#sir ivan knight of zandar imagine
amberbeach · 3 years
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"I am, Sir Ivan. The next test you will endure is swordsmanship."
You approached the training grounds, stopping a few feet away to watch as Ivan sparred with a recruit. When the recruit dropped his sword, the Knight's chuckled while Ivan sighed out of disappointment, knowing none of these recruits would be qualified to become a knight. The recruit raised his sword and with one swing, Ivan had struck the sword out of his hand, knocking him to the floor with his elbow.
The other recruits paled as the Knight's cheered, their fellow recruit coughing as he tried to get up. You clapped, gaining their attention and Ivan smiled when he saw you.
"You are supposed to train the recruits. Not bully them."
"Fine line, my lady."
Ivan chuckled at his fellow Knight, stopping as he looked at you, seeing your stern expression. He dismissed the recruit before walking over to you, bowing as he kissed your hand.
He held your hand as he looped your arm with his, leading you away from the training grounds. "These grounds are no place for a lady, my lady."
"Well, my husband promised lunch by the river, however, he failed to attend as he enjoys hitting recruits more than he enjoys spending time with his wife."
Ivan turned to you, realization crossing his face. "I am so sorry - 'Tis too late for lunch, but we can have dinner by the river." He looked at you hopefully, while you hide your amusement behind indifference.
You smiled, "I'd like that."
Ivan grinned, swooping down to kiss you passionately before stepping backward, "I must speak to the Prince. Fret not, my lady, we shall watch the sunset together."
You smiled as he ran towards the castle, blushing from the attention he had drawn towards you. Tonight was going to be special indeed.
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amberbeach · 3 years
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It had been over a month since you mourned Ivan's assumed death. And every day your mind thought of him more than once. A marriage between a commoner and a Knight had been known to happen, though it was uncommon. You were a servant of the young King and Ivan was forever grateful the young King had allowed your marriage.
You were married for barely a month when he left with the Prince, only to never return, leaving you heartbroken. The Prince had told you about the monster who had attacked them and despite the many who didn't believe him, you found his story too descriptive to be born of fear. It only made you worry about Ivan more.
You were walking through the gardens to the castle to attend to your duties when you saw a creature who looked exactly as Prince Colin had described. You backed away from Fury who rushed towards you, screaming when he grabbed your arm.
"You're coming with me."
You gasped when a portal appeared, trying to break free as Fury pulled you through. You looked around the dreary ship, staring at horror at the monsters who chuckled darkly as you were thrown into a cell.
You looked around, pressing your back against the dirty wall, curling into a ball as you wept.
For two days you went without food, your white dress covered in dirt from the cell. You looked up when the cell opened and Fury entered, scurrying to the corner.
"No, no please!"
He yanked you out of the cell and you were transported to the city. You looked around in terror, afraid of the world you had been taken to. You whimpered when Fury's grip tightened on your arm, seeing a group running towards you while everyone else ran away.
You stared at the Knight in shock, tears in your eyes when you recognized him. "Ivan?" You gasped in disbelief.
"Release her now. She has naught to do with our feud." He stepped forward, glowering at Fury.
You watched as the group was blown backward, screaming when you saw Ivan on the ground.
Fury shoved you away, holding the tip of his sword at your neck. "Don't move."
You swallowed thickly, glancing at the group, eyebrows furrowing when you saw them morph.
You gasped when Fury was blown backward, the blast sending you to the ground. Ivan raced towards you, scooping you into his arms and out of the line of fire.
You stared at the golden suit as he placed his hands on your shoulders to steady you. "Remain here."
He reluctantly ran back to fight and you looked at the battle, backing away when Fury growled at you.
You ran off, and Ivan called your name, turning his back on Stingrage who knocked him to the ground. You continued to flee, bumping into people. You stared at their appearances, shocked and confused. You fled to the park, using the trees to hide. You breathed heavily, sliding down a tree to sit down, tears falling down your cheeks.
After Stingrage and Fury had fled, Ivan searched for you, frowning when he saw you were gone.
