conjunction with the animated short, Disney launched an Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Snapchat lens worldwide that will allow users to channel Oswald using AR technology.
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harangwook · 3 months
Week 8 - Digital Citizenship and Software Literacy: Instagram Filters
The Rise of Face Filters and AR Technology
Face filters have become an integral part of social media engagement, providing users with a tool for digital self-expression and enhancement of their online presence. Initially simple overlays for selfies, these filters have evolved into complex AR tools with interactive effects, beauty filters, and augmented reality masks (Javornik et al., 2022). Platforms like Snapchat and Instagram have embraced these filters, offering users a wide array of options to modify their appearance in real-time.
Augmented Reality Filters: A New Dimension
The advent of AR filters represents the next phase in face filter technology, offering dynamic and interactive experiences that respond to users' motions and surroundings (Bhatt, 2020). Unlike static overlays, AR filters immerse users in virtual environments, creating engaging animations and virtual reality experiences. With the democratization of filter production through platforms like Spark AR Studio, users and brands alike have seized the opportunity to create personalized and creative filters tailored to diverse tastes and preferences.
The Impact on Identity and Self-Image
While face filters offer a fun way to enhance images and videos, concerns have arisen regarding their impact on identity and self-perception (Kumar & Madhushree Nanda Agarwal, 2023). Critics argue that these filters propagate unrealistic beauty standards, fostering feelings of inadequacy and body dissatisfaction among users. Moreover, the blurring of lines between reality and digital alteration raises questions about authenticity and genuine self-representation in online interactions.
Navigating the Future of Face Filters
As technology continues to advance, the potential for innovation in face filters remains boundless (Sofija, 2022). From AI-powered filters to seamless integration with virtual and augmented reality experiences, the future holds exciting possibilities. However, it is imperative to approach the evolution of face filters with a critical lens, considering their implications for social interaction, identity formation, and self-perception. Balancing authenticity with innovation is crucial as we navigate the evolving landscape of digital self-expression.
Addressing Challenges and Promoting Responsible Use
While AR filters offer immense potential, they also present challenges related to unrealistic beauty standards and distorted self-image perceptions (Scott, 2019). Social media developers must prioritize user well-being by carefully curating filters and providing educational resources on healthy filter usage. Additionally, fostering awareness and self-reflection among users can promote mindful engagement with filters, encouraging them to prioritize genuine self-expression over unrealistic standards.
In conclusion, the evolution of face filters, particularly with the introduction of AR technology, has revolutionized digital self-expression. However, it is essential to consider the societal implications and psychological effects of these filters, emphasizing responsible use and promoting authentic online interactions. By striking a balance between innovation and mindfulness, we can harness the potential of face filters to enhance digital experiences while nurturing positive self-image and identity formation.
Javornik, A, Marder, B, Barhorst, JB, McLean, G, Rogers, Y, Marshall, P & Warlop, L 2022, ‘“What lies behind the filter?” Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 128, no. 107126, p. 107126.
Kumar, H & Madhushree Nanda Agarwal 2023, ‘Filtering the reality: Exploring the dark and bright sides of augmented reality–based filters on social media’, Australian Journal of Management, SAGE Publishing, pp. 1–21.
Scott, D 2019, Instagram has banned a load of its most popular filters, Cosmopolitan.
Sofija, E 2022, What are augmented reality (AR) filters and how are they transforming the way consumers engage with brands?, www.linkedin.com, viewed 18 March 2024, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-augmented-reality-ar-filters-how-transforming-way-emma-sofija/.
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msnessy · 3 months
—𝐍𝐘 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬
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It's true that almost everyone can or should value aesthetics. Depending on the tone, environment, and location from which the aesthetics are coming. Vanessa appeared to blink and found herself back in New York once more. Not that there was anything wrong with it; rather, Gigi and Von had whisked her away as they embarked on this adventure to begin work on her upcoming media release, a book of photography. New York was the center of everything, unlike Los Angeles. It was kept alive by fashion weeks, unexpected shows, and frequently the beautiful chaos.
"Broad street," Gigi announced as she stuffed, her third pretzel into her mouth.
