Wedding Day Part 11...
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Finally the Bride and her Father have arrived. In a touching display of affection, her Father was seen on occasion, adjusting the veil of his daughters dress and veil.
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Crowds went wild at the simple elegance of HIRH dress. The subtlety of the embroidery of her dress.Her sapphires glittered in the sun and HIRH sparkled. 
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The close relationship between HIRM Prince-Consort Ngata and his youngest daughter was clear to see. The two were seen laughing and joking on multiple occasions as they smiled and waved to the adoring crowds.
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The procession to the Cathedral doors was slow but some how swift, proper but some how elegant and cheery. Now, as the pair climb the steps to the doors we finally draw close to the Ceremony, where Marasea’s most talked about and adored couple will finally make their vows.
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theroyalstale · 4 years
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Princess Molly Rushed to the Hospital! 
 Although a huge milestone in Her Majesty Princess Molly’s life, her 20th birthday party was attended only by close friend’s of the royal family. Several of the Queen’s advisers were also in attendance. 
Princess Molly, although known for her lavish celebrations and celebrity guest lists, wanted a smaller get together due to the fact that her sister’s wedding with Prince Roy of Kalua was less than two weeks away and preparations were still in full swing. 
Throughout the festivities, the Princess was seen snapping photos with her friends and family to post on her new Simstagram page. One of the highlights of her posts was her new Ruby studded crown given to her by her mother, HRH Queen Reagan for her birthday. 
Princess Molly was given her own personal cake adorned with chocolate, cream cheese and cookie crumbles (her favorite)  but soon started feeling ill complaining of a headache and stomachache. Right before retiring to her room, she fainted in the kitchen and was rushed to Willow Creek General Hospital. 
More news of the Princess’s condition to come...
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TIRH’s First Dance
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TIRH, The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea Attend Primus, Gretch Kulwich's Charty Benefit Soiree...
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TIRH were the honoured guests at the Primus of San Myshuno', Gretch Kulwich's Charity Benefit Soiree. In the upper echelons of the Penthouse community of San Myshuno's Elite, A-list guests, representatives of neighbouring kingdoms, and members of the aristocracy gathered for the Charity Benefit, where all proceeds are shared equally between the major charities in each of the kingdoms.
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TIRH, made a spectacular entrance, in their first formal attire of the tour. And TIRH made quite the dazzling pair.
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HIRH, Crown Princess Imperial Nerina, exuded elegance, draped in diamonds. In a tiara, smaller than what we would have expected, HIRH more than made up for it by wearing the Provincial Necklace. HIRH, The Imperial Grand Duke of Marasea, also looked very sharp in an exquisitely tailored tuxedo. Fans were happy to see some coordination between TIRH's attire, HIRH deep navy blue to HIRH rich silky black.
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Primus Gretch Kulwich, greeted the Imperial Royal couple alongside his wife, former District Secretary Mrs Terria-Dos Kulwich.
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Primus Kulwich, did not spare an expense, and from the few images released from the private event, it was a very lavish event indeed. The expense paid off, as the Benefit reportedly raised over 4.5 million simoleons!!! TIRH even donated several paintings from the Imperial Crown's own private collection.
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Overall, the night was said to be a great success, and a perfect way to end the first day of engagements. TIRH will travel now from San Myshuno to Brindleton, were they will kick start their second day of tours.
Watch this space.
House by: Sarina_Sims
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HIRH Princess Imperial Erika and Her Long-Term Partner Mr Nathaniel Nunez-Keating...
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The Funeral...Part 3
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Many of the Senior members of the Imperial Royal Family also attended the Funeral. HIRM Empress Sheva, led her family into the Church on the arm of her Husband. In a very rare show of public affection TIRM, appeared to hold onto each other, perhaps reflecting on the time that is potentially left to them? They too are fast approaching 50 years of marriage. HIRM, Prince-Consort Ngata and August the Dowager Duke of Windsor, are fast friends; it is rumoured HIRM has invited the Dowager Duke to stay with him, for a season of fishing/hunting at his private country house on the Terra Estate after the mourning period is over.
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The Senior Royal's cut quite solemn figures indeed...
