honeykeats · 2 years
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F U L L   N A M E   …   silas rainier barton A L I A S E S   …   sy, rainier, hexblood, knife witch, betrayer, honeybee A G E   …   thirty-three/four hundred sixty one B I R T H D A T E   …   february 25th  G E N D E R   …   cismale O R I E N T A T I O N   …   pansexual
born one of the barton legacy witches, silas traded his magic and legacy for love and eternal life. paaka didn’t love him however, not in the same ways that silas longed for, and so he locked himself away, living in solitude in a huge house all by himself before he decided it was time to give the world another chance. 
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age: twenty-six
loyalty: beauregard
occupation: vice president of beauregard bank & head of the london branch
criminal occupation: the conman, partner-in-crime & magpie
faceclaim: max irons
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Unlike his cousin, a perfect scoundrel with his women and devil-may-care attitude, Silas is the very picture of elegance, a gentleman seemingly of the old world despite the relative newness of the Beauregard name. Victor and Lillian’s firstborn was always exactly who they hoped he would be: a synthetic blend of his father’s careful nature and his mother’s beauty and charm, the best aspects of both leaders placed into a perfect son, and indeed they never found a circumstance in which they were disappointed by him. There was never a moment in his youth when he was caught unaware, never a family photograph or professionally filmed home video in which he wasn’t exceedingly pleasant, all cheeky smiles and bubbling laughs, the poster child of what a matrimony between a newcomer and a Rothschild could bring about. He spent his early years in bowties and cashmere sweaters, wandering through the headquarters of his family’s banks, gazing up at the marble statues and Rococo paintings with such sincerity that passing patrons couldn’t help but ask: qui est-il? Il est trop mignon! And it was never quite a surprise when they learnt that the sincere, bright-eyed boy was none but the president’s son and heir. All children who are destined to be rich and respected have a certain air to them, don’t they?
He grew up gracefully. When Xanthe, and then Isabel, were born, Silas stood over them and was lauded for his performance, a protective older brother looking out for his sisters. At the soirees and charity galas, he smiled for the cameras, truly France’s sweetheart, and hopefuls eyed the Beauregard son, imagining that twenty years from that day, their daughters would pull a similar move as Victor had with Lillian and marry into those new heights. But what his parents never saw, and what he never showed the world when he was the apple of its eye was his converse identity, the other side of the story. Dr. Jekyll always had a Mr. Hyde, and Silas Beauregard's angelic front had a very dark underside. When he was ten and little five-year-old Hale got the new gadget that Silas had wanted for Christmas, he couldn’t stand it — and the next day, took his grandfather’s cane from the foyer and smashed the toy to smithereens. It wasn’t that he couldn’t have asked for the same and gotten it with a snap of Lillian’s fingers…it was the fact that Hale had been the first to get it. Silas’ competitive streak had always lain within him, the desire to be the very, very best, and anything could set it off. If Xanthe was complimented on her appearance, Silas immediately stood up straighter and waited for his own recognition. When it didn’t come, his eye would twitch, fingers itching for revenge, and later on if he felt particularly irritated, he might cut a hole into her favorite dress. Even with Dmitri and Azariah, who were known to suffer a home life far inferior to his, Silas couldn’t stop his jealousy...when the former brought home emeralds and the latter brought home notoriety, he was the one watching them most vehemently, comparing what they had to what he did. It wasn’t any one group of things that set him off; it was everything, every day, every moment.
But he hid it well. Every hamartia has what seems like a petty start, and this one was no different. They never truly knew the extent of his duplicity, and he never gave them reason to question it. So he was carried through his teenage years with pomp and circumstance, a modern heir to an expanding empire.