"Who was that?" Shelby asked.
Ivan looked down solemnly. "Her name is Y/N." He turned to the group. "My wife."
The ranger's eyes widened.
"I must search for her." He walked away and Tyler called for him to stop.
"We'll help you. If we split up we can cover more ground." He suggested.
Ivan nodded, teaming with Shelby as they searched for you. As Ivan moved through the streets, he realized how terrified you must have been. This world was odd to him, but he never felt fear. You, however, were not a Knight, you were soft-spoken and gentle. And now you were 800 years in the future, lost and alone.
"So...you're married?" Shelby spoke up.
Ivan looked around the street, nodding.
"How did you meet?"
"She is a servant of King Colin. I had returned from a tournament and we collided in the hallway." Ivan smiled softly recalled that day.
"Why didn't you tell us about her?"
"When you freed me, I awoke in this world that is so different from the world I knew. Every day I thought of her, and every day I wished I could be home in Zandar. Now she is here, in an unfamiliar world. She must be terrified."
He stopped walking, pausing to turn around. "What is it?" Shelby asked.
"Those trees." He murmured. "It's brilliant." He grinned.
"For what?" Shelby asked as she ran after him when he suddenly sprinted across the road into the park.
You walked through the woods, your dress was torn from your journey. You heard someone calling your name and turned to find the source, gasping when Stingrage appeared, holding you. You heard Fury snickering as he walked out of his hiding place. You struggled to break free, pleading when Fury injected you with a syringe. You fell to the ground and the two monsters fought the two rangers, fleeing when more appeared.
Ivan removed his golden suit, rushing towards you, kneeling down to shake you gently. "Y/N? Y/N!" He felt your skin burning up and looked at the rangers. "She isn't waking up."
"Let's take her to the base," Tyler suggested.
Ivan lifted you up and he followed the rangers back to the museum. He solemnly laid you down and held your hand as Kendall examined you.
"There's a small puncture wound on her neck." She told him. "Her signs are falling rapidly. Fury must have given her something."
Ivan brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, listening to the rangers.
"If we find out what it is, we can make an antidote," Riley suggested.
Ivan looked at his friends, seeing their concerned gazes. "Do what you must. As long as she is well."
He stayed by your side, glancing at you solemnly. He watched as Kendall and Riley performed tests and waited eagerly for you to wake up.
When the alarm rang and Stingrage was on the monitor, attacking Amber Beach, Ivan stood up, ready to fight. He swiftly left the base, leaving the team to follow.
When the team returned after Stingrage's defeat, Ivan immediately noticed that you were gone.
"I gave her the antidote and she ran off before I could stop her," Kendall explained, pointing to where Koda slept.
Ivan slowly approached the cave, holding a hand out to stop his team from crowding around.
"It's alright," Ivan assured, smiling softly.
You moved away and he swallowed thickly, holding back the pain he felt when he saw how afraid you were. Your eyes darted around, looking at the group behind him, at the cars passing by, and then at him.
"Look in my eyes." You met his gaze and held it. "I will never let anything happen to you. I swear it. Take my hand." You hesitantly moved forward and Ivan held a hand out to you.
You took his hand and stared at him in disbelief as you stood chest to chest. You hugged him tightly and he buried his head in your shoulder, closing his eyes.
You looked at Ivan, placing a hand on his cheek when he pulled away. He looked down at you, amazed by how little you have changed, making him wonder how long he was gone before Fury took you.
"This is impossible." You stared at him in wonder and disbelief. "I thought you were dead."
He smiled down at you, taking your hand when you placed it on his chest. "I assure you I am very much alive."
You looked at the group who lingered a few feet away, eyebrows furrowing as you looked at Ivan. "This world is strange. The clothes. The monsters...where are we?"
"800 years in the future." He said. "But don't fret, it is not as frightening as it seems." He turned to his team, "Allow me to introduce you. Tyler, Chase, Riley, Koda, and Shelby."