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Close behind them came TIRH, the Crown Princess and Prince Imperial of Demula; Imperial Grand Duchess and Duke of Marasea. Despite the circumstances, many Maraseans fancied they saw a baby bump, likely eager for some happy news in the wake of this sadness. Polls, despicably so, have already begun to predict, that if HIRH is truly pregnant, she is pregnant with a girl. It may be wishful thinking, but news of a baby would do much to raise the nations spirits.
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Speaking of Babies TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn, arrived shortly after the arrival of the TIRH, the Imperial Duke and Duchess of Linacre. The Imperial Duchess of Kahn, perhaps admirably so, has broken a long held tradition and to a degree a superstition, of attending a funeral whilst pregnant. It is reported from a source within the Imperial Palace, where the TIRH are staying for the duration of the mourning period, that HIRH would not be swayed from attending. HIRH is very close to the Windsors, more so now that they are neighbours. The Late Duchess also assisted HIRH in learning court etiquette and formalities, in the days leading up to her wedding and for the vast majority of the days after. HIRH, insisted she would be present to pay her respects in person.
HIRH, Princess Imperial Erika, was not fair behind. It is rumoured that HIRH has reportedly moved out of the Imperial Palace, and is currently living with her brother(and sister-in-law) The Imperial Duke of Kahn. A source inside the Imperial Palace, reported it is due to a rather heated row between the Imperial Princess and HIRM, Empress Sheva. Details of the argument are unclear, but it is suspected it is to do with HIRH behaviour at University, which she as now been attending for several months.
There hasn't, however, been any confirmation that HIRH has indeed moved out or the exact reason why. There is likely to be much speculation in the coming months...
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Behind them, and among the last to arrive, were the Imperial Duke and Duchess of Sulani and the Imperial Duke and Duchess of Glimmerbrook. As cousins to the Windsors, including HIRM, and members of the older generation of Imperial Royals, they would have grown up together during a time which they would have been at the forefront of the family, much like the Demula's, Linacre's and Kahn's are today. Unlike some of the remaining aristocratic families, the Sulani's, Glimmerbrooks, and HIRM would have been very close to their cousins, and likely brought up within the same nursery.
The church bells rang for 5 minutes at noon, where the sun would be at its highest point in the sky. It is believed that at this position, the doorway to spiritual tranquility will open at the ringing of the bells, and the souls of those who have passed away, can walk through the doorway and reach eternal peace...
Today, we say goodbye to two beloved and dedicated members of the Imperial Royal Family...
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TIRH, The Imperial Grand Duchess and Duke of Marasea Begin Seven Day Tour At The Botanical Gardens Of San Myshuno...
TIRH, The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea, began their Seven day Tour at the Botanical Gardens of San Myshuno.
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Although, an interestingly quiet start to the Tour, the Gardens were not yet opened to the public, allowing for a private tour for TIRH.
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TIRH, both looked every inch Senior Imperial Royals, as we see them in more formal attire for general engagements then we are used to seeing them in. HIRH, our Crown Princess Imperial, looked a vision in an off white, cream dress suit, and her Husband looked handsome in a 5 piece, suit and jacket number. Fans are taking this first look at the attire we expect to see through out the tour, as an indication of the sort of clothing TIRH will choose in the future.
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TIRH, were also seen sticking to Imperial Royal Protocol, with HIRH always several steps behind his Wife.
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TIRH were greeted by Head Agriculturalist Dr Susanna Dorson and Lead Horticulturist Professor Duncan Lok.
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TIRH, were taken on a whistle stop tour around the many attractions and collections that the Imperial Royal College of Botany hope will attract visitors all over the Unified Kingdoms.
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The Imperial Royal Crown, it was also announced today, had donated 2 million simoleons worth of seeds, along with a 1 million simoleon donation to the maintenance of the Botanical Garden and the surrounding gardens outdoors.
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The visit lasted no more the 90 minutes, with TIRH, meeting privately with some of the minor staff.
When asked later about the visit, both Dr Dorson and Professor Lok agreed that TIRH were generally interest in the success of the Garden. TIRH were also very down to Marasea.
TIRH, later this evening, will be the honoured guests San Myshuno's Representative, Primus Gretch Kulwich's Soiree at his home, which will also act as a charity benefit to many good causes...
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The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn Seen Leaving Dubois House In The Early Hours Of Friday Morning...
TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn were seen leaving, in a blacked out SUV, Dubois House in the early hours of Friday morning. The Imperial Duchess is believe to not be in labour, but are no doubt preempting the imminent birth of TIRH first child.
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It is well known that the couple had decided on a hospital birth, making them the first Senior Imperial Royals to actively opt to do so. It is believed that HIRH Princess Imperial Erika accompanied the couple to N&W Memorial Hospital. In recent weeks it has all but been confirmed that HIRH has moved out of the Imperial Royal Palace. Reasoning behind this is unknown, but many suspect it is over a falling out between HIRH and HIRM, The Empress.
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It is unknown if HIRH is currently living with her brother and sister-in-law, or for the time being making her living apartments at her university campus her home. At all most 21, it is more than likely HIRH will take up residence on her own at one of the many estates at the Imperial Crowns disposal.
Regardless, many are awaiting the news of the birth. All eyes are on the Imperial Royal Family, especially with TIRH The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea, touring the Kingdom; TIRH landed in San Myshuno late Friday evening, and will conduct their first engagement on Saturday.
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HIRM, Sheva, Imperial Empress of The Unified Kingdoms of Marasea, here, beside the Imperial Crowns signifying Her Imperial Right to Rule; on the 35th year of Her reign…
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Mean while at 32 Grove Lane; Britechester Campus; Professorial Grounds; Later That Night: Warning Explicit Imagery.
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''I'm not letting you go...
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Ill risk a scandal, Ill risk it all..
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To remain here in your arms...''
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The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea  Visit The Municipal College of Arts and History!!!
The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea; The Crown Princely Imperial Couple of Demula, visited the Municipal College of Arts and History, one of their patronages. 
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TIRH looked lovely in their coordinated attire. Fans were particularly excited to see HIRH, looking classically stylish. It was reported that her dress went out of stock very soon after their visit was concluded.
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What was also noticeable , was the couples controlled display of affection, with the Grand Imperial Duke walking a couple steps behind. The close attention to protocol is another signal that the couple are gradually preparing for their future roles as Heads of the Imperial Royal Family and Heads of the Unified Kingdoms.
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TIRH were greeted by the College Head Cayden Palacios-Caseare, who can actually trace his lineage back to Empress Magdalena, wife of the First Ruler of the Unified Kingdoms. And the Colleges main investor and entrepreneur Aaliyah Trent, who sits on the board of directors.
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After the initial greetings, Mr Palacios-Caseare and Ms Trent lead the couple into the college. 
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TIRH were seen to be deep in conversation with their hosts; they are widely known to be one of the most approachable Imperial Royal couples. This will also be one of the couples last engagements before the Grand Imperial Duchess, who is approaching her third trimester goes on maternity leave.
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The purpose of the visit it to officially open up the College after the extensive renovations. The couple had also donated a few pieces of art for display and artifacts. 
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The Imperial Royals Leave For Terra House.
This morning, members of the Imperial Royal Family were seen retreating to their Country Side Estate in Granite Falls.
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TIRM and TIRH were the first to arrive at the private terminal at the Marasean International Airport. 
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There is still some concern however for HIRH, The Grand Imperial Duchess of Marasea’s health and that of her baby. Many feel she should not be travelling by plane at all; despite it only being a two hour flight. HIRH is within 32 weeks, the point at which many mothers are advised to stop travelling, but it would seem TIRH are keen to spend the holidays with their entire family. HIRH , The Grand Imperial Duke’s parents were also seen arriving not long after their son.
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Seen not far behind them were Marasea’s new favourite couple, HIRH Prince Imperial Darius and his long term girlfriend Miss Estep. 
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The couple appeared to be in great spirits, and there was no sign of nervousness on Miss Estep’s behalf at the prospect of spending the holidays with HIRH’s Family. It will be the first time Miss Estep will be introduced to the extended family, including HIRH favourite Uncle HIRH The Imperial Duke of Sulani. Royal watchers do feel as though Miss Estep is receiving special treatment, as no partner before her has ever been invited to spend the weekend, let alone the holidays with the Senior Royals. Many have likened this to the treatment of HIRH The Imperial Duchess of Linacre, who also appeared to enjoy special treatment. We later found out that TIRH were already engaged! Many Fans are hoping that this may mean that there may be wedding bells on the horizon!!!