They had been in New York a grand total of thirty minutes and the woman, had already scarfed down a bunch of food from trucks. Next to her, Von flipped through the Hustler magazine, he had so graciously bought from the cab stand. Flipping the magazine over and laughing, his beady blue eyes remained fixed on the photographs, oblivious to the articles. Typical. It was quite common of him to act in such a public manner.
Gigi swallowed roughly and pointed to the street signs as cabs rushed past them, getting caught in semi-gridlock. "Downtown Brooklyn or Broad street. That's where your studio will be Nes."
My studio. All mine, huh? Vanessa became slightly sparked and less apprehensive just thinking about it. To possess her own darkroom, studio, and means of self-expression for her photography.
The trio of buddies made every effort to seek cabs. Anything from whistles to baring a little skin, Nessa was all for it. She had a thoroughly sexy ensemble for the day. Her face was framed by her wavy, untamed hair, black combat books, and a low-cut black dress with frills that reached slightly above her thighs. Von screamed, and after roughly the fifth try, a taxi did pull over. Sometimes, being the gentlemen that he was, Von let the women board the taxi before him.
The ride was silent for the most part, expect Gigi instructing the driver they were to be going, to downtown Brooklyn. Vanessa, rummaged through her essential bags; counting the cameras she had brought with her. Twin-lens reflex, 33mm, Rangefinder, Polaroid (black and white), Stereo flicker. As she dug, becoming amazed that she had managed to pack just about all she needed, including the switching out of film—only one color film though.
Von leaned over and rested his head on her shoulder, curious about what she was doing. Putting his hand inside her bag, he removed her black and white camera, moved his thumb around the cylinder, and took a snapshot of her.
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"Niccce." He murmured, seemingly satisfied with his amature picture. Vanessa's delicate hands went out to reclaim the camera, her cheeks redding. In her own little universe, Gigi was more concerned with documenting New York via a Snapchat video. With her face plastered against the taxi glass, she commented on almost everything she saw with her British accent. Von and Nessa locked eyes and burst into silent giggles. "What?" Their blonde hair friend chuckled, turning the phone toward them.
Broad, lavish, and charming in many aspects—but monotonous in others, which Vanessa cherished. Her heels made a clicking noise on the hardwood floors, resonating off the studio's bare walls. She carried her camera bag over her shoulder and made a mental note of the location for the first round of shots. She also mentally rehearsed the identity of her muses. The greatest friend she could have, Gigi, leaned back against the covered window, growling playfully and with her leg up and her head back.
"I'm ready for my close up, Hudgens."
Laughing, Nessa made the shutter sound with her mouth and shook her playfully. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely putting you in the book."
"She is, on your Instagram quite a lot." Von chimed in, as he fiddled with the blinds in the far right corner of the room.
Vanessa bent down and began pulling her belongings from her luggage. She would begin with her black and white film, without actually photographing people. She had not quite made it that far, but her goal was to depict New York in a frenzy, in a condition of... well, she wanted aerial pictures and street shots. She felt a presence behind her as she loaded the film, and then she felt a gentle palm stroke the back of her neck.
"¿Qué necesitas, von?"
His self-serving chuckle made the gentle neck massage he was giving the attractive woman even more intense. "Just seeing if you needed help, is all."
Now, sitting on the floor, twisting her body to look directly at Von; Nessa eyed him. It was unusual to see him attired like this. Von didn't often make a big deal out of his attire, so it wasn't particularly noteworthy. But he appeared to be in a kind attitude today. The combination of his black boots, black pants, and grey turtleneck effectively reduced the look of his disheveled, shaggy hair. When Nessa looked at her friend, she couldn't help but smile and giggle.
Von too, leaned down on the floor sitting in front of Vanessa. His blue eyes glossed with a perpetual hint. "You let that one..." His left arm extended and he pointed over to Gigi who was occupied by the ravishing and rusty ropes that laced the opposite side of the room; happily. "Choose this place?"
"Could you have done better?" The beauty answered, huffing out an annoyed sigh.