He had everything from King Charles spaniels to museums dedicated in his name, but little did his unsuspecting parents realize that they had shipped their son towards his ultimate destruction when he was sent to boarding school at age twelve for the first leg of his education. Lillian believed strongly in rearing a classical scholar, not simply a thief but an able and prolific inheritant of the family enterprise. The heist would come later, when Silas was ready, and so he arrived at Eton with his leather suitcases and golden cufflinks, immediately a prince among princes. Born into power, raised in opulence — it never became tiresome, the superiority, the privilege, the absolute pleasure of being at the very tip of the mountain of wealth and standing. So it was in the hallowed halls of the world’s most acclaimed all boy’s school that Silas grew into the mold of Machiavelli’s Prince, with a exterior of silk and opulence, but hidden beneath. an iron heart well accustomed to the ways that sheep moved and what had to be done in order to manipulate them for his devices.
He learnt to play games with his power, challenging his limits, expanding them. He came to use his charm to his benefit, luring his friends and enemies alike into his presence, ever hearty and ever magnetic in his grandness. The boy with the dreamy stances and pleasant disposition had long melted away in lieu for this new creation, a dichotomy of light and shadows. They came like moths to a flame, falling like dominoes at his feet - there was something carelessly beautiful about the boy with the bronze hair and soft eyes. The surety of step, the fluid grace of his movement, the fullness of his person — he commanded the room with a subtle but very definite presence, and the spoke volumes among a group of adolescents who would someday own half the world. In an effort to be like Uncle Francis, a great man who he had always sought approval from, he named his posse the Hyacinths; and as he imagined Uncle Lorenzo to be, he ruled them with a noble, vicious malice. They were dangerous and they feared him, his group of boys with their lovely faces and the mean streaks hidden in their chests – but they weren’t nearly as dangerous as their leader. Silas was the epitome of their double edged sword, a Venus fly trap, a hyacinth (exquisite but poisonous), the ever-dancing flame. He was the downfall of all that he came across: boys, girls, adults who didn’t know better. They trusted him, and he used them for his own means. And if his victims ever knew of how deftly he moved them to his will, herding them with careful smiles and a click of his well-conditioned tongue, they would’ve barely believed it, that their beloved prince, their drinking mate, the boy who they had so admired, had done such things. But they neverknew until it was too late, and he never regretted a single maneuver. There were many pawns to exploit, but there was only one chance to grow into an extraordinary being.
Then came the heist. He was always destined to be an exceptional conman -- he’d been conning society since he was born. Silas’ first job was when he was fifteen, and he was playing the part of a bored millionaire with a childish whim for military grade A hydroplanes…and while he made the biggest fuss of his life over something that was completely true to his character, the crew was casing Washington D.C. His double existence served him well when it came the to the heist…really, it served him well everywhere. In any and every situation, he could appear as the diplomat, a level-headed, charismatic leader with noble visions and a heart to support them. Lillian, who had always favored her firstborn best, was delighted; as was Victor. But while Silas had always held unyielding respect for the former, the latter was a person of conflict. All boys have some innate admiration for their fathers, but Silas’ had fallen away with time, as he saw the truth behind all his “Uncles” and their relation to Victor: a pack of wolves and the little runt, always striving to impress, always striving to be equal. Silas had never sought for equality — his goal was superiority. 
The world pans in on a young, impressive man, and he does not disappoint. He’s graced the most exclusive academies with his presence, is a beloved alumni of half a dozen elite clubs, and there’s no commodity in the world that he can’t afford. Classical ceilings to high rises, lilies to scarlet love letters, a blonde beauty on his arm and champagne on his tongue: Silas is in every way his family’s pride and joy, the prized heir with his starch white shirts and red roses who will someday represent them in the global scale, bringing them to inconceivable heights. At least, that’s who he is in public. You see, the thing about the Beauregards is that they all wear their individual masks, and Silas is no different. Behind the scenes, in the dressing rooms after the fencing matches and in the nights when the only pair of eyes on him are the ones in the mirror, that handsome veneer transforms into something much uglier. In many ways it fits him well, his twisted desires. There is always something notable about villains with pretty faces.
