#slayerhqs : intro
wolfcursd · 11 months
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[ logan lerman, twenty nine, cis man ]. you’ll never guess who i saw in stanley park. that’s right, it was [ isaac brenner ]. [ he/him ] is a [ photographer at vancouver sun ] and they’re apparently a [ werewolf ]. did you hear they are [ humorous & adaptable ] but also [ distant & pessimistic ]? no wonder, anyone who reminds me of [ never knowing how to be on time, always warm to the touch, a soft voice never knowing what quite to say ] is sure to give that impression.
full name: isaac samuel brenner.
age: twenty nine.
gender + pronouns: cis man + he/him.
orientation: bisexual.
occupation: photographer at vancouver sun.
species: werewolf.
character inspos: oz from buffy, shaggy rogers from scooby doo, & peter parker from spiderman.
grew up in michigan with his parents and two siblings. parents got divorced while isaac was in high school but he has never particularly been close with either of them so it didn't impact him much. he always wanted to be closer to his family but isaac has never been good at sharing his feelings.
has been living in vancouver for a few years now. he moved to the area after dropping out of grad school and the desire to start fresh somewhere he couldn't possibly know anyone. with a bachelors in history under his belt, a couple hundred dollars to his name and nothing to lose, he went north. it was the federally regulated weed that really swayed his choice.
was bitten a few months ago and is unaware of his species status. has woken up in some pretty strange places, but as someone familiar with alcoholic benders, he never really thought much into it. while isaac isn't aware of every single supernatural detail, he's not quite at the "believing" part but he's certainly at the "something not normal is going on" part. wants to be left out of it altogether if possible but his job usually puts him in the right place at the wrong time. it's how he'd gotten bitten, been somewhere for work and some guy he was trying to help just bit him.
pretty chill and has a good heart but tries to avoid being someone with responsibilities or expectations. isaac doesn't like to rock the boat and when things get tough, he usually just leaves the situation for someone else to deal with. spends a lot of his time practicing his drums ( his apartment neighbors want him dead ), going on errands for the newspaper, and not being sober. really used to love the idea of leaving the us but now he wonders if he should leave again because there's just too much going on for his taste.
desired plots: ( feel free to toss ideas my way )
roommate. taken by bowie . isaac has been living in apartments ever since moving to vancouver - it's possible this is someone he's been roommates with for years or someone he's moved in with recently. as much as he likes being alone, he also likes having a savings account.
ex partner. maybe they were dating soon after isaac moved to canada or maybe they broke up more recently. could have been mutual, could have been on isaac's part, could have been on their's. just fun ex drama.
one night stand, friends, acquaintances, etc.
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lunescloud · 11 months
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[ Zión Moreno, twenty-four, trans woman ]. you’ll never guess who i saw in stanley park. that’s right, it was [ Luna de la Cruz ]. She is a [ stylist at lion's wardrobe] and they’re apparently a [ witch ]. did you hear they are [ loyal and kind ] but also [ picky and stubborn ]? no wonder, anyone who reminds me of [ glittery dresses, heart shaped sunglasses and baby pink ] is sure to give that impression.
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At the tender age of twenty-one, Luna's path led her to the vibrant city of Vancouver, where the echoes of her recent transition whispered in harmony with her newfound powers as a witch. The bustling metropolis embraced her with open arms, offering a sanctuary for self-discovery and magical revelation.
As the moon waned and waxed, Luna's destiny unfolded like the pages of an ancient grimoire. Drawn to the world of fashion, her heart yearned to unfurl its artistic wings and soar across the runways as a renowned designer. To nurture her aspirations, she sought employment at the esteemed Lion's Wardrobe, a sanctuary of style and elegance that seemed tailor-made for her enchanting presence.
Within the hallowed halls of the Lion's Wardrobe, Luna's bewitching talents as a stylist began to weave their spells upon the garments. Her eyes, brimming with kaleidoscopic visions, discerned the subtle dance between fabric and form, unveiling the hidden magic within each ensemble. With deft hands, she breathed life into fashion, orchestrating symphonies of color, texture, and expression.
But it was during moonlit evenings, as the world surrendered to the embrace of darkness, that Luna's true nature thrived. In her secluded apartment, adorned with shelves of books, and the soft glow of enchanted candles, she delved deeper into the mystical arts. Guided by ancient texts and her own intuitive connection to the otherworldly.
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