"I could make it... better." He trailed his long finger up Vanessa's exposed knees, a silly little smile dancing across his mouth. He kept doing it, knowing she was ticklish; he was always kidding, touching, being often times, too silly in his touches. But the actress swatted his hand away.
"I have to start, or else this trip will be a waste." Nessa quickly spoke, gliding up to her feet and physically shaking off Von's touch. He followed, laughing loudly as he reached out to pinch her waist. "Coming to New York is never a waste. We could score so—"
"Shut up Von!" Gigi hollered, somewhere from the back of the room and came the echoing "oof!" Signaling that she may have, tripped over something.
As she moved passed the three tiers of spaces, Nessa raised her grayscale camera to her eye, seemingly interrupting the intermittent, hazy lighting within the structure. She took a picture while squinting and gesturing for Von and Gigi to get out of the way. Her lips turned gloomy as she realized that the photo wouldn't turn out as well even in the absence of development. She tried again, shifting the focus and fiddling with the cylinder. And that was all. She had captured the bleak, lonely, dull—but full of potential—area on film. She bowed while mumbling incoherently and heard Gigi applaud.
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"New film Von!"
"Okay, for like the seventh time, don't fucking shout at me."
"I'm not shouting, I'm requesting."
"Sounds like shouting to me." He rasped, basically chucking the roll of film at Vanessa, who with an attitude caught it. "Little brat."
"I heard that." Nessa complained, laughing softly; flicking her tongue out at her friend.
Von and Gigi observed Vanessa in her element while Von lit a Marlboro cigarette. The Brooklyn Downtown components also had their own hold on her. The incessant activity, disorganized sounds, and blend of aromas were all appealing to Vanessa, who found the intriguing individuals fascinating and wanted them to share in her creative process. If Vanessa ever got weary of acting, she might consider pursuing a full-time career in photography. However, there was nothing like playing a different part for a distinct film; certainly, singing was a part of that as well.
Placing the cigarette between her full lips, Von rested an arm around her shoulder. "That." He hummed, using his now free hand to point over one lone telephone pole, in the abandon building adjacent to them. Despite his attitude sometimes... Von could be a huge help. Nodding, the shutter went off and Nessa snapped the photo. "Groovy," She whispered; astonished that there was still some humbleness of non-technology still in the world.
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Gigi grabbed the cigarette out of her Nessa's mouth, took a drag, let out the smoke, and naturally assumed a certain posture. Vanessa flexed her brows as she positioned herself to snap the photo. "Make it sexy, Gigi." She did, too. Vanessa needed to add some sexiness to this photo book, Gigi said, if she was going to distribute it. Following the footsteps of her companions, Vanessa walked down the block after snapping a few pictures of her best friend. Von groaned, saying he wished they could at least stop for pizza, but he also had other complaints. He was continuously thinking about vices. But they weren't on Vanessa's mind today.
"Pretty soon, people are gonna think we're hooked." Nessa retorted, as they stopped in the well lit alleyway near the subway, she wanted to change her shoes; she had an idea in mind of the last photo she wanted to take.
Flagging her off, Von huffed acromonsouly, "Sure."
"I mean it."
To stop what was to come—which was the nagging, Von scooped Vanessa and Gigi up in his arms and gave them both a giant hug. He deliberately and maliciously pinched them, causing his beard's little stubble to itch on their faces while he laughed hysterically.
After pulling away, she changed into her attractive, grunge-inspired platform black boots, which complemented her outfit. The close friends went inside one of the many record stores on the strip, after coming out of the alleyway. Nessa only brought one roll of color film, which she intended to save for their return trip to Los Angeles. The actress with dark hair halted in the doorway as they arrived, fluttering her eyes closed and taking in the sounds and fragrances around her. In actuality, record stores were a natural aphrodisiac, much like bookstores. Naturally, any song could be played on a media device at any moment; yet, a record's eternal a low-re sith sound was unmatched.
The teller, owner, or maybe just the cashier recognized the three. His toothy grin spread across his lips, as he placed a palm on the glass casing of mint-conditioned records. Von nodded, and pointed to the wall behind him. "Is that David Bowie's first album, ever?"