But he isn't here to play. Ambition runs in his veins, it always has, and it’s poisoning him, twisting his perception of the society, of his family and friends, into a sinister puppet show that he itches to control. As a graduate of Harvard’s Business School who has taken the reins of the London branch of Beauregard Bank only this past year, he seems to be at the top of the world. But his appetite has no limits: it isn’t enough. He wants Rothschild Group, he wants to be Head Magpie — every title and position that can elevate him, he seeks to take. The best thieves don’t only steal commodities, do they? They steal aspirations, power, and above all, that metaphorical throne that exists in every playing field, no matter how prestigious the competition. He would rather abandon the heist than grow up to be like his father, looking up to another man, because he doesn’t want to be a Mastermind. He wants to be the Mastermind, the Thief Lord of a new generation.
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✕. His initials are S.O.B. – which was either humor on Lillian’s part or an unfortunate coincidence. In any case, he hates it and often signs differently.  ✕. He went to Harvard not because it was his first choice, but because when he Googled “top universities in the world”, Harvard was the first to come up. Even so, he’s very bitter about Hale heading the Kingfishers at Oxford, and has the impression that Hale following in the current Thief Lord’s footsteps indicates a hidden ambition to aspire for the same spot. Really, he’s just jealous of everything that he doesn’t have.  ✕. A skilled orator and ideal representative of any business, Silas takes a certain pleasure in dressing well, speaking well – doing everything to an exceptional point. Consequently, he’s often perceived as having wisdom and experience beyond his years.  ✕. Raised in a bilingual household and having attended school in England for much of his adolescence, his British accent is very convincing…as is his American one. Poor blokes in Boston never knew who was in their midst. What plebs. 
He supposes that he could’ve been taxed with a worse family, but Silas still feels as if he’s too good for them, particularly Victor, who he scoffs at for his weakness. He can’t help but compare his sniveling father to the more impressive men at the heads of the three other families, and he abhors that Victor is almost a joke at the society meetings. Rather, with Lillian acting as regent for the Beauregard clan, Silas has learnt not to test his mother lest she make him regret it. But even she isn’t fully partial to his true personality or the ambitions which back it. That would be Xanthe, who he has always treated as an equal, enough so to show her his true face…and together, they plan to help each other achieve great things. Isabel is very fond of her older brother for reasons that he doesn’t want to fathom, but it’s always a pleasant and welcome surprise, and he makes sure to dote upon her, treating her with his kindest smiles. 
Silas is quite certain that Hale knows to some extent that he’s wearing a false face of charm, but that hasn’t stopped them from being passive aggressive friends throughout the years. They used to get along swimmingly, until Silas began to covet what he didn’t own: Rothschild Group, the golden watches that its heir received on his birthdays, and recently, the presidential seat of the Kingfishers that he’ll never have a chance to occupy. Well aware of Xanthe’s games, he almost feels sorry for Adelaide, if not for her slight against his sister all those years ago. He looks down upon Dmitri and Azariah, believing them to be below him. He almost lords the fact that he’s the heir to Beauregard Banks over Dmitri, though the younger man doesn’t seem to care. 
Though Silas is prone to envy no matter which circumstance, there are people who he either is particularly jealous of, or have ticked him off enough to deserve his unwavering hatred. The first would be Evie Villiers, who he’s kept up a edgy banter with for over a decade. Ever since they were children, she purposely would irritate him in an attempt to make him snap, and after fending off several near-aneurysms in the process of holding back, he’s shown her his true colors, and she seems to revel in that knowledge. Ciro is much the same: the smooth-talking Italian bastard has always been opposed to him, and ever since Ciro stole his date at one of those ridiculous fucking parties that the Capecchis threw, Silas has been nursing a grudge. He plans on having Xanthe seduce Ciro and repay the humiliation. Reina’s hostility is downright infuriating. The woman, a recent acquisition to the crew, seems to have no respect for him; and that’s absolutely unacceptable. He feels like she despises him in particular, and returns the favor. 
MILO MALLORY-HAYES ⇢ Confident & Acquaintance.
He would never admit it, but he and Milo had an understanding one night when he was smoking on the Lusitania’s balcony and the callboy was fixing his tie. In any other circumstance, Silas would never associate himself with the Villiers’ nightbirds, even when they doubled as thieves; but with Milo, he felt that he could talk freely. One admission turned into another, and Silas found himself spilling too many secrets to a stranger…which in a way was relieving. The two ended up getting drunk and going to the Paris Opera via his private jet. After the fact, Silas acts like he’s never spoken to Milo in his life, but he secretly relished those moments of freedom. 
