yuriichumsworth · 7 months
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and new satan/lucifer drawings because his my best oc!! ! [girl with star on her head is my best friend's oc<3]
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maddalenafragnito · 1 year
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Sessione 25 – Saperi e pratiche del lavoro di cura: le trasformazioni in atto
Barbara Giullari (Università di Bologna), Carlotta Mozzana (Università di Milano Bicocca) Francesca A. Vianello (Università di Padova), Davide Caselli (Università di Bergamo)
Paper proposto: 
CONCURARE. Oltre il mutualismo, dentro e fuori le istituzioni, fra autonomia e interdipendenza.
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Sessione 25 – Saperi e pratiche del lavoro di cura: le trasformazioni in atto
Gli eventi drammatici che caratterizzano l’attualità (pandemia, guerra, crisi climatica, crisi socioeconomica, etc.) hanno fatto ‘riscoprire’ la funzione essenziale del care work [ILO, 2018] nelle sue diverse configurazioni (spaziando dall’ambito sanitario, educativo a quello sociale e socioassistenziale), ma in un quadro caratterizzato da una sempre più massiccia accelerazione delle tendenze di mercatizzazione, precarizzazione, processi di esternalizzazione che esacerbano una vera e propria crisi della cura, quale tratto caratteristico dell’attuale fase del capitalismo [Dowling, 2020]. Il terreno della cura è peraltro storicamente denso di conflitti e contraddizioni e caratterizzato dalla tensione tra assunzione di responsabilità pubblica e privata, al confine tra produzione e riproduzione sociale [Fraser, 2026].
In questo quadro la sessione si propone l’obiettivo di declinare la più ampia proposta tematica del convegno affrontando le principali riconfigurazioni che riguardano l’eterogeneo mondo del lavoro di cura con specifica attenzione alle diverse forme di conoscenza (scientifica, tecnica, basata sull’esperienza) su cui si basano le pratiche degli attori sociali e l’azione istituzionale [Borghi, Giullari, 2015; Giullari e De Angelis 2019, Mozzana, 2019]. Le forme della conoscenza implicate nei processi di definizione e pratiche della cura rappresentano infatti un aspetto centrale per la ridefinizione del rapporto tra trasformazioni della società e trasformazioni dei processi di conoscenza nelle scienze sociali. Inoltre, il lavoro di cura, nelle sue diverse forme, costituisce un terreno di analisi particolarmente fertile non solo per cogliere le trasformazioni in corso del lavoro e dei suoi confini, ma anche per identificare cambiamenti sociali ed economici di più ampia portata, poiché è strettamente legato ai mutamenti dei regimi di welfare e di cura, ai processi di invecchiamento della popolazione e al boom della silver economy, alle trasformazioni della famiglia e delle relazioni di genere, ai fenomeni migratori. A partire dalla cornice delineata, la sessione intende raccogliere contributi che affrontino i processi di trasformazione dell’ampio campo della produzione di cura a livello nazionale, ma soprattutto locale, rispetto alle riconfigurazioni organizzative, agli attori e alle dinamiche di potere che in questo ambito stanno prendendo forma. Ci interessa in particolare riflettere sulla possibilità di sviluppare saperi condivisi con gli attori che vivono e praticano quotidianamente la cura (operatrici e operatori, fruitori dei servizi, caregiver, ecc.) per cogliere il potenziale trasformativo di queste forme di produzione di sapere sulle dinamiche di mutamento in atto. Sono quindi invitati contributi teorici e/o empirici orientati a esplorare, tra gli altri, i seguenti temi: – la possibilità/lo sviluppo di forme nuove di ricerca condivisa (ricerca azione, conricerca, ricerca partecipata, etc.), per dare voce ai lavoratori e alle lavoratrici della cura, così come alle persone che fruiscono dei servizi (sia in forma di esperienze empiriche, sia di riflessioni metodologiche). – le condizioni di lavoro (inquadramento contrattuale, retribuzioni, stabilità, effetti sulla salute, etc.), l’organizzazione del lavoro e i processi lavorativi di chi opera in organizzazioni pubbliche e private di servizi di care e nel mercato informale della cura; – esperienze inedite di forme di redistribuzione e co-produzione di cura tra attori di differente natura, tra cui le esperienze di mutualismo e mutuo aiuto che rivendicano un modo di produrre relazioni e istituzioni di cura alternative sia al mercato che al servizio pubblico; – le ricadute dei processi di mercatizzazione e di privatizzazione sulle condizioni di lavoro e sull’accesso alla cura; – esperienze di mobilitazione dei lavoratori della cura (attori, logiche, etc.) e le ricadute sui processi di visibilizzazione/invisibilizzazione del lavoro e delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori della cura nel discorso pubblico e nei documenti di policy elaborati nel contesto della pandemia.