The man confusingly tilted his head at the question. "¿Lo lamento?"
Gigi teetered her way over to the old-fashion record players, 60s and 70s magazine. Vanessa and the carried a conversation—about any and everything. Von, chiming in any time he understood something.
Nessa tapped her fingers along side her camera, and flashed a smile at the man. "¿Puedo tomar una foto de sus álbumes para mi libro?"
"Si, si, porsupuesto." He obliged.
Focused, ready, and more excited than ever Nessa clipped the shutter and captured the records. "Excellent." She purred.
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After what felt like two hours of groogling, the three companions eventually found their way back to where they thought they could hail a cab. They didn't feel too much pressure over missing their flight to Los Angeles. Happiness was a cloud that Nessa was floating on. The rest of the day had been productive. Von was forced to stand on the pavement and wail for a cab as Nessa pulled out her personal camera and gave Gigi a hip-bump to gain her attention. With beaming smiles on their faces, the gorgeous girls struck various stances and called out to Von.
"C'mon, just do it!" Gigi threatened him, flashing him the middle finger.
"And if we miss our taxi?" He complained, catching the camera in his palms.
"You'll hail for another." Nessa joked.
Mumbling under his breath, he focused the camera the best way he could. He recklessly snapped the image and enhanced the flash for his own evil purpose. "You two are so lucky, you're hot."
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katheriinezhang · 7 months
Digital Goods and AI Integration: Snapchat's Next Moves in Augmented Reality
Snapchat made significant announcements at Lens Fest 2023, aiming to enhance its presence in the augmented reality (AR) space. The major highlight is the introduction of Lens Studio 5.0 Beta, representing the evolution of Snapchat's AR creation platform. This update incorporates several improvements, including enhanced performance, improved 3D modeling tools, and collaborative features, providing creators with more robust tools to develop engaging Snap AR projects.
Additionally, Snapchat has entered into a collaboration with OpenAI, integrating the ChatGPT Remote API into the app. This partnership empowers Lens developers to leverage ChatGPT in their creations, unlocking new possibilities for learning, conversational interactions, and creative experiences for Snapchat users. Snapchat is expanding its digital goods creation tools, allowing developers to offer exclusive AR features within Lenses. Users can unlock these features for a fee, presenting a potential revenue stream for both Snapchat and creators. Moreover, the platform is integrating various fashion brand items into its Bitmoji clothing options.
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Despite facing challenges, Snapchat's Lens Studio has experienced notable growth, hosting a community of over 330,000 AR creators, developers, and teams. These creators have collectively produced nearly 3.5 million Lenses, which, in the last year alone, have garnered a remarkable 3 trillion views from Snapchatters.
Snapchat has also shared insights into the success of its Lens Creator Rewards program, designed to incentivize top-performing Lenses. In its first month, the program saw over 45,000 Lenses opting in, generating an impressive 5 billion Lens interactions by Snapchatters. The rewards program offers monthly incentives of up to $7,200 for outstanding Lenses in selected regions.
While the past year presented challenges for Snapchat, marked by job cuts and project rationalization, the platform's commitment to innovation is evident in the subdued collection of updates at this year's Lens Fest. The standout announcement, Lens Studio 5.0 Beta, holds significant potential to channel more AR projects into the Snapchat app. The company remains focused on building and expanding its AR ecosystem to stay at the forefront of digital engagement.
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studylaws · 7 months
ChatGPT powers Snap's Lens Studio 5.0 Beta for new Augmented Reality experiences
Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, has collaborated with OpenAI to herald a transformative era of augmented reality (AR) encounters. Announced during the sixth annual Lens Fest, the partnership is strategically designed to empower developers in incorporating ChatGPT into their AR Lenses. This collaboration promises to unleash a surge of inventive learning, conversational, and creative…
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Snap's ARES Initiative Calls it Quits
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Image source: TechCrunch
After a less than six months of development, Snap Inc. is shutting down its ARES initiative. Short for AR Enterprise Services, ARES was set to extend Snap's Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) services to businesses. Investing in the growing AR retail market would benefit both Snap and prospective business partners. 
