skronky-bird · 3 months
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Which side are you on???
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backwardd · 12 days
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@skronky-bird is helping me with a new fic (she is a genius); here are some doodles
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playlist-club · 3 years
Switching things up ever so slightly this month and featuring mostly trap and psychedelic hardcore. I think the two suites compliment each other well but there are a few guitar rock songs sprinkled in for good measure. Highlights:
Thouxanbanfauni - AMERICAN MUSCLE: Been listening to this dude a lot lately, he put out a pretty long, dense mixtape last month that's holding up as my favourite rap release of the year so far but this is an older tune. I feel like he blends what would now be considered "old school" cloud rap with sub-bass heavy southern trap and it works so well. He's got a great ear for production and a unique repertoire of flows. I also think it's funny that on this track he points out how "foreign" cars are "normal" in Europe, presumably because they are domestic automobiles in that context. This guy really likes fast cars and I think it's cool how his cadence over this beat literally sounds like a ferrari or whatever whipping past you with the little double-time syncopation where the loop turns over. Is this too much analysis? Most likely. Does the song bang? Most definitely. 
massai - To Fly (feat. KUMBAYA): This is a song that's mostly about smoking weed and hanging out and drinking draft beer and not giving a shit and listening to Kendrick Lamar. If you like any of those things you might enjoy this one. 
Helium - Aging Astronauts: Helium have a Sonic Youth-adjacent 90s cool to them with a little less irony and a little more melody. This is a good song about getting old as a listless, aimless freak and it's super charming. Whole record is pretty solid, check it out.
The Faith Healers - Sparklingly Chime: More 90s shoegaze in the Telescopes/Lilys vein with big riffs and lots of fuzz. I love getting ripped on black coffee and walking around blaring this song into my head. Also the Frank Zappa-esque xylophone overdubs on the chorus sound bizarre and perfect and it's amazing that it was possible to mix them into a song like this at all. It sounds like its title, gotta love that.
TV Priest - Press Gang: This band sounds like Viagra Boys if Viagra Boys were actually good at making songs. 
Gulch - Cries of Pleasure, Heavenly Pain: Absolutely ruthless hardcore. Quick, concise, super tight songs that waste no time or space but have a coherent arc from beginning to end. They also do a sick cover of "Sin in My Heart" by Siouxsie and the Banshees at the end of this LP. Apparently this band destroyed live and you can really hear it. Makes me miss sweaty shows even more than I was already missing em. 
Oily Boys - Stick Him: Mysterious, skronky-sax-hardcore how can you not love this?
Blue Smiley - bird: Guitar tone alone is worth the 90 seconds it takes to get addicted to this band. Unfortunately their first LP is nowhere near as good as this record. A real one-off mini masterpiece. 
Sorry for all the writing. Great playlists this month, I've enjoyed every single one!
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skronky-bird · 2 months
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He's really good at his profession
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backwardd · 3 months
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i'm having a lot of feelings™ about @skronky-bird's fic A Lost Fool's Theater right now... also i desperately needed a reason to practise drawing mr. francis :o)
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