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alpaca1 · 4 years
ソニーが10年以上かけたAIの「音源分離技術」、LINE MUSICのカラオケに搭載
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「LINE MUSIC」におけるカラオケ機能の利用イメージ
 同技術は、国際的なコンペティションのSignal Separation Evaluation Campaign(SiSEC)において3回連続でベストスコアを獲得した。
 LINE MUSICでは、楽曲のボーカルをオフにして、ユーザーの歌声を音源にミックスして再生させることによって、カラオケさながらの体験を楽しめるカラオケ機能を提供しており、ソニーの音源分離技術を利用することで楽曲からボーカルだけを消すことが可能になっている。
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neovitae · 4 years
La possibilité de se baigner dans le Gardon reste libre
... le Sisec (canal de Boucoiran) ou les ressources humaines ont été réglées rapidement sans débat ni contestation particulière. Ensuite, un sujet qui, ... from Google Alert - "ressources humaines" -H/F https://ift.tt/2ZeV6VK
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whales-are-gay · 6 years
typo of the day (2)
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eurekakinginc · 5 years
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"[N] Open-Unmix for Music Separation"- Detail: 📜Paper: https://joss.theoj.org/papers/571753bc54c5d6dd36382c3d801de41d🔊Demo: https://open.unmix.app🔥PyTorch: https://github.com/sigsep/open-unmix-pytorch🔻NNabla: https://github.com/sigsep/open-unmix-nnabla🔶TF2: t.b.a.📓Colab: https://ift.tt/2LuQP9O is our great pleasure to announce the release of Open-unmix, a MIT-licensed python implementation for DNN-based music separation.In the recent years, deep learning-based systems could break a long-standing crystal ceiling, and finally allow high-quality music separation. This provoked a raising interest from both the industry and the machine learning community (like /r/ML)However, until now, no open-source implementation was available that matches the performance of the best systems proposed more than four years ago. This lead to a waste of time from both the points of view of sheer performance optimization and scientific comparison with the state of the art. Not being able to reproduce state of the art performance makes it difficult to clearly identify the sources for discrepancies and rooms for improvement.In this context, we release Open-Unmix (UMX) as closing this gap by providing a reference implementation for DNN-based music separation. It serves two main purposes. First, it is intended to academic researchers for serving as a baseline method that is easy to compare to and build upon. Second, the availability of a pre-trained model allows bringing music separation to the enthusiastic end users and artists.PaperOpen-unmix is presented in a paper that has just been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. You may download the paper PDF hereCodeOpen-unmix comes in several DNN frameworks:PytorchNNablatensorflow version will be released as soon as Tensorflow 2.0 is out.Websitewe provide extend documentation and further demos on the sigsep website.https://ift.tt/2LL0CaE has been especially designed to combine well with the following datasets:MUSDB18 has become one of the most popular dataset in Source Separation and MIR. We provide full lengths music tracks (~10h duration) of different genres along with their isolated drums, bass, vocals and others stems.MUSDB18-HQ: together with Open-Unmix, we also released an additional flavor of the dataset for models that aim to predict high bandwidth of up to 22 kHz. Other than that, MUSDB18-HQ is identical to MUSDB18.