#slightly anti gilraen i feel... but honestly kudos to that woman for raising my longest character fixation ever
eccentricmya · 4 months
MGiME but OC has transmigrated/isekai'd into a heartbroken Gilraen after Arathorn's death.
OC to herself probably: No, you cannot moon over your own child! That's so gross. Legolas though... Yeah no, he's your kid's bff, get yourself together woman!
But what can OC do? She's 23 feeling 17, a widow of a man she doesn't know, and the mother of a 2-yr old Aragorn! If she cannot be a 10th walker, then she's gonna make full use of her high status and meet all her favourite characters!
So when Elrond welcomes the mother and child into Rivendell for protection, he expects a woman barely functioning through her grief: so deep was the love between Arathorn and Gilraen.
But what Elrond gets instead is a woman who flirts with him!!?? And Glorfindel?! And Erestor too??!!
(Though curiously, when Elrohir tries to trifle with her, emboldened by her rather over-friendliness with every elf of importance in the vicinity, he is treated to her motherly fussing instead, much to Elladan's amusement.)
When the company of Thorin Oakenshield passes through, you can bet your ponies that OC!Gilraen is hanging out with the dwarves instead of hiding away, fawning over His majestic Mr. Majesty, Thorin, and trying to join his quest.
(She doesn't. Little Estel puts a stop to that madness by pouting and wobbling his lips until tears glisten in his silver-grey eyes and OC!Gilraen has always been a simp for Aragorn, be he 10 or 88. She still slips a love note to Thorin before he leaves, warning him about his impending doom, which promptly gets lost in the goblin caves, washed out as it was in the rains, changing nothing.)
Just... Aragorn growing up with a mother who is full of life and love for him. A mother who would look at him and see her favourite person in all of Arda, instead of a ghost of someone she held dearer than life.
(And when he is named Elessar and crowned king, OC!Gilraen is there, 102 but looking barely a decade older than him — more a sister in the people's eyes than his mother. And OC may be a centenarian, but holy hell, that silver fox over there, is that the Prince of Dol Amroth!!??)
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