#smeach answers questions
smeachthepeach · 2 years
11 for the spotify wrapped?
Number 11: Loser by Sueco
"Even if I could I wouldn't let go.
Maybe I'm addicted to the pain.
Why is every day so uneventful?
I just get more of the same, more of the same."
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
2 and 89 for the spodify wrapped post!! :3c
Number 2: Slow Burn by King Lazy Eye
"And I don't give a good God Damn. I don't need your Sunday mornin' cuz I ain't no Lamb."
Number 89: Hell Above by Pierce The Veil
"Cannot spend another night in this home
I close my eyes and take a breath real slow
The consequence is if I leave, I'm alone
But what's the difference when you beg for love?"
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
Why don't you like dark horse???
Have you seen their illustrations in the physical comics? They did zero research and in some cases literally just traced loading screen art. Not to mention the artist who was just flat out insulting people who called him out on it.
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
damn it's really just 'man, i hope these people dont have (insert any ranged weapon)'
Pretty much lmao. Guess none of the YouTubers they got this idea from mentions cannons.
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
stg i helped one npc (irina) and now i dont want to help anyone else
Same logic as Gascoigne's daughter applies here. If I don't progress the quest the character doesn't die.
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
*finally beats margit* *still gets curbstomped by soldiers*
That's how it goes. I'm in end game territory and dogs still fuck my day right up.
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
what is, aesthetically, the coolest weapon u have in elden ring?
Oh that's a tough one I have a ton. I might have to load up my game just to go through em and check. I know recently I got a warhammer that's literally just a giant finger with rings on it.
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smeachthepeach · 2 years
very sad astrologer (elden ring) here, how does one aquire the ability to use incantations? (i've got the 'recipe' thing or whatever for fireball 'n heal but I can't use it)
You need to find a Seal and equip it like a weapon. Then you'll just memorize the incant at a grace and boom you've got some nice magic!.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
they changed gambit bc ppl hated it and it was easier just to make getting it over with quicker than to actually fix any of its issues [shrug]
That's what bugs me. Why change something to benefit the people who don't like the game mode if it just fucks the people who did like it?
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
the bad thing about apex working now is i keep getting teams with kids
Use it as an opportunity to teach them not every interaction in online games has to be toxic. That's what I always do. You'd be surprised how much they just light up when you start hyping up their gameplay.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
YOu donT kNoW wHo KIKI iS???? Boi immabout to sit you down.
You think I watch things? I grew up on westerns and cartoon network.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
Fave legendary aussie skin?
At least once a month you somehow manage to forget my Captain Jack Sparrow tattoo and then ask me something that has a pirate based answer lmao. Fuse's pirate skin I want it.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
now i want a monster just because it has the boy on it. i don’t drink monster.
Become one with the caffeine. Join us in the glory of 9 volt battery flavored fast juice.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
Enjoy kings canyon while it lasts. Mwahahahaha
I told you if they remove KC from pubs again for the season I'm not playing. I'll stick to arena mode for the whole 3 months if they do.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
Let me give you some amazing help. Use animesuge.io its an INCREDIBLE WEBSITE with all the dubs and subs you can think of released in high quality the same day the dub/sub episode is released in Japan. Its the only way I watch anime anymore really and how I watched all the mha dubbed episodes. Enjoy binging all the anime you could ever need for free
I would but thanks to an old roommate of my brother's I can't risk anything even remotely close to pirating on our internet anymore. If our isp detects it somehow they'll cancel and ban us from using their services.
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
Agree or disagree: getting your shit kicked in during a game is one of the worst feelings ever. But kicking someones shit in? The absolute best. Happiness floods in at the sight of their health bar going from 100 to 0 (or that shield crack sound a split second before the knock-down message)
Oh 100%. Getting dumpstered is almost always a bad time, but being the one to light the dumpster fire is sooooo satisfying. Nothing like mag dumping an RE into someone's face and sending em back to the lobby in under a second.
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