#silere muse: Alhaitham
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//Haitham's bio/verses/what not:
Born in Sumeru he grew up in the land of scholars. He was a child prodigy and no one had ultimately been surprised when he took well to learning in the Akademia, and even fewer when he quickly rose through the ranks to become the Grand Scribe who’s intelligence was only matched by his cold pragmatism.
In fact he become known so well for both things that many were surprised when he opened up his home to his senior Kaveh, for they were black and white. Day and night. 
That said it was expected that before long their intense arguments became legendary.
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Character Notes:
➢ Alhaitham is the reincarnation of King Deshret. He has no memories of his past life and probably would have no idea until after he came in contact with the Divine Knowledge capsule during the plan to usurp the Akademia and save the Dendro Archon.
➢ After coming into contact with the Divine Knowledge Capsule, despite all the safe guards he put in place, the Divine Knowledge capsule did have alot more consequences that he was not expecting: he began to have recurring nightmares that were memories from his past life, frequently got mild migraines among other things that were far less frequent. He blamed it all one ill effects and tried not to think much of it though he swore something about him had changed.
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Main Verse. V; The Curse Of Knowledge (Main Verse)
This verse follows the main canon.
➢ Subverse - V; I DID NOT ASK TO BE A GOD (Canon Div. Subverse) //
Responsibility had never been kind to the Grand Scribe, it was no shock that the Akademia had tricked him into becoming the Grand Sage by pretending that it was just temporary but what he hadn’t expected was that the strange visions that had haunted him in the night time hours turned from night terrors turn into daily hallucinations. 
At some point he lost himself in his suffering, prefering to disappear as he used his moments of lucidity to figure out what was going on. Eventually he realized that he was the reincarnation of the Scarlet King. Lost he struggled to come to terms and in a rare moment of terror he struggled to come to terms with it.
➢ Subverse - And Once There Stood A King (Past Life Verse)
Bungo Stray Dogs Verse. V; What Is A God To A Nonbeliever (BSD Verse)
Follows along the lines of his ‘I DID NOT ASK TO BE A GOD’ verse, during his searching for answers of what he could do he took a note from the traveler and eventually learned how to go to different worlds, leaving a world that no longer felt welcome to him as the Grand Scribe or the Scarlet King behind.
Somehow in his confused haze of traveling where time passed in strange increments he eventually ended up in Yokohama and decided to settle there for now in hopes of figuring out what he could do. During such time he eventually ended up running a bookstore near the Detective Agency. 
While running his bookstore he continues to wear his vision despite the fact he has no use for it anymore but has long since hung up his sword, keeping it hanging up on the wall behind the checkout counter and telling people it was a well kept family heirloom.
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