Thanks to ARES, Snapchat users could virtually try on clothes and even receive sizing recommendations through three-dimensional viewing technology. The feature even added tools for businesses to monitor performance analytics. The feature came with extensive preparation. In order to develop ARES, Snap acquired three companies: Fit Analytics, Vertebrae, and Forma. These acquisitions all led to the introduction of new Snap features like its AR Lens creator studio.
According to The Verge, “the move comes a few months after Snap suggested making AR features monetizable was crucial for its success.” Ultimately, CEO Evan Spiegel confirmed that ARES would be too expensive to execute. 
The current media landscape showed a promising foundation for Snap’s plans. Statista’s survey of Snapchat’s user demographics posited that the 18–24-year-old age group (Gen-Z) made up the app’s main target market. The data is interesting when considering current consumer behavior. A recent Deloitte trend report revealed that Gen-Z “are also early adopters of emerging behaviors, such as attending live events in game worlds, participating in virtual and augmented reality experiences, and shopping on social media.” 
Snapchat also presented interesting metrics to support its investment. Snap Inc. reported that “January 2021 users have tried shopping-related AR lenses more than 5 billion times.” Additionally, Snap’s recent 10K report noted a 17% year-to-year increase in daily active users. Despite these impressive metrics, Snap Inc. continues to operate at a loss. The closure of the ARES project already cost 170 employees their jobs. This comes after the company reported laying off 20% of its global workforce to cut expenses. 
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Image Source: Snap 10K Report
The move to invest in the AR space was certainly promising at first. However, despite efforts to diversify their income stream and ensure growth, Snap's financials remain their biggest obstacle. 
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Date: 9/27/23
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tacko3d · 10 months
its so easy to make stuff in Lens studio.
But I don't use Snapchat
I used it like once or twice and it was just to try out Lens Studio
Spark AR is fun platform too
I've made tons of filters for IG and Facebook
but it started to not feel very rewarding. So i stopped doing it.
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latribune · 11 months
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Snapchat Launches New AR Learning Hub to Facilitate AR Creation
Looking to improve your understanding of AR, and how to build your own AR experiences for yourself and/or your business? This will help. Today, Snapchat has launched a new Snap AR Learning Hub, which will provide a new way to learn the fundamentals of AR creation, and how to apply them in Snapchat’s Lens Studio tools. As you can see in this example, the new AR education experience will take you…
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jypsyvloggin · 1 year
How to Get the Avatar filter on Snapchat?
How to Get the Avatar filter on Snapchat? #avatar2
Snapchat filter Avatar Lens by Walt Disney Studios Check out below to find out the Avatar filter on Snapchat. There are two ways you can unlock this lens for your Snapchat account. Open Snapchat on your phone and use the Snapchat camera to view the snapcode image above, and hold your finger on the camera screen to unlock the Snapchat lens on your device. If you are visiting this page on your…
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consagoustech · 1 year
How Restaurants Can Surprise Their Customers With An AR Menu
Those days are gone when you see a menu card on the table, call a server and randomly order your food based on their name. In fancy restaurants, sometimes it becomes an awful experience with food when ordering with their name.
Thanks to AR / VR App Development for introducing the AR menu in the restaurant industry. This technological advancement has arrived to improve and make life simpler for foodies with the live menu along with mouth-drooling food images.
AR menus are excellent at creating an appetizing experience, so they can't stop themself from trying new dishes.
If you are looking to develop your own augmented reality food menu or want to hire an AR App Development Company? We can help you out.
First, let's understand.
What is Augmented Reality?
The ability to overlay 3D virtual objects into the actual environment and interact with them via a mobile phone screen is known as augmented reality.
The most well-known use of AR is a game called Pokémon Go, which encouraged millions of people to go outside and "discover" different 3D Pokémon figures hidden around virtual environments using their mobile devices.