You looked at the group, sending them a small smile. You felt a sharp pain in your abdomen and hunched over, crying out. Ivan caught you when you knelt to the ground, lying you down.
"What's wrong?" Ivan looked at Kendall when she examined you.
"She's burning up."
You grabbed Ivan's jacket and he held your hand, leaning closer as you pulled him down. "It didn't work."
"We'll find another cure."
You groaned in pain and Ivan kept his face impassive while you squeezed his hand, masking how much it hurt. Whatever you were feeling was much worse.
"I'm glad that I saw you one more time."
"You're going to be fine." Ivan looked at Kendall. "Will she not?"
Kendall solemnly shook her head and Ivan looked down at you, inhaling sharply.
"I can't even begin to describe how much I missed you." You whispered, grimacing from the pain.
Kendall stood up, ushering the rangers out of the base. Ivan paid them no mind as he stared down at you.
"You're going to be fine."
A tear fell down his cheek when your head fell to the side, eyes closing. "No, stay with me." He shook your arm gently, lips parting in shock when he felt your hand go limp in his grasp. His head lowered solemnly as he kissed your hand before placing it on your stomach.
"I'm sorry." He shook his head, "I let you down. I should have been there to protect you. The fates have dealt us a cruel blow, indeed." He placed his hand on your cheek, "I will see you again, my love." He kissed your forehead, pulling away to fight back the cry that threatened to leave his lips.
From the moment he was free he dreamed of being home in Zandar with you. Now you were gone and he dreaded going home to the place that would remind him of you every day.
He now knew what you felt when you heard he didn't return. It was an overwhelming feeling that caused his stomach to churn. He wished you would open your eyes and smile just one more time. But Ivan knew he would never see you smile again. And it tore him apart.
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amberbeach · 5 years
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The world Ivan had been released into was a giant distraction for him. The hustle and bustle made him forget, however briefly, about the life he had left behind. But when he had a moment to think, when he saw a long-haired girl with the same color hair as you, his mind would hurt his heart by making him think of you.
You had married Ivan months before he left with the Prince. Now centuries later, he found himself in a whole new place in time. He had made new friends, but even they couldn’t make him forget about you. In this time, you were gone. Ivan couldn’t stop his eyes tearing up, thinking of you.
Shelby had been the one to notice his sadness when he thought no one was paying attention. But she had. She realized that he kept touching a pocket in his jacket as if ensuring that something was still there. So when he went to work, she found a letter. Tyler asked her what she was doing, and that day, the team discovered that he had lost a wife when Fury attacked him. 
Ivan’s misery only worsened after he met Zach, who looked like him - clearly his descendant. Ivan hadn’t known you were with child when he left with the Prince.
But it wasn’t until they defeated Sledge that he ever showed true happiness. The Keeper could send him back to his own time. Ivan looked at the Rangers, Koda, by his side as they stood in front of the portal.
“It’s okay, guys. We understand.” Tyler assured.
Ivan joined the group hug before waving as he walked into the portal. 
He left the field and appeared on a hill. He could see the castle, and a grin formed on his lips as he ran down the hill. You were picking flowers in the garden when Ivan found you after searching the castle. He was believed to be dead after the Prince arrived home, unharmed thanks to his sacrifice.
So when you met his gaze, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. It had been months since you last saw your husband, the night before he left you had said your goodbyes and wished him a safe journey. And when you woke up, he was gone.
Ivan smiled when he saw your swollen stomach and walked to you. “Y/N.”
You stood up, and Ivan wrapped his arms around you. You cried on his shoulder as he comforted you, telling you how much he had missed you. He pulled away after a few minutes, placing his hands on your cheeks. He kissed your forehead, then your lips before kneeling, placing his hands on your stomach as he kissed the material of your dress.
Ivan stood up and embraced you, smiling into your hair that was flowing down your shoulders. He lifted his head and kissed your cheek. “I love you.”
“I thought you were gone!” You closed your eyes tightly, and Ivan smiled down at you.
“I’ll always come back to you.” He held your hand as he led you inside the castle.
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