His friend group of heirs, they make an impressive sight when they’re gathered together. Alistair is a great conman to work with, but Silas doesn’t like the recent change that’s come over him, or the sudden push for honesty. Princes like them didn’t owe anything to anyone, much less the truth. Tommaso was always a sort of ringleader of their group despite Alistair being Head Magpie (what a prick, to have passed the damn title down to his sister rather than his mate…), but with so many years spanning between the last time they connected and the capo’s return to the heist, Silas doesn’t quite know if he’s worthy of rejoining the group. 
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thornstocutyouwith · 9 years
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Name: Silas Kirklie Crown Phantom
Meaning of Name: Silas: ‘forest’ ‘woods’, Kirklie: church meadow, Crown: headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty, Phantom:  Something apparently seen,  heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or apparition;  something elusive or delusive
Nickname(s):  K.C, Si, Crow,
Age: 18
Birthday: February 14
Species/Nationality:  Human
Accent: Yes
Language spoken: English,
Crystal Heart
Invisible Beam Emission
Butterfly Swarming
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Obsessive compulsive, Brittle bones, Blind (Worked around by magic), Has social anxiety, Bruises Easily, No known weaknesses outside typical mortal ones, Pollen allergy, Mold allergy, Allergic to shellfish,
Pet: None
Occupation: College Student/ Inventor/ Prince
Faceclaim: Nick Robinson
Description: Often has bruises on him. He has scars from abuse, and (possibly) self-harm. There are some tattoos he has to cover up some, if not all the abuse scars, usually of something pretty, like flowers, or fairies, something pleasing to the eye. His eyes are blue and his hair is a snowy white color. He is short for his age.
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Usually has two keys, one pink, the other purple, on him. Also usually has ribbons on him. Wears glasses.
Height: 5′5″
Weight: 129
Body Build: Lean
Silas was born on the fourteenth day of February in the year 1990. His parents are royalty and he has two sisters.  Silas then grew up in a world where royalty still exists as opposed to the countries ran by governments or any other such thing. Not that these things do not exist, they just  aren't as frequently used.  Being the second born and only son of his family he was quickly set to be the next ruler of his kingdom. His eldest  sister however did not like that his birth bumped her down in the inheritance, despite his being younger.  So, she quickly took to abusing him.
As the next eighteen years pass, the abuse grows worse without anyone outside the children and some of the staff knowing exactly what is going on. Their parents sent them all away to live in a different country, America, when they were still fairly young and the abuse was very minimal. But with the added freedom his sister used this advantage. Which has resulted in his having several scars littering his body.  As well as he has been psychologically damaged from her abuse that he is often seen as skittish. When his younger sister was born things did not get any better for him as she was often a little unstable, if not almost on the brink of showing she could be as abusive as their elder sister if she really wanted.
With being a royal family in the modern world, their lives outside the family home they are made to live in is almost too hectic. With people trying to get pictures or talk to the children or just be in contact with the children often reaching dangerous levels at times. So Silas often can be found with bodyguards to keep him safe while he's not at home.  Even though  the most dangerous people he might know live with him. His eldest sister has conditioned him to pretty much obey her at every turn if she wants.  But on the outside, everyone things she a model citizen.
Becomes the King of (Fictional) America.
