#slight spoilers for kotm
a-ratt · 2 months
Pink Lizard X Monke Prime: The New Empire
It occurred to my that I should probably talk about why I really loved Godzilla x Kong.
Slight spoilers ahead (I think)
On paper, this stupid idea of turning Godzilla pink and giving Kong an Infinity Gauntlet should not work. It's the basic premise of a superhero action schlop except it's big monsters. I came in with worries that the visuals wouldn't hold up and the story would be basic human-led garbage like the rest of the entries.
Incredibly, I had my expectations completely flipped.
Not only does everything look awesome (with the exception of a couple scenes in brightly lit, daytime environments where it's super hard to pull off big CGI scenes), but the writing was really, really good!
The humans exist as comedy bits and exposition machines of course, but the narrative weight of the film is placed on Kong's shoulders as he journeys through the Hollow Earth in search of his possibly extinct species. Every scene he's in, the story is told through his eyes, his body language, and his interactions with others.
(It reminded me a lot of Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal and fuck do I love that show)
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His journey with Suko (Diddy Kong) through the film is very heartfelt and is also reflected in Suko's own character development.
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Meanwhile, Godzilla is trying to keep the peace on the surface world, bringing down kaiju that are wreaking havoc everywhere until plot relevant stuff happens and he's forced to get ready for Act III.
And Act III? Oh man, the final battle is SO MUCH FUN.
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While I do miss the darker, grittier tones of Godzilla 2014 and KOTM, where the kaiju had immense weight and this way of feeling like forces of nature, I also love the direction that the Monsterverse is moving.
If possible, I'd love to see that darker, heavier weight of 2014 and KOTM matched with the narrative writing of Godzilla X Kong. It'd be great to have a more serious film that follows Godzilla or Kong, but I'm not opposed to continuing this Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters-type tone.
On a side note, I actually loved the soundtrack to this film. I wasn't a huge fan of Tom Hokenborg and Antonio Di Iorio's music in GvK, but now I adore the motifs used to represent Godzilla and Kong. I still stand that everything Bear McReary touches turns to gold, but he's a busy man and it cost Warner Bros a helluva lot of money to buy the rights to use Akira Ikufube's theme for KOTM. (While I love Godzilla Minus One, I really hate that Toho is super protective of their IPs and even more greedy with licensing them out.)
Bottom line: If they keep making content of this quality then I'm going to keep giving them my money.
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Monarch Profile Mothra Addendum
Notes by Dr. Houston Brooks of Monarch    I personally am not a heavy believer in reincarnation, or at least, compared to when I first joined Monarch. Hollow Earth theory is one thing as is the raised possibility of Titans from beyond the stars as was seen with Ghidorah (As a sidenote, had Randa survived the '73 Skull Island expedition, he wouldn't be calling the people who search for extraterrestrial life "nuts" the moment he saw Ghidorah regrow one of his heads.). Really, the only one who truly believes in that concept is San. I thought about asking Aaron, but he's currently occupied in making sure Kong keeps his island under control (especially since he told me some of the Skullcrawlers had heard Ghidorah's call and were attempting to escape Skull Island).    That being said, the events of 2019 prove there is still so little of the Titans we actually know. Case in point, Titanus Mosura (or Mothra). Before leaving, it appeared as though Mothra laid an egg deep behind the waterfall where she began her metamorphic process from larva into imago state. However, after close examination, we have discovered the larva inside the egg possesses traits both similar yet different to her mother. After examining models of what this new Mothra (which Rick insists on calling "Mothra Junior" even though that name has not been voted upon) will look like when she reaches imago state and one result is something entirely different than her mother. The models predict Titanus Mosura II will have a similar body structure to her mother but, the size of her main body will be almost equal to that of Rodan, while her wingspan will be twice the size of his. In addition, it appears as though the models predict Mothra II's wings will be covered in millions of mirror-like scales. What these could be used for is unknown, but one thing is clear, the moment this new Mothra hatches, she may be a completely new beast altogether.    As for why this might be a result, it could be possible that Mothra's species, when they laid their eggs, gifted their offspring with modifications to ensure the next generation lives longer than the previous. In a way, it feels very similar to the phoenix, dying in ashes only to leave an egg as to be reborn. It could be a natural adaptation Mothra's species was known for, or it could be something we don't understand. Maybe Mothra and her kind were anything but part of the natural order. Maybe, there's something else going on we can't explain. What if, maybe, just maybe, Mothra truly is the Goddess of Life she was worshiped as. Maybe, reincarnation does exist in some way or form.    Anyway, tomorrow, the egg is to be relocated to a new Outpost 61, this time to an island off the Indonesian coast under orders by Doctors Ilene and Ling Chen. All I know is that it was an island their mother and aunt visited in 1961 called "Infant Island". When I asked about the relocation, Ilene told me to think of it as "bringing her home".
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didney-worl-no-uta · 5 years
This is so stupid but if you’re in for a giggle look under the Read More also this is about Rodan and also very slight KotM spoiler
When Rodan’s just trying to have a nice long snooze but there’s some jackass outside yelling at him
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