Based on market research done by ABI Research firm, the augmented reality sector will see tremendous growth in the coming years, reaching a $175 billion market size by 2026. ‍
Augmented Reality App Development Opportunity for Restaurants
Restaurant marketing has been progressively gaining traction using AR technology. To produce augmented reality restaurant applications and AR food menus, high-end fine dining establishments, cafés, and fast-food joints collaborate with AR app development companies. Aside from offering diners a unique experience, augmented reality food applications are a fantastic method to draw in new clients and promote your business.
1. Using augmented reality to order food from restaurants
When we try a new restaurant, we always try to figure out where to start.
Everyone, including tourists from other countries, has difficulty interpreting local cuisines from local menus.
That is one of the issues facing the restaurant sector that augmented reality can address. It produces 3D copies of menu items so anybody can view foods in incredibly realistic representations.
For example, before placing a burger on your plate, Bareburger utilizes Snapchat AR to place one on your screen.
In fact, NYC's Bareburger has already begun implementing similar pivot programs. Bareburger uses Snapchat's Lens Studio to provide consumers with interactive augmented reality food photographs. Customers can use the restaurant chain's AR filter to see menu items, portions, and even ingredients before making their order.
In other words, before it arrives at your table, you will see the hamburger on your screen. Additionally, you are confident of the item(s) you ordered, its composition, and the precise quantity.
2. Create your own pizza with Augmented Reality
Yes, that's true! Despite knowing most of the pizza menus off on memory, we always need help making a snap decision. Whatever the well-known pizza chains have to offer, we enjoy it. However, there are moments when we wish we had the freedom to make our pizza with a well-curated selection of ingredients.
For consumers to produce steady photos of their pizzas using the Domino's app, Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore are both used. These augmented reality applications will assist restaurants in providing patrons with an enhanced ordering and dining experience, gaining their loyalty.
3. Starbucks storytelling coffee app
Starbucks' market share in the Southeast has been continuously increasing. One store where the brand wanted to attempt something novel to stand out was Shanghai. They got it right with the Augmented Reality app development intended to convert inactive retail patrons into active store explorers.
Users can scan any area of Starbucks' expansive Shanghai Roastery and intellectually investigate what that area does, how coffee beans are kept, and how long it takes for coffee to be ready for brewing before it is finally served.
The AR mobile app development incorporates gamification by providing users with rewards points shareable on social media.
Top Benefits of Augmented Reality in Restaurants‍
1. Increase Number Customers
Restaurants are intentionally attempting to re-engage with previous visitors. Getting clients' attention in the face of fiercer competition is easier said than done. In restaurants, augmented reality will help create a "Wow" factor that will draw consumers in and encourage them to return.
2. Increase in Average Order Value
In the world of mobile apps, providing a compelling customer experience is much more difficult than it is in brick-and-mortar restaurants. The user's attention span is only a few seconds long when utilizing mobile apps. Even when ordering meals for delivery, this needs to be corrected.
Augmented reality has shown to be a reliable method of ensuring that users keep the app open and place more orders than just their typical takeaway. The average order value for online meal delivery can be raised by interactive menus, visual menu information, and nutritional information, best accompanied by suggestions and other AR-enabled features.
3. Improved Customer Loyalty
Customers in the millennial generation are notorious for having fragile commitments. The current generation of consumers switches loyalties with a new offer, a new competitor, or for more convenience, as opposed to the previous generation who used to remain with brands for life.
With AR-based loyalty programs, restaurants can ensure their patrons stick with them in these unstable market conditions. Restaurants can utilize augmented reality to develop gamification systems that let customers earn points, new menu items, and reward points.
How AR App Development Boosts Your Restaurant’s Profit
Augmented reality food menus can directly sell customers specials, discounts, happy hours, and other promotions, increasing interaction. To engage consumers and increase brand awareness, restaurants might integrate video material such as client testimonials, chef interviews, and food demonstrations.
Target niche consumers: Due to their ability to adjust to many languages, augmented reality menus and restaurant apps effectively engage clients from other countries. Including comprehensive nutritional information can help improve interactions with consumers with particular needs, such as diabetics, health-conscious people, or those who must adhere to religious dietary restrictions.
Analyze the experience of the consumer: AR-based food menus can be used to gather information about customer preferences. Apps can come with built-in features that track information for company owners, including the most popular foods, how much time users spend watching advertisements, and survey responses.