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TIRH The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea, The Crown Princely Couple Hold A Press Briefing To Introduce Their Baby Boy To The World!!!
TIRH The Crown Princess and Prince Imperial of Demula held a press briefing to introduce their baby boy to the world.
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At around 1pm this afternoon, after an hour long wait TIRH stepped with HIRH cradling their new soon. The new beaming parents, appeared to be in the greatest of spirits with HIRH looking glamorous in her floral dress.
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The Crown Princely couple graciously thanked all photographers and reporters for patiently waiting, and for their warm words of congratulations. When asked how it felt to be parents for the first time, the couple both agreed it was the ‘‘greatest feeling in the world’’.
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TIRH could barely take their eyes off of their new baby boy. When asked about a name or the baby Imperial Prince’s title, the pair tactfully avoided giving anything away.
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TIRH did however confirm that there will be a christening in about a months time, when it is hoped the weather will be slightly warmer. They even expressed their appreciation that the camera crews would brave the current weather to meet their son.
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Mid interview, HIRH the Grand Imperial Duke of Marasea took a turn cradling his son, an action that already seems so natural. Fans later in the day took to social media to praise how at ease HIRH looked holding his son, compared to Male Imperial Royals of the past. When asked who does he take more after, HIRH The Grand Imperial Duke said ‘‘I’m hoping he has Nerina’s eyes and my strong jaw. But it’s too early to tell. He’s perfect either way.’’
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Like Imperial Royals before him, TIRH will likely christen their son at the Church of Our Lady St Seraphina. Fans have already laid bets on possible name choices, with many believing they will name him after the founding father of this Imperial Royal Line and call him Demetrius.
But for now, Congratulations to TIRH on welcoming a beautiful baby boy!!!
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TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn Hold A Private Christening And Release The Name Of Their Baby Girl!
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TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn, it has been announced, have held a private christening for their daughter. It comes almost two months after her birth. Although many Maraseans will be disappointed, that there was not an opportunity to celebrate publicly with the couple, it comes as no surprise that the couple have done it this way. Our very Private Imperial Prince may no longer wish to leave Royal Duties, but it seems he will not sway on some aspects of his family's privacy.
Along with the announcement, we finally find out the name of their baby. TIRH have named their daughter, Lady Valeria Arielle Sara of Kahn. TIRH have chosen not to use an HIRH, for their daughter at this time, despite her being sixth in line to the Imperial Throne. No doubt, the couple have taken inspiration from HIRH's Uncle, The Imperial Duke of Sulani. In technicality, their daughter is an Imperial Countess, the Countess of Auster, one of the many titles that were bestowed upon the couple when they wed, and entitled to the title of Imperial Princess. It is likely Lady Valeria will be given the option on whether to use either of her title once she turns 18. Even if the decision is no, she will nether the less inherit her Fathers Dukedom.
Congratulations to the happy couple and their new addition to the family!
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Senior Members Of The Imperial Royal Family Attend Sunday Service In Preparation For The Holidays!!!
Senior most members of the Imperial Royal Family attended a Sunday service before they retire to HIRM country retreat for the Christmas Holidays.
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Leading the Family as always, and aging with grace we have HIRM Empress Sheva and HIRM, The Prince-Consort Ngata. 
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Opening the Church grounds to the public during the Holidays is a relatively new tradition started by the Empress’ mother. The aim was to make the idea of Imperial Royalty more real, reachable, and to help engage the public engage more with Family.
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Since then, the new tradition has been a success with more of the public appearing each year.
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The Imperial Couple have of late attended fewer engagements in recent years, deciding to delegate more of their engagements to the younger Senior Royals. Both being in their mid sixties, it makes sense to allow the next generation to become more involved. 
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It also makes these particular laid back events popular as they have become one of the rare occasions the Imperial Couple are seen together.
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TIRM interacted and spoke to many members of the crowd, offering Holiday wishes. Some even asked how they felt at becoming Grandparents for the first time. Both stated that they were excited, and eager to meet their Grandchild. When asked if they wanted many Grandchildren, HIRM The Empress Sheva responded ‘Any number of Grandchildren we have will be a blessing’
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