(Work In Progress)
Caring, Hopeless Romantic, Calm, Goofy, Talented, Childish, Mysterious, Anti-Social, Skittish, Lazy, Oblivious, Obsessive, Manipulative, Easily Confused, Awkward, Clumsy, Understanding, Agreeable, Clever, Skillful, Attractive, Intelligent, Charming, Captivating, Witty,  Dreamy, Noncompetitive, Casual, Abrupt, Bizarre, Venal, Compulsive, Disorganized,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Abused (By Sibling). Often has nightmares.  Plays the Flute. His family is royalty, making him a modern day prince. His family is popular. So he is often accompanied by paparazzi and security, Wears removable tattoos, Can’t swim, Hums softly in his sleep, Refuses to use a phone/other communication device, Was unexpectedly voted prom king, Gives out free stuff compulsively,
Likes:  Drawing, New Things, Snack food (obsessive,calms nerves.), Girl/boy crazy (obsessed with girls/boys), Lydia/The XX bands, Taylor swift, Psyanotic, Circa Survive, Indie, Electro, Drinking, Art, Entertainment, TV, Roleplaying, Pranks, Obsessed with 90’s movies and shows in general, X-men, Pretty Little Liars, Sleepy Hallow, Supernatural, Adventure time, Friends, CSI, The Originals, Batman Movies(DC in general), Nightmare on Elm Street (Horror in General), Thor ( Marvel in general), Guardians of the Galaxy, Little Mermaid, Jurassic Park, Hard Candy, X-men Movies, Indie tv/movie trash, Sleeping, Forest Green ( Favorite Color), The Sky, Silence, Video Games, Manga/comics, Streaming, Podcasting, Duck herding, Bowling, Dogs, Woodworking, Arthurian lore, Medieval art, Chess, Peter Pan, Television mystery shows, Horses, Renaissance art, Romance novels, Spunky time-travelers,
Dislikes: Talking (doesn’t talk often. debatable dislike ),  Waking Up, Doing Stuff, Death,  Being Forgetful, Needles, Bad Weather, Being ill, Breaking his bones,  Annoying people, Alarms, Messes, Witty blond vampire hunters, Strategy games, Body-building, Medieval music, Sasquatches, Archery, Dodge ball, Jazz music, Goldfish, Knives, Carpentry, 
Fears: His psychotic sisters, Scared by the idea that his friends might thinks he’s annoying, Afraid of mirrors, Being late for a very important date, Fear of choking, Afraid of dying alone after all his other loved ones have died before him, Afraid of hospitals, Afraid of moose's,
Personality Tests:
Other: Aquarius,
  -> Father: Alistair Phantom
  -> Mother: Jay Phantom
Siblings: Alexandria Quinn Phantom (Younger sister),  Roslyn Phantom (Older abusive sister)
                                                                               Alternate Universes
Storm Coast AU
Pokemon AU
Divergent AU
Zodiac AU
Planet AU
Greek God AU (Eurus)
Island Supernatural School AU
Silas attends a school on a secluded island that also allows for students with supernatural powers to attend. Many of these students were taken from their own family's and forced to attend the school.  Of the parents that know of the school, they are in fear of their children's lives and that they might be in danger from the staff, or supernatural students. Some time during his stay at the school, he was hit on the head and happened to forget all about the fact that he was taken from his family and is now being held at the school.   At one point while attending the school, during one winter, he was out on the lake and suddenly fell through it almost drowning. This has lead to his increasingly growing ill for a while. The damage to his lungs had made him develop asthma like symptoms. But has yet to be life threatening. But even more traumatic for him was a good friend of his dying when she went to try and save him from drowning in the frozen lake. Her death has made things on the island a little harder.
Maximum Ride AU
He is part of the Angel Project.  His mother was not a very caring mother and had been pregnant with him for the purpose of selling him to the project. After his birth she soon left to pursue other interests. This left Karma to be raised by the scientists and the Angel Project began.  Sometime later he was left alone in his cell and wasn't brought out very often again.At the time, he thought, and still does think, that he is the only one who was experimented on like this.
Supernatural AU
There isn't much to say about the origins of Silas' birth here. Not too long after his birth he had been dropped off at an orphanage and nothing was heard of his parents again after.  This is where he would grow up after being rejected time an time again with families.  He watches as more and more children went to loving homes and he did not, perhaps growing a little more and more resentful. After watching friend after friend be taken into homes he slowly started to stop making friends with the others in the orphanage. Like many who were there as well, who had yet to find homes by the time they were too old to be wanted anymore.