Summing up
Between the actual and digital worlds, augmented reality is blurring the crest. It is ready to enter the dining area, where culinary adventures rule the day. The food business will experience a 3D revolution thanks to augmented reality app development, which might spell the end of printed menu orders.
It's now or never for your restaurant business to incorporate augmented reality. In the near future, AR will ensure that customers can virtually preview their cuisine before placing an order.
For AR/VR app development, Consagous provides Augmented Reality app development services. Interested in creating your own AR restaurant app or food menu? Contact us to discuss your idea.
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polhrecruitment · 2 years
Face trigger lens studio
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#Face trigger lens studio series
#Face trigger lens studio download
Though small, this shows that filters are becoming smarter, and a much wider library can be able to understand. Snapchat has an AI (artificial intelligence) component, so it understands some terms. So a voice within the filter can be used as a trigger. Or they can be used as triggers to introduce an interaction or effect. Voice filters can be used either to modify or distort the user’s voice. How do different social platforms compare? Social Platform Scorecard – AR Face Filters Capable Social App Scorecard – AR Face Filters Capable How compare the numerous social platforms? So this makes for a wide variety of enjoyable and thrilling interactive and visual experiences.įace Filters are by far the most common and shareable on all of the platforms and they all have them.Ĭheck out the Social AR Face Filter we created for Warner Records that received 600K plays in 24 hours – Ĭheck out the Social AR Face Filter we created for Slim Jim (Conagra Foods) that turn 75K people into Randy Machoman Savage at Comic-con – Face tracking technology helps the camera to monitor a wide range of facial features (eyes, mouth, eyebrows) in real-time in a three-dimensional space using a handheld camera. The AR Ecosystem Social AR – Face Filtersįace Filters allow the user to express themselves by applying computer-generated effects to their faces in a unique and creative way. For this article, we will use the term “Filters” as a catch-all term. For example, Snapchat calls “Lenses” for their AR camera effects, while Facebook and Instagram call them “Filters.” These words are interchangeable. All the social networks have taken a different approach to what they call them. Lenses and Filters – What’s the difference? All Social Apps have AR features built into them.
#Face trigger lens studio download
You can tap into an interconnected audience by using Social Apps without the need to download any other App. Many people don’t want to download another App though. It is mostly achieved by looking at a camera on your phone or by superimposing on the lens of a pair of glasses you look through.ĪR also needs an App to give the user a first-rate experience. You see and communicate in the physical world with digital images and objects. Many social networks have AR capabilities, but I will concentrate on the top three – Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.Īugmented Reality (AR) is a digital interactive interface presented inside our real-world context.
#Face trigger lens studio series
It consists of a series of humorous, engaging filters found within the camera function of these Apps. Social AR is Augmented Reality camera filters viewed through social apps, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.
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bydesignlong · 2 years
Face trigger lens studio
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Take a look at Emily's tutorial on how to do so. You can change any of the retouching parameters by selecting the retouch component that you added to your scene. All you need to do is click on the '+' button in the Objects Panel and scroll down until you find the 'Face Retouch' (or you can search for it too). The wide selection of LUTs means you can create some pretty great effects without ever leaving Lens Studio. Face retouching is super easy to add in Lens Studio. If you are looking for a quick way to add some color adjustments to your lens, this is a great approach. It's simply a matter of choosing one from the list and adjusting the strength of the effect. No scripting requiredGet the project file for this Lens here. The easiest way to add a color correction is to use one of Lens Studio's built-in LUTs. Create custom face decals with new Freckles material easily. Use this to make sure your lens looks good on everyone. Lens Studio has done a good job of including both male and female individuals of various ethnicities in the preview panel.