=> Both datasets are available at https://ift.tt/2LrJXdl also offers a variety of template dataset structures that should be appropriate for many other use casesNote:If you want to compare separation models to existing source separation literature or if want compare to SiSEC 2018 participants, please use the standard MUSDB18 dataset, instead.Pre-trained modelsWe provide pre-trained models trained on both MUSDB18 and MUSDB18-HQ that reach state-of-the-art performance of 6.32 dB SDR (median of medians) on vocals on MUSDB18 test data. This significantly outperforms any model we are aware of that was trained on MUSDB18 only.The pre-trained models are automatically bundled/downloaded when using the pytorch implementation.Further information for both models such as evaluation scores can be downloaded from zenodo:umx: https://ift.tt/2LRYM7Q https://ift.tt/2LsXG3t was recently proposed during a tutorial held at EUSIPCO 2019. This features:A recent overview into current source separation method with a focus on deep learningA lecture on spectrogram models and wiener filteringVisualizations and results of Open-Unmix compared to state-of-the-artThe slides of the tutorial as well as self-contained colab notebooks can be found on the tutorial site.Related toolsOpen-unmix is part of a whole ecosystem enabling easy research on source separation for Python users. Several distinct and independent projects were released in the recent years in this effort to make it possible for researchers to reproduce state of the art performance in this domain.norbertA reliable python package that implements the multichannel wiener filter and related filtering methods.https://ift.tt/2LQtQEX released the new version 0.3.0 of our popular musdb tools. This releases makes it simpler to use musdb inside your data loading framework thus we prohttps://github.com/sigsep/sigsep-mus-dbmusevalmuseval makes it easy to compare the performance of any new method under investigation to both Open-unmix and the participants of SiSEC18.https://ift.tt/2Lsc4ca note that we are also working on some version of open-unmix that has been trained on a significantly larger dataset and that achieves unprecedented separation performance. Please feel free to contact us for demonstrations / industrial collaborations / licensing on this matter.We look forward to your feedback and we hope that you will find Open-unmix useful!. Caption by faroit. Posted By: www.eurekaking.com
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jamabroad · 5 years
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Day 13 - SISEC Tour, SISEC Party at Izakaya
Day 14 - Playground Shinkoiwa, Expensive AF Bibimbap, Milk Tea with a Train View
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paoloferrario · 7 years
La Settimana della Sociologia , 11-16 ottobre 2017: obiettivi e argomenti
La Settimana della Sociologia , 11-16 ottobre 2017: obiettivi e argomenti
La Settimana della Sociologia è proposta e organizzata dalla Conferenza nazionale dei Direttori e dei Responsabili delle strutture didattiche di area sociologica, assieme alle Associazioni Scientifiche dei Sociologi (AIS e SiSEC).
Due gli obiettivi che questa Settimana si è proposta.
Il primo è quello di evidenziare la capacità della Sociologia di leggere i mutamenti sociali in atto, sia come…
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otpbdobrasil · 6 years
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Buena Semana – Bnei Anussim Sisec
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herretes · 7 years
Habitantes de diferentes zonas de la ciudad capital se sumaron desde antes de la hora pautada al Trancazo Estudiantil convocado por el movimiento estudiantil con el apoyo de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática, en rechazo al proceso constituyente que lleva adelante el presidente Nicolás Maduro.
Algunas barricadas fueron colocadas a tempranas horas en las principales calles de Lomas del Ávila y Baruta, lo que ha obstaculizado tanto el paso peatonal como vehicular, según se informó a través de las redes sociales.
En el caso de Lomas del Ávila, el paso amaneció cerrado hacia Mariche y Palo Verde informaron usuarios de la red social.  Asimismo, indicaron que solo se dispuso de un canal subiendo y otro bajando por la zona.
