#since I realized how small Rafah is compared to the Gaza Strip
techmomma · 6 months
What happens when, if Israel has their way, all 2 million+ people of the Gaza Strip, which I would bet money is smaller than your country's capital, are shoved into Rafah?
Rafah is about a fifth of the entire strip. Take your largest city, divide it into fifths, and put 2.2 million people there.
How many bunker busters do you think it would take to flatten a fifth of your capital? Of the largest city you've been to? Given what we've seen in the rest of Gaza? Not many, and Israel has ample supply.
In Rafah, they are surrounded by Egypt, who will not take refugees, Israel, who will kill them, and the sea.
They will be fenced in on all sides by gates, gunfire, and drowning.
What happens, then, when Rafah is designated as a combat zone and they truly have nowhere else to go?
Is Israel herding Palestinian people like cattle for the slaughter? To make it easier to kill them all in one place?
If 2.2 million people are pushed into Rafah, an area only 58 square miles, that is almost 38,000 people per square mile.
A 2,000 pound bomb, from what I can find, has a roughly 800 meter or .5 square mile damage radius. Two of them could do about a square mileage of damage.
If we need only two of these bombs to obliterate a square mile, then we need only 116 to cover the whole of Rafah.
116. 116. How many bombs are dropped in a single day by Israel?
How many thousands, unhoused and displaced with no roofs or cover or shelter, would die in an instant? At 38,000 people per square mile.
I ask again: Is Israel herding them for the slaughter in Rafah? Like Palestinians have already warned us again and again and again?
How many of our leaders already know these numbers and still do not call for a ceasefire?
We cannot let them push everyone into Rafah. We can't.
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