Some LUTs that look good on people with lighter skin will sometimes make darker skin turn very orange. Trigger has been selected as one of only seven Snapchat Lens Studio partners to create augmented reality Face and World Lenses for brands on the popular. If the built-in LUTs aren't cutting it for you, it is also super easy to import and use your own.īe sure to test your color effect on people with varying skin tones. Trigger has been selected as one of only seven Snapchat Lens Studio partners to create augmented reality Face and World Lenses for brands on the popular platform. The new templates, available starting Tuesday, include Face Paint, Photo, Distort, Trigger, 2D Objects, 3D Objects, and Baseball Cap, with video overviews for. clicked like 2 buttons to trigger a lens and all the sudden the building was. Lens Studio has a whole list of built-in lookup tables, known as LUTs for short, to help you quickly add color corrections to your lenses. Snapchat is making it easier for developers and creators to build augmented reality effects in Lens Studio with a slew of new features, including seven face templates. Download Photoshop Camera Portrait Lens and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad. Whether the color correction is itself a standalone lens or used as part of a bigger effect, there's no denying their popularity. A color correction can be thought of as a traditional Instagram filter the adjustments affect the color tones of the image. Color corrections are everywhere on Snapchat.
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mmorgchef · 2 years
Install snapchat on mac iphone simulator
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Most iOS simulators have been discontinued, or are aimed purely at developers. There aren’t a lot of iOS emulators out there these days.
However, Apple has banned the sideloading of iPhone apps on M1 Macs, so your only option is to install the approved apps from the App Store.Įasily Run iOS Apps Using These Emulators Previously, you could also sideload iPhone apps, by using the. You can find the iPhone apps in a separate section in Mac App Store. These devices run on Apple’s new ARM chipsets and they can run iPhone apps with ease. If none of the emulators seem to be doing the job for you, currently the best way to run iOS apps on a computer is just by using the new Apple M1 MacBooks and Mac Mini. You can also run multiple instances of emulators with Electric Mobile Studio which can be helpful if you’re trying to test out your app in multiple devices at the same time.ĭownload Electric Mobile Studio ( Free trial, $39.99) Bonus: Apple M1 Macs Choose the method that best suits you.It comes with WebKit and Chrome debugging tools to allow developers to test out their web apps. In such cases other emulators might work out for you. Snapchat has stringent rules, sometimes you cannot log in to the Snapchat app from the BlueStacks app.
You can get Snapchat on Laptop and for those who do not want to download Bluestacks or are facing some issues via Bluestacks method, can easily choose and select form the above mentioned Android and/or iOS emulators. These were all the techniques of getting Snapchat on PC.
I’m sure it is easy to understand how to use Snapchat on PC. Check them out and choose what best suits your requirement.Īlso Read: How to Enable Snapchat Dark Mode Conclusion There are plenty of Android emulators for both Windows and iOS.įor your ease I will mention a few over here, some of them are specifically developed for gaming while others are good to use for all apps. If for some reason BlueStacks does not get downloaded properly or the setup does not get installed on your computer, you do not need to worry.
How to Get Snapchat on PC without Bluestacks The App store will eventually support Snapchat and various other apps. Once you click on yes, you will be prompted to install, click on the install button.įollowing that, BlueStacks will get downloaded on your computer.Īfter BlueStacks has been downloaded, you will have to sign in with your Google account.įor now, this is just a way of getting Snapchat for a MAC computer. Go to the BlueStacks official website and download the executable file.ĭouble-click on the BlueStacks executable file and it will ask permission of downloading, click on yes. You can use this technique for any Android app. Simply, download an Android emulator called BlueStacks and simulate Snapchat to work on your PC. Officially Snapchat is not available for PC, but there is a technique of doing so. Stories are available for 24 hours only.Īdditionally, you can play in-app games with your friends on Snapchat and also create your personal Bitmoji images to share with your friends. Snapchat offers varieties of filters and AR lens feature that enhances your stories. It adds to your safety and privacy.Īnother part to note about Snapchat is its ‘Stories’. Once seen, they get deleted and that is the coolest part of Snapchat. The photos and videos you send or get from your friends are self-destructive. You can take snaps (pictures) and quickly send it to your friends due to its capability of rich multimedia messaging service. Snapchat is a social media messaging platform available only on mobile devices. How to Get Snapchat on PC without Bluestacksīefore looking at the techniques on how to use Snapchat on PC and Mac, we will quickly understand what is Snapchat.
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