En Palo Verde reportaron cierre vial en la Vuelta del Funchal, mientras que en Baruta cerraron la principal vía de acceso hacia la urbanización El Peñón.
El vicepresidente de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), Freddy Guevara, informó que este lunes 26, junto a la actividad convocada por el movimiento estudiantil, se estará desarrollando una jornada de difusión y organización de los artículos 333 y 350 de la Constitución en paradas de autobús, tomas de esquinas, recorridos casa por casa y un Trancazo Estudiantil desde horas del mediodía.
Lomas del Ávila trancada. Tocó caminata mañanera
— Roberto E. Hernández (@rhernandezy) 26 de junio de 2017
Cerrado paso en Lomas del Avila hacia Mariche y Palo Verde (Vía Traffic Miranda)#26Jun
— Jhaismar Quevedo (@Jhaismar) 26 de junio de 2017
@VecinoPaloVerde barricada en av ppal de Lomas del Avila no hay transporte público a pesar de 1 canal subiendo y otro bajando muchos a pie
— la gochita (@lagatitta78) 26 de junio de 2017
#26Jun vía @raimer_campos: 6:10am CERRADO paso para salir de #LomasDelAvila por #Mariches y #PaloVerde http://pic.twitter.com/4SW3ISni9F
— TATI (@tativzla21) 26 de junio de 2017
@FMCENTER @EUtrafico solo un canal habilitado para salir de Lomas del Avila a Palo verde. Mariches acceso cerrado hora 6:00 am http://pic.twitter.com/NVrJSd2Ifi
— May (@maydelc) 26 de junio de 2017
Se reporta cierre vial en la vuelta del funchal en #Baruta , amigo conductor tome previsiones #SISEC #VIAL http://pic.twitter.com/pAndTl7yey
— EMERGENCIAS CARRIZAL (@Ayuda24Carrizal) 26 de junio de 2017
@gustavopierral así está el Peñón en Baruta http://pic.twitter.com/78gf8P4yc6
— Un Nuevo Renacer (@Mariadelix) 26 de junio de 2017
Guarimba en Baruta a esta hora 6.28am http://pic.twitter.com/1TEUkR44WH
— PortilloCelia (@PortilloFCelia) 26 de junio de 2017
  Caraota Digital
La entrada Algunas zonas de Caracas madrugaron con el trancazo (+Fotos) aparece primero en Noticias Diarias de Venezuela.
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poppiesandblossoms · 7 years
Orientation 1
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The day after my arrival was Orientation 1 for Sophia University Exchange students. This was a very basic orientation where they gave us lots of information in the form of a student guidebook, calendar of important dates, outlines of different programs, and speeches from various department heads. It was exactly what you would expect of an orientation.
However, the best part of the orientation was receiving my “Supporter”! I signed up to be paired with a Sophia student “supporter” through a survey the program sent out and I HIGHLY suggest to take advantage of this program. This is basically Sophia’s buddy system and I love my supporter!
The exchange student to supporter ratio can go anywhere from 1-on-1 to 3-on-1. I ended up in a group of three exchange students, counting myself, to one Sophia Student. My fellow exchange students are from Russia and Argentina, however they both speak English, and our supporter, Yuta, is simply amazing. Yuta is a 3rd year Russian major at Sophia University and also speaks English, Spanish, and of course Japanese. He is extremely lively and friendly and I am so lucky to have been paired with him! (Pictured above is my supporter group with Yuta squatting)
He has already helped me meet so many people, both exchange and local, as well as pushed me to join SISEC, an international student club on campus (more to come on clubs later). He was unable to help me with some of the difficult government paperwork, however, he has helped me with the small things of daily campus life. Yuta explained to me where I can print, the times when the cafeterias get busy, hidden spots to eat, quiet places to take naps, so on and so forth.
