#skyjacks 165
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ID: A digital drawing of Margaret from Campaign: Skyjacks. She is floating on her back in a pond, looking at the viewer with a slight smile and saying, "Can you hear me, love?". She's wearing a simple white shift with billowing sleeves. Her long curly hair is loose and flows down her back, with some of it pulled over her shoulders and covering part of her torso. There are Lily pads and purple columbine flower petals floating on top of the water. In the water's reflection, you can see trees rising up far above. End ID.
I am so normal about this arc you guys
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whatsuphoneybee · 2 years
Skyjacks 165 reactions & thoughts let’s gooo
“this very much reflects the scene that we saw when Dref passed away the first time” said like Dref is going to come back to life just to die again.
Jonnit :((((( poor boy just wanted to have a birthday with his family. :(( i would say give him a beach day but that didn’t go to well last time either
someone 👀 who has medical knowledge 👀 huh?? 👀 👀 👀 I thought they were going to find Dref boy was I wrong
the music deteriorating was terribly unnerving.
I was right to be unnerved.
the Forest Queen must have been playing around with them courier kids bc holy shit this is horrifying
“Gable you’re hiding from The Morning Star right now.” 👁️ 👄 👁️
The Morning Star continues their march toward ✨ antagonist territory ✨
I don’t think I’ve said how much I adore Nathan’s narrative play style but it’s incredible and poetic at times. Love it
I hope when they meet The Forest Queen Orimar is still in Travis’s body and it ends up being a whole goof
We’re only 2 episodes in and this is the most excited I’ve been for an arc in a while!!!! Everything is terrifying and nothing is safe! Good times!!!
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