When Silas was twelve he got into inventing things that would help around the orphanage. This showed him how smart he actually was and what he could do once he was forced out of the orphanage. But when he was fourteen, after several years of money problems, the orphanage closed down. This sent several to other orphanages, and sadly, others were on the streets.   Silas was one of those who had taken to living in the streets rather than going back to living in an orphanage.  This fed into his bad habits and lead to his more violent streak later in life.  After two years of stealing and numbing himself to the world, he adopted a new last name and a bad temper to go along with his new persona. Which eventually lead to his being taken to a Juvenal detention center.
After being released from this he was able to purchase a store at eighteen and things started to mellow out for him. But still kept some of his bad habits from his life in and before being taken to juvie.
Then, on one afternoon  as he was walking home from work he was attacked. The neighborhood he worked in wasn't a very good neighborhood, and was known for it's random assaults and murders over the years. After a vicious fight, Silas  sustaining plenty of devastating injuries during it, he thought he won. But in the last moments, everything had gone black. By the time he woke up again medical staff was hovering over him  as he was laying in a brightly lit room.
They quickly informed him that he had originally thought to of been dead, from how severe his injuries had been. But some time after this assumption was made, he came back to life. And he was found in the halls just outside the morgue which scared some of the staff half to death. Following that incident, he remained in a coma for half a year. What he hasn't figured out yet since reviving though is that he has become something of a fledgling to a species or some such thing that had previously been unheard of. He  was something that could travel between worlds using mirrors to get from place to place. But he doesn't know he can do this quite yet. He is still seeking the truth of what he is.
Along the way he will have to meet the Master who will train him how to use his newly awakened gifts. Some of the fledgling travelers often are in a class of others like them, taught by those that already do travel between the worlds, and others are only paired one to one, one fledgling, and one traveler.  Silas has not found out anything yet to begin his new life.  His teacher hasn't found him yet. This verse take place in a small town just outside of London.
Ed Edd N Eddy AU
In this verse, Silas takes on the role of The Sock Head.
Medieval AU
Abandoned a a child, he was found by a woman who was very kind and loved gardening and flowers. When he was ten the woman became ill and eventually died. After this Silas took up learning to be a herbalist and soon was viewed as strange by the rest of those in his village.  Who thought that herbalists were more for women, then a man.  Which he had originally planned on being a soldier until his adoptive mother died, afterword changing his mind to become the village Herbalist.  He has scars over his body. It is also said that his biologic family still live in the village he has called home.
Trapped AU
Waking up in a room, Silas finds the door out to be locked. Along with this, he finds a note that tells him he has been signed up for a little ' game' by his captor.  Along with being held captive and having to play the game to survive, something lurks in waiting , that he must keep away from.  Silas learns that he is not alone in the home and that there are others in the house that he can either have alliances with, or not, in order to get out. But it is warned that he might have to break alliances  to complete some games.  To start the game, he has to ask the shadow to free him from the room. Or stay in it to die. Once Silas is free he manages to escape the shadow and make it through several of the games. Another problem he, and the other participants face is, they are on a timed schedule.  What Silas cannot seem to remember about the strange building he is in, is that at least three of the other people playing the game are his friends.
Gang AU
Part of a Mafia Family, Silas doesn't talk much of his life before joining. At some point he is several injured and found by others in his gang. This leads to his waking up weeks later not knowing how to use his powers. But since then he has slowly begun to learn how to use them again.
Marvel AU
Silas in this verse is a inventor who works down in a lab  creating stuff for certain teams in the department he works for. In this world, the X-men have apparently died away, except for the son of Wolverine, it would seem.  This sole survivor recreated the group up once more.  There is now a new school that the mutant children are said to go to. Silas has though visited the school on several occasions. During one of these visits there were rumors going around about a new foe of the x-men who apparently is the son of another x-men, though this time one of the villains.  With this information, it appears that this x-man has formed a group of rebels that appear to not be getting along very well with the new school.
Mutant AU: Powers
Flame Thrower
Enhanced Sex Appeal
Ice Manipulation
Shape Shifter AU
For hundreds of year a war was raging between two groups of creatures. Not any of those ones you'd think of, no this war was between shapeshifters and telapaths. Both these races are strong.  Silas is a shapeshifter in this war.  
