#smoll donatello with the book in his hand-
k-quenouille · 6 months
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Just sillies being a lil bit sillier than usual
Btw, i did not plan for this comic to be very long (though, we never know-), it's just a lil thing i thought abt and was like: yea, i can run with this
For the people who, much like myself, cannot decipher my handwriting:
Mikey: Donnie? How did that even happen?
Donnie: Well, with my *obviously* superior intellect, I was able to theorize about time travel, and once that was done, I decided to try to recreate your ninpo, or, at the very least, something similar to it. It took long, groveling sleepless nights until I was finally able to put my ingenious machine to use. Altough your faith in me is very much right-
Donnie: -it seems that an unprobable variable was able to worm itself in-
Mikey: Huh-uh
Donnie: -(Which was most likely from my own —admittedly unstable
Mikey: Hmm
Donnie: —ninpo). Therefore, this current situation was created, sadly, mostly
Mikey: Yes-
Donnie: from my own making —though I am not against putting the blame on someone else— and rendering me close to useless in invention making and crime fighting,
Mikey: Right
Donnie: Though I am already in the process of creating a few solutions that should be able to adequately take my place for-
Donnie: -the time being-
Mikey: So just a failed experiment, right?
Donnie: I guess so
Donnie: But using those words would be simplifying the events that led to this situation
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