#since im leaving for my bungalow tomorrow i figured id share these since idk what the wifi will be like up there
lunar-wandering · 3 years
hi yes, welcome to a list of thoughts/things im adding to the Giggle Glow AU-
the glow can also be activated by purring
Wukong purrs in his sleep (only when he’s really comfortable though)
the others find out about this during a sleepover (which they were having because some of them weren’t sleeping well)
initially they don’t tell him but when he does find out he gets embarrassed over it and just. opts not to sleep. which of course leads to-
sleep deprived Wukong. the worst possible thing one could have on their ship
as a side note Macaque can also purr in his sleep it’s just harder for that to happen due to. yeah.
im adding my headcanon of Macaque being easily freaked out by scary movies/stories to this AU
Wukong starts telling scary stories in places where he knows Macaque can overhear them as revenge for the amount of times the other makes him laugh using inside jokes
someone makes a joke and Wukong goes “that. wasn’t even a good joke, like who would find that pun funny?” and leaves the room, closing the door behind him, and whoever made the joke feels disappointed
that is, until Macaque casually flicks the lights in the room off and they can see the flickering glow from under the doorway, proving that Wukong is secretly laughing because he did find the joke funny
Mei makes a video thats a bunch of clips of Wukong laughing set to the beat of Mr. Blue Sky. Wukong hates said video so Mei makes it her ringtone for when he calls/texts her
she also makes a video using Macaque’s laugh, but she sets that one to the beat of Hard Knock Life
Red Son....should’ve already known about Wukong’s giggle glow before everyone else, but he. genuinely thought his father was joking/being figurative when he said the Monkey King’s laugh could “light up a room”
Spider Queen knows about Wukong’s giggle glow because he just. would not stop making jokes and laughing at them while he was captured. (....tbh most of it was him trying to cover up his nervous laughter, which was mainly what was causing the glow. DBK picked up on that, but chose to not say anything about it)
yes of course absolutely we are adding the “Wukong is shapeshifting to make himself taller” thing into this. yes this does end up eventually being revealed in a ridiculous way
(what if..........his shapeshifted height fluctuated with his emotions....so he’d get smaller when shy/flustered and also sad but we’re not focusing on that .........ha ha jk......unless-)
he doesn’t stop shapeshifting though, and in fact starts making himself even taller than before.
(Wukong holds an item just barely out of Pigsy’s reach. Pigsy sighs, and then mutters something, and suddenly Wukong is back down to his normal height, stuttering, and Pigsy is easily removing whatever he wanted out of Wukong’s grasp)
like i’ve said before everyone does buy sunglasses so that Wukong doesn’t, y’know, accidentally blind them. what i haven’t said is that MK personalizes said sunglasses by painting cool designs on the sides
the way the fact that Macaque will also glow if he laughs at the same time as Wukong or MK gets revealed is. comedy movie night. Macaque tried so hard to remain stoic (his shadow was losing it when the others actually looked) but he so completely failed
Macaque 🤝 Wukong: getting flustered over the nicknames the others call them due to the Giggle Glow
(MK doesn’t really care about any nicknames he receives, he loves them for the most part. there might be one or two exceptions)
Red Son gets an honorary membership to the “people who glow” group since yes, im giving him the firefly freckles-
they have to make a special camera in order to take pictures of Wukong while he’s laughing because otherwise the pictures just. end up not being so good due to the Bright Light
there is a photo album. both Wukong and Macaque are actively trying to destroy it.
they are not gonna succeed any time soon.
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