Ninja AU
He is the son of Naruto and Hinata, but after his birth he was kidnapped and eventually raised by a group of people.  By these people, he is raised as a warrior of sorts and he has never wondered who his real parents are. As he believes those who had him kidnapped are his real family and that he will not question it. As for if he is good or bad, it is unknown. Over the years he has eventually left his family to begin his own personal journey. But he is a jinchuuriki it would seem or that he at least has certain powerups from his fathers.
Werewolf AU
In this verse Silas is a werewolf who usually is found with a girl who he has become friends with and that he would do anything to protect.  One could even say he was in love with this girl. But that would go against his leaders laws. If it was to be found out that he, or any others in his pack were to have fallen in love with a human, they would be killed as the penalty.
Space Pirate AU
In 2800s Silas is one of the people living on several planets in a galaxy that is about to be hit with a devastating explosion.  The human race was almost wiped out before this with the destruction of their own planet, earth, some time before hand. Silas now lives in a world without earth and in a system that is now being threaten with a more devastating problem. As part of  a group from the three major planets are going to set out to find a new world to settle on.  But not only that, they also must try and find out a way to prevent the disaster that is coming from the surrounding planets.  Silas was accepted onto the ship at such a young age because he is quite intelligent and has made a name for himself through his inventions and other acts.
Harvest Moon AU
At a young age Silas was orphaned by his wealthy parents when they died when he was only a toddler. After this tragedy he grew up somewhat spoiled and becomes well known with in the village. But in reality he's not as bad as he likes to portray himself and some of his closest friends have realized this.
Pokemorph AU
In this verse Silas is a human Numel. This all began when Silas started his journey to become a pokemon trainer. On the way he ran across a Numel that was apparently experimented on along with other pokemon in a lab somewhere.  It stared the young trainer down before suddenly attacking him. After waking up from the attack, Silas found that he had certain traits that were now like the Numels, even had personal body attachments as the numel had.  But that wasn't all, he also gained the numels powers.
Chinese Zodiac AU (The Horse)
Silas was born into a family that seems to be cursed. Once the person was hugged, usually by the opposite gender, they turn into the animal of which they were born to. Silas was born to the horse.  But other reasons for them to transform is if they encounter their weakness. In this family they have grown apart due to their strange little affliction, leading some members to hate others.
Pirate Hunter AU
In this verse, Silas is not a Pirate, but a pirate hunter.
Forgotten Realm AU
In this verse, Silas is a creature of unknown, that was raised by a man that taught him to hate the world of which he and his kind were kept from. The year in which these events take place is 1550.  When Silas comes to the world where his kind are believed to be forgotten, he arrives near a kingdom on the countryside near mountains.  
Doll AU
Living many years ago, Silas was born in a village that when he was about fourteen, was wiped out by a mysterious disease. He as well as the rest of those in the village had died of the disease. Sometime many years after this Silas awoke once more. But with this he quickly discovered that he was transformed into a doll.  But sometime after this, he was shipped away and eventually lost, once more for some time.  Years again pass and he remained unfound, getting buried in the earth as time crept by. Then, one day he was dug up. With the imprint of his postage stamp still intact, enough to make out at least. He was delivered to his original destination.  Which was to a home of someone who had not expected the doll.  The person he was delivered to would be his Medium.
Vampire AU
Silas is an unusual vampire, it seems. Most vampires have noticed this as well.  In this world it would appear that most humans, if not all, have been wiped out. This has left the vampires to rule the earth. The year this is taking place is 3009AD. Silas at some point got a rather strange infection that developed into a rather odd vampiric disease that has made him have episodes of weakness that most other vampires have tried to take advantage of.  But  Silas' main problem, as well as with the rest of the vampires, is finding something to feed off of.
Over the years it would seem that most vampires took to drinking of their own kind these last few years.  It is said that the first of these new breed of vampires are  ones created by scientists in a lab. Their bites are capable of turning their victims into one of them.  But not all those who drink of other vampires are mad and infectious. Some of them willing allow other vampires to drink from them, or the rarely spotted random animal that might cross your path.
Lost/Jurassic World/Park AU
Hunger Games AU
Saw AU
Harry Potter AU
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