Some of my friends felt they did not match up well with their supporter, but I think this is a mix of luck and effort. Even if your supporter does not seem to be a good match go out of your way to try and develop a connection with them! Whenever you need help ask your supporter. Even though they may not always have the answer, after all they are students themselves, simply asking them for help develops a connection and opens doors to getting to know each other better. Definitely try and have lunch with your supporter every so often to catch up and chitchat, or arrange a study time!
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veonoticia · 7 years
Reportaron protesta en la Panamericana
Estudiantes de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de los Altos Mirandinos (Uptamca) protestaron este martes en la carretera Panamericana, sentido los Teques, del estado Miranda, informaron usuarios de Twitter.
Fuente: El Nacional
La carretera estuvo trancada en ambos sentidos en el kilómetro 24, a la altura de la sede Santa María del Colegio Universitario de Los Teques Cecilio Acosta (Cultca).
En una foto publicada, en la red social, se observó a los presuntos estudiantes encapuchados quemando cauchos. Se desconoce el motivo de la manifestación. 
Cerrado paso en ambos sentidos a la altura de la sede CULTCA Santa María, protesta de estudiantes #SISEC #VIAL
— EMERGENCIAS CARRIZAL (@Ayuda24Carrizal) 31 de enero de 2017
vía @Epoca899: cerrado paso en ambos sentidos a la altura de la sede CULTCA Santa Maria, protesta de estudiantes
— Noticiero Tráfico (@traficovv) 31 de enero de 2017
cerrado paso en ambos sentidos a la altura de la sede CULTCA Santa Maria, protesta de estudiantes @traficovv @enteratenlacola
— Época 89.9 FM (@Epoca899) 31 de enero de 2017
cola en la carretera panamerricana km 24 por protesta de estudiantes a la altura del cultca sede en frente de la santa maría
— RV 102.1 FM (@rv1021fm) 31 de enero de 2017
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2kMz6LO via IFTTT
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New Post has been published on Small ITN
New Post has been published on http://www.small-itn.eu/schwangerschaft/descarga-peliculas-gratis-por-mega-grupo-sisec-descarga-gratis/
Descarga Peliculas Gratis Por Mega - Grupo Sisec descarga gratis
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sisec-official-blog · 8 years
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Summer camp Day3
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jamabroad · 5 years
Day 47 - Izakaya 2
Class went by uneventfully. I ate lunch with Aya where she got a Thai dish while I got a riceball. We also saw Yui who chilled with us for a bit. Afterwards I met up with Rhea and Taylor 25 minutes south of school to check out Hie Shrine. I met up with them at the area and saw an empty torii gate staircase leading downstairs. It was pretty cool. We passed by a tiny bazaar where I bought another riceball and walked back to school. We passed by a National Guesthouse or something and also a baseball field which was beautiful under the sunset. We stayed in the 7/11 until 7 PM where I bought Coolish and then went to the North gate to meet SISEC people there. I met up with Aimee and Chlarisse there with Aaron also joining in. When we started walking to the area, I was talking with my classmate Hiroshi who was half Italian and learned a bit about him. We arrived at the Chinese izakaya that I went to previously already and sat with Filipinos, Rhea and Taylor, Aaron, and two Japanese. Quite a mix of people I already knew lol.
After some food and drinks, party started to pick up. I got introduced by Ko to some Filipino people Miguel and a Korean girl whose name I forgot. I went back to my original seat and just chilled there mostly. Afterwards, we all headed out and separated at the front of the izakaya. I went to the park with some others. There I chilled with same bunch of people and a new girl called Marisa who talked a helluva lot. At 11 PM after a bunch of socializing I went to the station with Chlarisse, Aimee and Marisa then went home alone. The day after I had to wake up early for a hike, so I had to prepare myself.
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otpbdobrasil · 6 years
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Benção judaica após as refeiçoes, em Ladino – Fortaleza. Sisec
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